Course features
Video Lecture: 119 hrs
Self-Assessment Questions: 2600+ Qs
Notes: 124 Topics
About this course
Medicine for UnderGrads has been developed and mentored by Dr. Archith Boloor, who is one of the most eminent teachers in the field of medicine. His books ‘Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates: Medicine’ & ‘An Insider’s Guide to Clinical Medicine’ have already created an indispensable place on the shelves of most medical undergraduates, because of his unique way of simplifying concepts. He has incorporated the same approach in the lectures as well.
The recent changes in the CBME curriculum have placed focus on integrating all subjects along with strengthening the procedural skills of the students. Case-based learning has been given paramount importance in CBME and even the question pattern to be asked in the exams is casebased. This unique approach to studying the subject has been well-integrated into the lectures.
This course will help the students in building their concepts in:
- Reviewing the medical history
- Performing clinical examination
- Understand the management plan for various diseases
The theoretical concepts pertinent to various conditions are presented system-wise/specialty wise along with relevant case discussions in order to reinforce the learning objectives of this course. As case taking and clinical examination form the basis of the practice of medicine, a specific section has been dedicated to the discussion of the basics of system-wise examination. This will prepare the students for clinical settings. Case sheet formats and diagnosis formats are explained with examples to ease the process for the students. The basics of ECG and X-rays have been thoroughly explained with case discussions and identification points for various pathologies that can be assessed with these investigations.
The lectures will help to imprint high-yield topics by understanding them at their core, preparing the students for NEET, USMLE, PLAB or any post-graduate exam.
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Medicine for UnderGrads has been developed and mentored by Dr. Archith Boloor, who is one of the most eminent teachers in the field of medicine. His books ‘Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates: Medicine’ & ‘An Insider’s Guide to Clinical Medicine’ have already created an indispensable place on the shelves of most medical undergraduates, because of his unique way of simplifying concepts. He has incorporated the same approach in the lectures as well.
The recent changes in the CBME curriculum have placed focus on integrating all subjects along with strengthening the procedural skills of the students. Case-based learning has been given paramount importance in CBME and even the question pattern to be asked in the exams is casebased. This unique approach to studying the subject has been well-integrated into the lectures.
This course will help the students in building their concepts in:
- Reviewing the medical history
- Performing clinical examination
- Understand the management plan for various diseases
The theoretical concepts pertinent to various conditions are presented system-wise/specialty wise along with relevant case discussions in order to reinforce the learning objectives of this course. As case taking and clinical examination form the basis of the practice of medicine, a specific section has been dedicated to the discussion of the basics of system-wise examination. This will prepare the students for clinical settings. Case sheet formats and diagnosis formats are explained with examples to ease the process for the students. The basics of ECG and X-rays have been thoroughly explained with case discussions and identification points for various pathologies that can be assessed with these investigations.
The lectures will help to imprint high-yield topics by understanding them at their core, preparing the students for NEET, USMLE, PLAB or any post-graduate exam.
