The main objectives of teaching biochemistry to undergraduate students are to help them comprehend the molecular foundation of life processes and to guide them toward using their newly learned knowledge to solve clinical issues. Biochemistry is among the pre-clinical subjects included in the first year of the MBBS curriculum. The subject is important in medical sciences as it provides a foundation for understanding the cellular and molecular basis of various physiological processes and disease mechanisms. The study of Biochemistry helps us understand cellular and molecular processes, the basis for molecular biology and genetics, enzyme and their metabolic pathway, drug development, and pharmacology, clinical diagnostics, Immunology and vaccine development, personalized medicine, nutritional sciences, and understanding the latest advancements.

It lays a groundwork for other medical disciplines and is integral to understanding the basis of health and diseases. Biochemistry subject holds great significance as it is a central science that connects various disciplines, providing valuable insights into molecular and chemical processes. It provides valuable insights into the molecular and chemical processes that govern life, making it an indispensable subject in modern scientific research ad application.

MBBS Prof Exam Pattern

From the 2019 batch onwards, the Biochemistry prof exam comprises two theory papers of 100 marks each and a practical examination of 100 marks. The theory exam consists of short answer questions, long answer questions, and application and case-based questions. The practical examination includes practical/clinical and viva.

Recommended books for Biochemistry include U. Satyanarayana & U. Chakrapani’s Biochemistry, Self-Assessment and Review of Biochemistry, Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry, and Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry.

Subject Weightage in NEET-PG and INI-CET

The Biochemistry subject in NEET-PG carries a weightage of about 10-15 questions whereas the INI-CET exam carries a weightage of around 10 questions. The ideal way of preparing for the NEET-PG and other competitive examinations is to plan a preparation strategy that balances between low and high-weightage modules and subjects.

Important and High-yielding Topics of Biochemistry for MBBS Prof Exams, NEET-PG, and INI-CET Entrance Examination




Effect of pH on enzyme

Markers enzymes and their significance

Allosteric enzymes


Ubiquitin proteasome pathway

Chemistry and Metabolism of Carbohydrates


Isomerism in carbohydrates

Glycogen and Glycogen Storage Diseases

RL Shunt

ETC Uncouplers

Oral glucose tolerance test

Chemistry and Metabolism of Lipids


Mechanism of action of steroid hormone


Sphingolipids and Diseases

Beta oxidation of fatty acids

Biosynthesis of adrenal corticosteroids

Chemistry and Metabolism of Proteins

Protein structure

Oxygen saturation curve of Hb

Protein biosynthesis and inhibitors in Prokaryotes

Metabolism of Tyrosine & Tryptophan

Amino acid classification

Purine synthesis inhibitors

Urea cycle

Metabolism and Homeostasis

Biochemical significance of Vit. K

Acute intermittent porphyria

Lesch Nyhan syndrome


Molecular Biology

Recombinant DNA Technology

DNA fingerprinting

Genetic Code

DNA: Structure & Replication

DNA Damage & Repair Mechanism

Transcription and Translation

PCR types and applications

Gene regulation

Lac operon model

Types of RNA

Epigenetics & Genomic Imprinting

Marfan’s syndrome

Sickle cell anemia


Protein-energy malnutrition

Extracellular Matrix

Protein Targeting

Oncogenesis and Immunity

Tumor marker

Methotrexate drug

Oncogenes and protooncogenes

Onco-suppressor genes

Use of stem cells in medicine

Function Tests

Liver function tests

Kidney function tests

Thyroid function tests

Biochemical Laboratory Tests

Protein electrophoresis


Southern blotting technique

Miscellaneous Topics


Diabetes Mellitus


Cytochrome p450

Ketone bodies

Chemiosmotic theory of ATP generation

Ammonia Toxicity



Cell cycle regulation

Hybridoma technology

Fuel for body in fed, fasting & starvation

Types of vaccines

Type IV sensitivity

Glycemic index

Iron absorption and regulation

Hypersensitivity and types

Molecular basis of antibody diversity

Cell-mediated immune response

Hormone action

Biochemical basis of HIV


Other Important Topics of Biochemistry for MBBS Prof Exams

Briefly Discuss:

