Calendar & Curriculum for MBBS 2022-23 Batch

Academic Calendar _ Curriculum for MBBS 2022-23 Batch

Academic Calendar & Curriculum for MBBS 2022-23 Batch

December 12, 2022

The Academic Cell of the Undergraduate Medical Education Board (UGMEB) has released an updated phase-wise academic calendar and curriculum for the 2022–2023 session of MBBS. All the Deans/Principals of medical colleges and registrars/vice chancellors of concerned institutions may put the same into practice for the MBBS batch accepted during the academic session 2022–2023.

Academic Calendar for Phase-I of MBBS

DATE 15th Nov 2022 – 15th Dec 2023
TIME ALLOTTED 13 Months (Approx.. 57 weeks)
TIME AVAILABLE Approx. 42 Weeks (Excluding 15 weeks)

(10 Weeks for Prelim/University Exam & Results + 3 Weeks for Vacation + 2 Weeks for Public Holidays)


Time available in hours: 42 weeks x 39 hrs = 1638 hrs available hours for Teaching Learning


Academic Calendar for Phase II of MBBS

DATE 16th Dec 2023 – 15th Jan 2025
TIME ALLOTTED 13 Months (Approx. 57 Weeks)
TIME AVAILABLE Approx. 42 Weeks (Excluding 15 Weeks)

(10 Weeks for Prelim/University Exam & Results + 3 weeks for Vacation + 2 Weeks for Public Holidays)


Time available in hours: 39 hrs/week = 1638 hrs


Academic Calendar for Phase-III of MBBS

DATE 16th Jan 2025 – 30th Nov 2025
TIME ALLOTTED 10.5 Months (Approx. 46 Weeks)
TIME AVAILABLE Approx. 35 Weeks (Excluding 11 Weeks)

(6 Weeks for Prelim/University Exam & Results + 3 weeks for Vacation + 2 Weeks for Public Holidays)


Time available in hours: 39 hrs/week = 35 x 39 = 1365 hrs


Academic Calendar for Phase-IV of MBBS

DATE 1st Dec 2025 – 15th May 2027
TIME ALLOTTED 17.5 Months (Approx. 78 Weeks)
TIME AVAILABLE Approx. 57 Weeks (Excluding 21 Weeks)

(16 Weeks for Prelim/University Exam & Results + 3 weeks for Vacation + 2 Weeks for Public Holidays)


Time available in hours: 39 hrs/week = 57 x 39 = 2223 hrs


Total Time in Hours: 6864

Clinical Postings: 132 Weeks

Total: 176 Weeks


Block: 1 of 15 days may be offered in Final MBBS Part 1

Subjects: Anatomy/Physiology/Biochemistry/Pathology/Blood Banking/Microbiology/Pharmacology/Forensic Medicine & Toxicology.

Block: 2 of 15 days may be offered in Final MBBS Part 2

Subjects: Gen. Medicine and allied, Gen. Surgery and allied

Key Changes from GMER 2019:

The following changes have been proposed to ensure easy rotation in postings, and minimize headcount in each posting. This will also provide increased hours and shift postings to the final year in some allied subjects based on feedback from faculty from these departments.

  1. Dermatology, Radiology, Psychiatry, Anesthesiology, and Respiratory Medicine Theory sessions have been shifted to the final phase.
  2. Otorhinolaryngology & Ophthalmology theory sessions have been reduced while the remaining sessions have been shifted to the final phase.
  3. Clinical postings of Otorhinolaryngology and Ophthalmology have been shifted from Phase II to Phase III Part I and Part II.
  4. Updated elements of the Pandemic Module and Family Adoption Programme in Community Medicine have been included.
  5. There will be no postings during electives.
  6. Clinical postings have been rescheduled to promote learning and assist students in adjusting to the implementation of the common national exit test.
  7. No supplementary batches and supplementary exams are to be conducted by the end of one month of results of regular exams. Results will be declared within a fortnight of the last exam.

Timetable – Curriculum 1st Year MBBS – Phase I

Subject Lectures Small Group Teaching/Tutorials/Integrated Learning/Practical


Self-directed Learning (Hours) Total
Foundation Course 39
Human Anatomy 220 410 20 650
Physiology (Including Molecular Biology) 138 308 15 461
Biochemistry 80 150 15 245
Early Clinical Exposure (Hours to be divided equally into all 3 subjects.) 60 0 60
Community Medicine (+ Family Adoption Program) 20 20 (+27) = 47 67 (40+27)
AETCOM (This module shall be a longitudinal program)


26 26
Sports and extracurricular activities 10
Formative Assessment and Term Examinations 80
Total 518 941 50 1638*

*Includes hours for Foundation course + Sports & ECA + FA & Term Exams.