For Institutional pricing, please contact us at
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Orientation to Medicine
Vital signs : Pulse, Blood pressure & Respiratory rate
Vital signs : Temperature & Pain
Pallor, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Clubbing & Oedema
Vital signs: Pulse, Blood pressure & Respiratory rate
Vital signs: Temperature & Pain
Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis
Treatment of Tuberculosis
Chemoprophylaxis, BCG vaccination, Mantoux test & TB in HIV patients
Mycobacterium Leprosy & Non Tuberculosis Mycobacterium
Diseases Caused by Mycobacteria
Pyrexia of Unknown Origin
Acute Febrile Illness- (Dengue, Typhoid, Typhus)
HIV : Structure, Transmission, Pathogenesis, Clinical Features & Stages
HIV : Diagnosis & Management
HIV : Opportunistic Infections
Respiratory System : Symptomatology
Respiratory System : Inspection, Palpation, & Percussion
Respiratory System : Auscultation, Breath sounds & Respiratory Diagnosis
Respiratory System: Symptomatology
Respiratory System: Inspection, Palpation, & Percussion
Respiratory System: Auscultation, Breath sounds & Respiratory Diagnosis
Bronchial Asthma
Interstitial Lung Disease
Pleural Effusion
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
CVS Examination : Cardinal Symptoms
CVS Examination : Inspection, Palpation & Percussion
CVS Examination : Auscultation & Diagnosis
CVS Examination
Arrhythmias-Atrial Fibrillation
Heart Failure
Acute Rheumatic Fever
Infective Endocarditis
Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Cardiomyopathy
Pulmonary Embolism & DVT
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Rheumatology Examination
Crystal Arthropathies
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Anemia : Introduction & Classification
Anemia : Iron Deficiency Anemia
Coagulation Disorders : Hemophilia
Coagulation Disorders : DIC
Coagulation Disorders
Disorders of Platelets
Macrocytic Anemia
Envenomation/ Snake Bite
Insecticide Poisoning
GIT Clinical Discussion: General examination & other abnormalities
GIT Clinical Discussion: Symptomatology
GIT Clinical Discussion
Peptic Ulcer Disease
Malabsorption Syndrome
Git Case Discussion : Cirrhosis of Liver
Git Case Discussion : Portal Hypertension and GI Bleed
Git Case Discussion : Ascites, Hepatic Encephalopathy
Git Case Discussion
Approach to Jaundice
Drug Induced Liver Injury
Wilson's Disease
Acute Pancreatitis
Endocrine Introduction
Pituitary Tumor- Acromegaly
Posterior-Pituitary-Disorders Diabetes Insipidus SIADH
Adrenal Disorders- Cushing Syndrome
Addison’s Disease
Short Stature
Calcium Metabolism
Diabetes : Definition, Classification, Aetiopathogenesis & Diagnostic criteria
Diabetes : Oral hypoglycemic agents & Insulin
Diabetes : Acute Complications
Diabetes : Chronic Complications
Vitamin B Complex and C
Cranial Nerve Examination - I & II
Cranial Nerve Examination - III, IV & VI
Cranial Nerve Examination - V, VII & VIII
Cranial Nerve Examination - IX, X, XI & XII
Cranial Nerve Examination
Motor System
Sensory System
Cerebellum and Co-Ordination
Approach to a Patient with Peripheral Neuropathy
Approach to Spinal Cord Disease
Cerebrovascular Accident : Stroke
Cerebrovascular Accident : Hemiplegia, Anterior Circulation Stroke Syndrome
Cerebrovascular Accident : Posterior Circulation Stroke Syndrome
Cerebrovascular Accident : Diagnosis & Management
Cerebrovascular Accident
Neuromuscular Junction Disorders and Muscle disorders
Neuromuscular junction disorders and muscle disorders
Motor Neuron Disease
Higher Mental Functions
Higher mental functions
Immunology- Introduction
Hypersensitivity Reactions
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Systemic Lupus Erythematosis
Geriatrics : Gerontology, Biology of aging & Comprehensive geriatrics assessment
Geriatrics : Geriatric Giants & Common Clinical Problems of Aging
Geriatrics : Other Geriatrics Giants & Management of Polypharmacy, Pressure Sore
Nephritic Syndrome/ Nephrotic Syndrome
Acute Kidney Injury
Tubulointerstitial Disease
Renal Replacement Therapy
Hyponatremia and Hypernatremia
Medical Emergencies
ECG : Conduction system of heart- Basic Physiology
ECG : Introduction
ECG : Rate, Rhythm, Axis
ECG : Waves, Interval, Segments
ECG : Rhythm Recognition
ECG: Ischemic Heart Disease
ECG : Dyselectrolytemia
ECG : Ischemic Heart Disease
X Ray: Reading the Chest Radiograph - Approach & Technical aspects
X Ray: Reading the Chest Radiograph - Normal & Abnormal Lung
X Ray : Cardiac Mediastinum and Others
X Ray
QBank - I
QBank - II
QBank - III
Nutrition and Environmental Medicine
Diabetes Mellitus
Infectious Diseases
HIV Infection and AIDS
Respiratory System
Rheumatology and Connective Tissue Disorder
Hepatobillary System
Fluid & Electrolytes Disturbances
Dermatology, Venerology and Leprosy
Clinical Pharmacology
Emergencies in Medical Practice