  • Role of glutathione in xenobiotics metabolism
  • Role of myoglobin in the body
  • Role of creatine in muscle
  • Phase 1 and Phase 2 reactions in Biotransformation
  • Inborn errors of aromatic acid metabolism
  • Diabetes and early cataract
  • Cholesterol biosynthesis and regulation
  • Role of vitamin D in calcium homeostasis
  • Transamination and oxidative deamination
  • Carboxylation and oxidative decarboxylation
  • Biochemical changes during starvation
  • Significance of pentose phosphate pathway
  • Role of selenium in the human system
  • Mechanism of action of peptide hormone
  • Purine catabolism and disease in the pathway
  • Role of vitamin D in calcium homeostasis
  • Role of clearance test in the diagnosis
  • Function of MHC protein 1 and 2 and role in organ transplant
  • Competitive and Non-competitive enzyme inhibition


  • DNA Structure
  • Protein Structure
  • Haemoglobin and O2 dissociation curve
  • Collagen structure
  • Fluid mosaic model
  • PCR flowchart and applications
  • Structure of immunoglobin

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1. What are the important topics of Biochemistry in MBBS?

Ans. The important topics for Biochemistry include DNA Structure, Gene regulation, Lac operon model, Types of RNA, Gluconeogenesis, Isomerism in carbohydrates, Lesch Nyhan syndrome, Glycogen and Glycogen Storage Diseases, Immunoglobins, Lipoproteins, Sphingolipids and Diseases, Protein-energy malnutrition, Protein Targeting, Collagen structure, Beta oxidation of fatty acids, Markers enzymes and their significance, Allosteric enzymes, Onco-suppressor genes, Liver function tests, Kidney function tests, Amino acid classification

Purine synthesis inhibitors, Thyroid function tests, and more.

Q2. Is Biochemistry subject important subject for NEET-PG?

Ans. Yes, every MBBS subject holds its significance in the NEET-PG exam. The Biochemistry subject in NEET-PG carries a weightage of about 10-15 questions.

Q3. Which are the recommended books of Biochemistry for MBBS students?

Ans. The recommended books for Biochemistry include U. Satyanarayana & U. Chakrapani’s Biochemistry, Self-Assessment and Review of Biochemistry, Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry, and Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry.

Q4. What are the core topics of Biochemistry in MBBS?

Ans. The core topics of Biochemistry includes Enzymes, Function tests, Chemistry and Metabolism of Carbohydrates, Lipids, & Proteins, Nucleotides and Nucleosides, Biochemical Pathway, Molecular Biology, Oncology, Immunity, Nutrition, and Metabolism.

Q5. Is Biochemistry hard in MBBS?

Ans. Biochemistry is pretty fascinating to read and understand whereas quite a hard subject to learn and memorize however, not all the modules and topics are difficult. The subject if studied in an interdisciplinary and step-by-step manner will make the concepts easy to understand and memorize.

Click here to know the important topics of Anatomy in MBBS.

Click here to know the important topics of Physiology in MBBS.

First-year courses lay the foundation for the path to becoming a doctor. As a result, each medical student should have a firm grasp of these subjects. You must familiarise yourself with the exam pattern and must know topics. The main objective of teaching physiology to undergraduate students is to give them a thorough grasp of the body’s organ systems so they may better comprehend the physiological causes of both health and disease.

MBBS Prof Exam Pattern

The Physiology prof exam comprises two theory papers of 100 marks each and a practical examination of 100 marks. The theory exam consists of short answer questions, long answer questions, and application and case-based questions. The practical examination includes practical/clinical and viva.

Recommended books for Physiology include Textbook of Physiology by A.K. Jain, Principles of Physiology by Debasis Pramanik, Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology (Southeast Edition) by John E. Hall, Michael E. Hall, and Crisp Complete Review of Integrated Systems Physiology by S Krishna Kumar.

Subject Weightage in NEET-PG and INI-CET

The Physiology subject in NEET-PG carries a weightage of about 15 questions whereas the INI-CET exam carries a weightage of around 10 questions. The ideal way of preparing for the NEET-PG and other competitive examinations is to plan a preparation strategy that balances between low and high-weightage modules and subjects.

