Course features
Video Lecture: 91
Self-Assessment Questions: 2500+ Qs
Notes: 104 topics
About this course
Birth Rate & Maternal Mortality
Perinatal Mortality, Morbidity, Causes Prevention & Audit
Development of Female Genital System
Anatomy of Female Genital System
Menstruation and Ovulation
Gametogenesis, Fertilization and Implantation
Anatomy and Physiology of Placenta
Basic Embryology of Fetus, Fetal growth and Development, Teratogenicity
Amniotic Fluid and its Abnormalities
Preconception Care
Diagnosis of Pregnancy
Physiological Changes in Pregnancy
Obstetric History Taking and High risk Pregnancy
Obstetric Examination
Antenatal care: Importance of Antenatal Care, High risk of identification
Antenatal care: Antenatal care schedule from 2nd Visit onwards, Components of Antenatal Care
Antenatal care
Monitoring for fetal well being-Ante and Intrapartum
Antepartum Fetal Surveillance
Pelvic Assessment
Nutrition in Pregnancy- Assessment and Counseling
Nutrition in Pregnancy- Assessment and Counselling
USG in Obstetrics
Etiology and Management of Different Types of Abortion
Etiology & Management of Different Types of Abortion
Pain Abdomen in Pregnancy & Ectopic Pregnancy
Molar Pregnancy
Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy & Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Abruptio Placenta
Placenta Previa: APH & its causes, Classification, Clinical features and differential diagnosis, Complications
Placenta Previa: Management, Placenta accreta syndromes
Placenta Previa
Multifetal Pregnancy
Fetal Growth Restriction
Anemia in Pregnancy: Definition, Classification, Effects of Anemia in Pregnancy, Complications & their Management
Anemia in Pregnancy: Other nutritional anemias, Hemolytic anemias, Management
Anemia in Pregnancy
Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy: Spectrum of hypertensive disorders, Pathogenesis of Pre-eclampsia
Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy: Management of HDP, Complications of HDP, Eclampsia and its Management
Diabetes in Pregnancy
HIV in Pregnancy
Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy: Pre-conceptional Counseling in women with cardiac diseases, Risk assessment by history and examination
Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy: Intra natal and Post natal care: Pregnancy with cardiac disease, Special Situations
Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy
Liver Disorders in Pregnancy
Rh Isoimmunization
COVID-19 in Pregnancy
Stages and Events in Labor
Mechanism of Labor
Pelvis and Fetal Skull
Conduct of Labor: Clinical course of Labor, Conduct of Labor
Conduct of Labor: Partograph interpretation, The clinical course of Labor 2nd stage, Conduct of Labor
Conduct of Labor
Preterm Labor
Prelabor Rupture of Membranes (PROM)
Post-term Pregnancy
Induction of Labor
Classification Diagnosis and Management of Abnormal Labor
Classification, Diagnosis & Management of Abnormal Labor
Labor Dystocia Due To Passage: Pelvic architecture. Problems with the passage, Assessment contracted pelvis, Complications
Labor Dystocia Due To Passage: Cephalopelvic disproportion, CPD, Management of CPD
Labor Dystocia Due To Passage
Obstructed Labor and Ruptured Uterus
Assisted Breech delivery
Assisted Breech Delivery
PPH: Prediction of PPH, Prevention of PPH & the Risk factors
PPH: Management options for atonic PPH, Medical management, Surgical management methods
Blood Transfusion in Obstetrics by Dr. K. Srinivas
Blood Transfusion in Obstetrics
Inversion of the Uterus
Cervical Cerclage
Cesarean Delivery
Operative Vaginal Delivery-Forceps and Vacuum
External Cephalic Version
Physiology of Puerperium
Puerperium-Complications, Diagnosis and Management: Definition
Puerperium-Complications, Diagnosis and Management: Breast Complications
Puerperium-Complications, Diagnosis and Management
Physiology of Lactation
Postpartum Contraception
IUCD—Copper-T Insertion
Birth Asphyxia
Neonatal Resuscitation
MTP- T1 and T2- Complications
Legal Aspects of MTP Act and PC-PNDT Act
Manual Vacuum Aspiration
Introduction to Contraception
Natural Methods of Contraception
Hormonal Contraception
Barrier Methods of Contraception
Male and Female Sterilization
Contraception in Special Groups