Timetable – Curriculum: II MBBS, Phase II

Subject Lectures Small Group Teaching (Tutorials/Seminars)/Integrated Learning


Clinical Postings (Hours)* Self-directed Learning (Hours) Total
Pathology 80 158 17 255
Pharmacology 80 158 17 255
Microbiology 70 140 10 220
Community Medicine (+ Family Adoption Program) 20 023 (27) 10 80 (43+10+27)
Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 15 28 5 48
Clinical Subjects 75** 585*** 660
Attitude, Ethics & Communication Module (AETCOM) 29 8 37
Sports and extracurricular activities 20 20
Pandemic Module 28
Total 340 612 1603
Surplus Hours 35
Final Total 340 536 612 87 1638##

Surplus hours can be given to FAP/second-year subjects needing more teaching hours, skill lab training/artificial intelligence, and information technology in pre-clinical and para-clinical subjects.

## Includes 28 hrs of Pandemic module and 35 hrs of Surplus.

Timetable – Curriculum: III MBBS, Part 1/Phase I

Subject Teaching Hours Tutorials/Seminars)/Integrated Teaching


Self-directed Learning (Hours) Total
Electives 78
Gen. Medicine 25 35 5 65
Gen. Surgery 25 35 5 65
Obstetrics and Gynecology 25 35 5 65
Pediatrics 20 30 5 55
Orthopaedics + Physical Med. & Rehab 15 20 5 40
Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 25 45 5 75
Community Medicine + FAP 40 60 + 27 5 132
Otorhinolaryngology 15 21 5 41
Ophthalmology 20 20 3 43
Clinical Postings* 600
Attitude, Ethics & Communication Module (AETCOM) 0 19 6 25
Pandemic Module 12 12
Total 222 347 49 1296
Surplus 69
Final Total 1365**

**Includes hours for Electives + Clinical Postings + Surplus

Timetable – Curriculum: III MBBS, Part 2/Phase IV

Subject Teaching Hours Tutorials/Seminars)/Integrated Teaching


Self-directed Learning (Hours) Total


General Medicine 70 125 15 210
Gen. Surgery 70 125 15 210
Obstetrics and Gynecology 70 125 15 210
Pediatrics 20 35 10 65
Orthopaedics + PMR 20 25 5 50
Clinical Postings 795
Attitude, Ethics & Communication Module (AETCOM)*** 28 16 44
Dermatology 20 5 5 30
Psychiatry 25 10 5 40
Respiratory Medicine 10 8 2 20
Otorhinolaryngology 10 26 5 41
Ophthalmology 10 28 5 43
Radiodiagnosis and Radiotherapy 10 8 2 20
Anesthesiology 8 10 2 20
Pandemic Module 28 28
Electives 78
Total 399 530 102 1904
Surplus 319
Total 2223**

** Includes hours for Elective + Clinical postings + Surplus

Clinical posting re-scheduling:

  • Each week, at least 3 hours of clinical teaching must be set aside for training in clinical and procedural skill labs. Depending on the practicalities of the institution, hours could be distributed every week or as a block in each posting.
  • 15 hours a week may be assigned to the clinical postings (3 hrs per day from Monday to Friday).

Clinical Posting Schedules in Weeks

Subject Period of Training in Weeks Total Weeks
Electives 2 2 04
Gen. Medicine 8 4 8 20
Gen. Surgery 8 4 8 20
Obstetrics and Gynecology 8 4 8 20
Pediatrics 4 4 4 12
Community Medicine 4 4 0 08
Orthopaedics/PMR/Trauma 2 2 4 08
Otorhinolaryngology 0 4 4 08
Ophthalmology 0 4 4 08
Respiratory Medicine 0 2 2 04
Psychiatry 1 1 2 04
Radio-diagnosis 0 1 1 02
Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy 2 2 2 06
Dentistry 2 0 0 02
Anaesthesiology 2 (O.T.) 2 (ICU) 04
Casualty/Emergency Med. 2 02
Total 39 40 53 132

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