Important and High-yielding Topics of Physiology for MBBS Prof Exams, NEET-PG, and INI-CET Entrance Examination

General Physiology

  •  Homeostasis
  •  Biofeedback mechanisms
  •  Body fluid compartments
  •  Types of active transport mechanism


  •  Physiological basis of anaemia
  •  Immunity
  •  Rh System – inheritance, Rh incompatibility & blood transfusion
  •  Blood component therapy

Nerve Muscle Physiology

  •  Classification of nerve fibres
  •  Myasthenia gravis
  •  Property of receptor
  •  Property of synapse
  •  Functions of basal ganglia
  •  Power stroke
  •  Sliding filament theory
  •  Nernst Equation Calculation
  •  Muscle contraction mechanism
  •  Motor Units
  •  Sleep
  •  EEG Patterns
  •  RCF Period
  •  Golgi Tendon organs
  •  Sarcomere
  •  DC Recoupling

Respiratory Physiology

  •  Role of Surfactant
  •  Role of Haemoglobin
  •  Hypoxia
  •  Lung volumes & capacities
  •  V/Q ratio
  •  Respiratory center
  •  Decompression sickness symptoms
  •   Effects of lesions
  •  Pulmonary Function
  •  Stewart-Hamilton Law
  •  Exercise Physiology

Cardiovascular Physiology

  •  Generation & conduction of cardiac impulse
  •  Cardiac cycle
  •  Ionic basis of cardiac AP
  •  Cardiac output
  •  Pressure & volume changes during cardiac cycle
  •  PV loop
  •  Hagen-Poiseuille’s law
  •  Reflexes: Brain Bridge
  •  Anaemia

Renal Physiology

  •  Role of kidney in acid – base balance
  •  Clearance
  •   GFR
  •  Micturition denervation
  •   Tubular functions & counter-current
  •   Micturition and bladder types
  •   Juxtaglomerular apparatus
  •   Glucose and water reabsorption
  •  ADF, CSF Flow

Alimentary System

  •  Pancreatic function tests
  •  Composition of juices
  •  GI Hormones
  •  GI motility (MMC, BER)
  •  H2 receptor blocker- pantoprazole
  •  ORS composition
  •  Secretion of HCl in stomach

Endocrine System

  •  Parathyroid hormone
  •  Pancreatic hormones
  •  Physiology of aging
  •  Pituitary (GH) hormones
  •  Thyroid
  •  Insulin

Reproductive Physiology

  •  Menstrual Cycle
  •  Menopause
  •  Physiology of parturition& lactation
  •  Oral contraceptives in females
  •  Action of testosterone in different periods of male life
  •  Contraception in females
  •  Indicators of ovulation

Special Senses

  •  Visual pathway
  •  Eye movement
  •  Visual accommodation
  •  Phototransduction
  • Function of limbic system

Central Nervous System

  • Neurotransmitters
  • Shock
  • Types of Tactile receptor and adaptation phenomenon
  •  Hypothalamus and its functions
  • Types of memory
  •  Ascending tracts
  • Brief functions of cerebellum and Cerebellar disorder

Miscellaneous Topics

  •  Cardio-respiratory changes in exercise
  •  Effects of ‘g’
  •  High and low barometric pressures
  • Clinical features of Parkinson disease
  • Role of hypothalamus in thermal regulation
  • Gate control theory of pain
  • Atherosclerosis in hypothyroidism
  • Muscle weakness in case of hypokalaemia
  • Diabetes
  • Cushing syndrome
  • Referred pain
  • LH surge
  • Decereberate rigidity
  • Addison’s disease
  • Abnormal planter reflex
  • Amenorrhea
  • Graves’ disease
  • Conn’s syndrome
  • Impedance matching
  • Declarative memory
  • Acromegaly
  • Mechanism of colour perception
  • Posture and its regulation
  • Heat intolerance in hyperthyroidism
  • Weber’s test
  • Pathways in perception of pain
  • Length-tension relationship
  • Role of placenta as endocrine organ


Other Important topics for MBBS Prof Exam

Normal Value of:

  • Residual volume
  • Platelet count
  • Serum calcium
  • Serum creatinine
  • Range of cardiac axis
  • Total lung capacity in adult man
  • Ejection fraction
  • Conjugated serum bilirubin
  • Cardiac index
  • Capillary pressure at arteriolar end
  • Compliance of lung and chest wall
  • Diffusion capacity of O2 at rest
  • Pancreatic juice secretion per day
  • Urinary protein secretion
  • Plasma albumin concentration
  • Stroke volume



  • GFR
  • Respiratory Alkalosis
  • Ejection fraction
  • Prothrombin time
  • Landsteiner law
  • Free water clearance
  • Apoptosis
  • Homeostasis
  • Clearance of a substance
  • Cyanosis
  • Diffusion capacity of lungs
  • All or none law
  • Bohr’s effect
  • Cardiac index
  • Gibbs donnan effect
  • Filtration fraction
  • Humoral immunity
  • Purpura
  • Conditioned reflex
  • Amenorrhea
  • Denervation hypersensitivity
  • Apoptosis
  • Visual acuity
  • Spermiogenesis
  • Rigor mortis
  • Adaptation
  • Infertility
  • Doctrine of specific nerve energies
  • Resting length
  • Spatial summation
  • Masking of sound