Emergency Contraception
Normal and Abnormal Vaginal Discharge
Sexually Transmitted disease
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Genital Tuberculosis
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Physiology of Puberty and its Problems
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
Postmenopausal Bleeding
Genital Prolapse: Terminologies used, Supports of the Urogenital System, Genital Prolapse and its Classification, Etiology
Genital Prolapse: Symptoms & Signs of Prolapse, Complications, Management in Different age groups
Genital Prolapse
Endometriosis and Adenomyosis
Genital Fistulae
Evaluation of Infertility
Tubal Patency and Restoration
Ovulation Induction
Assisted Reproductive Techniques
Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
Menopause and HRT
Primary Amenorrhea
Secondary Amenorrhea
Screening for Ca Cervix
Precancerous Lesions of the Cervix: Evolution of Cervical changes from Precancer to Cancer, Screening methods
Precancerous Lesions of the Cervix: Management options for precancerous lesions, Follow up
Precancerous Lesions of the Cervix
Ca Ovary: Varieties of Ovarian tumors & their classification, Tumorigenesis, Etiology, Presentation, Management
Ca Ovary: Clinical features, Diagnosis, Imaging Modalities, Algorithms for Diagnosis, Tumor markers and their importance
Ca Ovary: Staging of Ovarian Cancer, Treatment Modalities, Staging Laparotomy, Chemotherapy, Prognosis
Ca Ovary
Ca Cervix: Risk factors, Signs & Symptoms, Staging
Ca Cervix: Management Options, Management decision making, Prevention
Ca Cervix
Postmenopausal Bleeding & Endometrial Cancer
Minor Gynec Procedures
Preoperative and Postoperative Management
Myomectomy, Fothergill’s operation and Staging Laparotomy
Anatomy of Female Reproductive Organs
Fundamentals of Reproduction
Placenta and Fetal Membranes
The Fetus
Physiological Changes during Pregnancy
Endocrinology in Relation to Reproduction
Diagnosis of Pregnancy
Fetus in Utero
Fetal Skull and Maternal Pelvis
Antenatal Care, Preconceptional Counseling and Care
Prenatal Genetic Counseling, Screening and Diagnosis, Antenatal Assessment of Fetal Wellbeing
Normal Labor
Normal Puerperium
Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy
Hemorrhage in Early Pregnancy
Multiple Pregnancy
Amniotic Fluid Disorders
Abnormalities of Placenta and Cord
Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy
Antepartum Hemorrhage
Medical and Surgical Illnesses Complicating Pregnancy
Gynecological Disorders in Pregnancy
Preterm Labor and Birth, PROM, Prolonged Pregnancy,IUD
Complicated Pregnancy
Contracted Pelvis
Complicated Labor: Malposition, Malpresentation and Cord Prolapse
Prolonged Labor, Obstructed Labor, Dystocia Caused by Fetal Anomalies
Complications of the Third Stage of Labor
Injuries to the Birth Canal
Abnormalities of the Puerperium
Pharmacotherapeutics in Obstetrics
Induction of Labor
Operative Obstetrics
Safe Motherhood, Epidemiology of Obstetrics
Imaging in Obstetrics
Complicated Labor-Malposition Malpresentation and Cord Prolapse
Preterm Labor and Birth PROM Prolonged PregnancyIUD
Prolonged Labor Obstructed Labour Dystocia Caused by Fetal Anomalies
Development of Genital Organs and Gonads
Congenital Malformation of Female Genital Organs
Puberty—Normal and Abnormal
Neuroendocrinology in Relation to Reproduction
Imaging Techniques, Other Diagnostic Procedures and Laser in Gynecology
Pelvic Infection
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Infections of the Individual Pelvic Organ
Dysmenorrhea and Other Disorders of Menstrual Cycles
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
Displacement of the Uterus
Benign Lesions of the Vulva and Vagina
Benign Lesions of the Cervix
Benign Lesions of the Uterus
Benign Neoplasms of the Ovary
Endometriosis and Adenomyosis
Premalignant Lesions
Genital Malignancy
Urinary Problems in Gynecology
Genitourinary Fistula
Genital Tract Injuries and Anorectal Dysfunctions
Disorders of Sexual Development
Radiation Therapy, Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy and Gene Therapy in Gynecology
Hormones in Gynecological Practice
Gynecological Problems from Birth to Adolescence
Miscellaneous topics
Operative Gynecology
Endoscopic Surgery in Gynecology