  • Acquired and innate immunity
  • Juxta medullary nephron and cortical nephrons
  • Pacemaker and ventricular action potential
  • Exocytosis and endocytosis
  • Haemoglobin and myoglobin
  • T and B lymphocytes
  • Facilitated diffusion and Secondary active transport
  • Liver bile and gall bladder bile
  • Pre hepatic and post hepatic jaundice
  • Peripheral and central chemoreceptor
  • Cellular and humoral immunity
  • Primary and secondary active transport
  • Cardiogenic and hypovolemic shock
  • Respiratory alkalosis vs metabolic alkalosis
  • Distributive and hypovolemic shock
  • Hypoxic and anaemic hypoxia
  • Pulmonary and systemic circulation
  • Water and osmotic diuresis
  • Macrocytic and microcytic anaemia
  • Antiport and symport
  • Hypovolemic and anaphylactic shock
  • Pacemaker and cardiac AP
  • Photopic and scotopic vision IMP
  • Presynaptic and post synaptic inhibition IMP
  • Autonomic and sensory nervous system
  • Conductive deafness and sensory neural deafness
  • Action potential and EPSP
  • Single unit and multi-unit smooth muscles
  • Somatic and visceral pain
  • AP in skeletal and cardiac muscle
  • Mechanism of action of IUCD and oral contraceptives
  • Sensorineural and conductive deafness
  • Cerebellar and sensory ataxia
  • Diabetes mellitus and Diabetes insipidus


Short Note:

  • Gall stones
  • Role of chemoreceptor in regulation of respiration
  • Functional residual capacity
  • Migrating motor complex
  • Vesicular transport
  • Non respiratory function of lungs
  • Na reabsorption in pct
  • Respiratory changes during exercise
  • Timed vital capacity
  • Gap junctions
  • Neural regulation of respiration
  • Cardiac output regulation
  • Erythropoietin
  • Chemical control of respiration
  • Regulation of heart rate
  • Decompression sickness
  • Artificial kidney
  • Compliance of respiratory system
  • Tissue fluid formation
  • Water absorption in renal tubule
  • Central chemoreceptor
  • Timed vital capacity- clinical significance
  • Fibrinolytic system
  • Megacolon
  • Functions of liver
  • Defecation reflex


Labeled diagram/flow chart /tables:

  • Mechanism of glomerulotubular balance and tubuloglomerular
  • Cystometrogram in normal human
  • ECG lead in a VR
  • Chloride shift
  • Different phases of cardiac cycle
  • Immunoglobin
  • JGA
  • Control of Gastric acid secretion
  • Intrapleural and intrapulmonary pressure changes during normal breathing
  • Neurons of respiratory centre in brainstem-
  • Na-K pump
  • Glucose absorption curve SPLAY
  • Hb-O2 curve
  • Flow-volume loop & forced expiratory curve
  • Oxygen transport and 02 dissociation curve


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What are the major topics of Physiology in MBBS?

Ans. The important topics of Physiology include Shock, Power stroke, Sliding filament theory, Nernst Equation Calculation, Menstrual Cycle, Lung capacities and lung ratio, reflexes, visual pathway, HbO2 curve, cardiac output, phases of cardiac cycle, JGA, functions of cerebellum, Clearance, Exercise Physiology, and more.

Q2. Is Physiology a subject important for NEET PG?

Ans. Yes, every MBBS subject holds its significance in the NEET-PG exam. The Physiology subject in NEET-PG carries a weightage of about 15-17 questions.

Q3. Which are the recommended books of Physiology for MBBS students?

Ans. The recommended books of Physiology for MBBS students include Textbook of Physiology by A.K. Jain, Principles of Physiology by Debasis Pramanik, Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology (Southeast Edition) by John E. Hall, Michael E. Hall, and Crisp Complete Review of Integrated Systems Physiology by S Krishna Kumar.

Click here to know the important topics of Anatomy in MBBS.

In India, there are around 783 medical colleges with over 1,63,111 seats. There are a total of about 706 colleges that offer MBBS degree for over 1,08,248 seats. It is always a confusing question for students to opt for which college during the NEET Counselling procedure. NIRF Ranking comes here to the rescue and helps you find out the top Indian medical colleges. NIRF Ranking is the National Institutional Ranking Framework by the Ministry of Education, Government of India.

The NIRF provides an approach for classifying educational institutions across the nation. In order to determine the broad criteria for rating different colleges and institutions, the process is based on the general suggestions and broad understanding reached by a Core Committee established by MHRD. The criteria include a broad range of parameters, including “Teaching, Learning, and Resources”, “Research and Professional Practices”, “Graduation Outcomes”, “Outreach and Inclusivity”, and “Perception”. These five parameters again are sub-categorised and every sub-category holds a percentage in calculating the overall score of the medical college.

List of top medical colleges in India according to the NIRF Ranking 2023

Rank No. Name City State Score Institute ID
1 All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi New Delhi Delhi 94.32 IR-D-N-15
2 Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Chandigarh Chandigarh 81.10 IR-D-U-0079
3 Christian Medical College Vellore Tamil Nadu 75.29 IR-D-C-45654
4 National Institute of Mental Health & Neuro Sciences Bangalore Karnataka 72.46 IR-D-U-0236
5 Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research Puducherry Pondicherry 72.10 IR-D-U-0368
6 Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 70.84 IR-D-U-0436
7 Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 69.62 IR-D-N-33
8 Banaras Hindu University Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 68.75 IR-D-U-0500
9 Kasturba Medical College, Manipal Manipal Karnataka


66.19 IR-D-C-7242
10 Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 65.24 IR-D-U-0266
11 Madras Medical College & Government General Hospital Chennai Tamil Nadu 64.43 IR-D-C-49008


12 King George`s Medical University Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 63.93 IR-D-U-0523
13 All India Institute of Medical Sciences Jodhpur Jodhpur Rajasthan 62.43 IR-D-U-0689
14 Vardhman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital New Delhi Delhi 61.73 IR-D-C-32922
15 Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth Pune Maharashtra 61.35 IR-D-I-1110
16 Siksha `O` Anusandhan Bhubaneswar Odisha 60.66 IR-D-U-0363
17 All India Institute of Medical Sciences Bhubaneswar Khordha Odisha 60.65 IR-D-U-0688
18 Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences Chennai Tamil Nadu 60.61 IR-D-I-1441
19 St. John’s Medical College Bengaluru Karnataka 60.49 IR-D-C-40453
20 S.R.M. Institute of Science and Technology Chennai Tamil Nadu


60.47 IR-D-U-0473
21 Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research Chennai Tamil Nadu


60.44 IR-D-I-1486
22 All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh Rishikesh Uttarakhand 60.06 IR-D-U-0691
23 Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences New Delhi Delhi 59.59 IR-D-U-0106
24 Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research Kolkata West Bengal 58.49 IR-D-C-16428
25 Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education and Research Wardha Maharashtra 58.48 IR-D-U-0295
26 Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Bhubaneswar Odisha 57.39 IR-D-U-0356
27 All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna Patna Bihar 57.30 IR-D-U-0686
28 Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh Uttar Pradesh 56.92 IR-D-U-0496
29 Jamia Hamdard New Delhi Delhi 56.36 IR-D-U-0107
30 Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore Mangalore Karnataka 56.30 IR-D-C-7251


The list above includes the overall ranking of all the medical colleges, may it be government, private, deemed to be, or autonomous colleges, institutes or universities.

Before choosing a seat during counselling, one must go through the college ranking and other details to find the best medical college for them. Along with the colleges mentioned above, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune is also considered to be among the best for pursuing an MBBS degree. Some of the colleges mentioned above are also on the list of best medical colleges in the world. However, ranking alone should not be the sole influencing factor when making a choice for medical college. Other factors that should be considered include finances, tuition fees and additional college charges, college location, living/accommodation, and much more.

Getting admission into the top medical colleges is quite a challenging task. You must attain a very high score in the entrance examination to get your dream college. From starting your preparation with a reliable study plan to maintaining work-life balance and time management, everything holds great significance in scoring well. You must begin your preparation early so that you cover the entire syllabus and later get appropriate time for revision and mock exams.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How are NIRF scores calculated?

Ans. The NIRF scores are calculated based on the five-set parameters that include Teaching, Learning & Resources, Research Productivity, Impact and IPR, Graduation Outcome, Outreach, and Inclusivity and Perception. These parameters compute a score under each sub-category. The percentages of points assigned to each category are used to calculate the total score. The maximum value for the total score is 100.

Q2. Which is the No. 1 medical college in India?

Ans. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) located in Delhi is the No.1 medical college in India.

Q3. How to get admission into top medical colleges for pursuing MBBS/MD/MS degree?

Ans. You can get admission into the top medical colleges by attempting and scoring high in the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test. For admission to MBBS or other medical undergraduate degrees, you need to attempt the NEET-UG entrance examination, and for admission to MD/MS postgraduate degree, you need to attempt the NEET-PG entrance examination.

Q4. How many rounds of Counselling are there in NEET-UG 2023?

Ans. There are four rounds of NEET-UG 2023 Counselling – Round 1, Round 2, Round 3 and Stray Round. The NEET-UG Round 1 counselling has been started from 20th July 2023.

Q5. What is the validity of NEET results?

Ans. The NEET results are valid only for one year, i.e., an ongoing academic year.

Q6. Who is eligible for the NEET state quota?

Ans. Aspirants with a valid domicile and residency proof of a particular state and avail the state quota of the respective state. Also, an aspirant must possess all other relevant documents for the NEET-UG Counselling process, such as admit card, valid photo ID proof, marksheet of grades 10th and 12th, provisional allocation letter and more.

Critical Care Simplified is a professional course designed by the acclaimed Chief Editors, Dr. Yatin Mehta, Dr. Subhal Dixit, and Dr. Kapil G. Zirpe along with India’s 48 distinguished faculty. This course has been endorsed by the Sepsis Forum. The course aims to give students and healthcare professionals a thorough grasp of critical care medicine and anesthesia procedures.

The course is designed in such a way as to meet the learning requirements of DNB Critical Care students, MD Anesthesia students, MD/DNB Emergency Medicine students, MD medicine students, Junior Residents, and Senior Residents in terms of Critical Care and Anesthesia discipline.

Key Features of the Course

  • The entire spectrum of complexity, from patient evaluation to emergency interventions, is covered in the course.
  • It improves the ability to give critically sick patients the best care possible and safely deliver anesthesia in diverse clinical situations.
  • It provides access to engagement activities like Regular Chat Shows, Journal Clubs, and recent advancements.
  • The course provides a detailed color-coded Interactive drug formulary concerning critical care with easy searchability.
  • The course keeps the students updated with the latest guidelines including the benchmark clinical trials.

Critical Care Simplified Course includes:

  • Video Lectures
  • Notes
  • Self-Assessment Questions
  • Benchmark Trials
  • Color-Coded Interactive Drug Formulary
  • Engagement Activities including Chat Shows

Benefits of Enrolling in the Critical Care Simplified Online Course

  • To improve participants’ abilities and competencies in handling critically sick patients, this online professional course on critical care blends theoretical information, case studies, and interactive learning exercises.
  • In addition to concentrating on certain organ systems throughout the course, you will study a variety of critical care topics including resuscitation, trauma treatment, hemodynamic instability, neurological crises, and sepsis management.
  • You will learn about the most recent developments in monitoring methods, infection control regimens, and critical care treatments. The course additionally emphasizes the value of good interdisciplinary critical care team communication and collaboration.
  • The course also includes advanced topics including anesthesia and sedatives, organ donation, and ethical and end-of-life concerns in severely sick patients.
  • You are engaged and encouraged to gain a better grasp of critical care and anesthesia principles through interactive modules, video lectures, notes, and self-assessment questions.
  • Additionally, a drug formulary is included in the curriculum to give students easy access to a variety of medications especially when on ward rounds.
  • Every significant medication used for the severely ill has been covered in this, along with key indications, contraindications, doses, and popular brand names.
  • The course will provide you with the knowledge, information, and abilities require to properly administer anesthesia in a variety of clinical situations and give the best care possible to critically sick patients.

Table of Contents – Critical Care Simplified Course by Dr. Yatin Mehta, Dr. Subhal Dixit, and Dr. Kapil G. Zirpe

Orientation to Critical Care and Anesthesia

Metabolic Emergencies    

Metabolic Acidosis and Alkalosis

Endocrine Emergencies


Antifungal Drugs

Insulin and Oral Anti-diabetic Agents

Antiviral Drugs

Antibiotic Classification and pK/pD & Resistance Mechanisms

Antimicrobials Against Gram-Negative Organisms

Antimicrobials Against Gram-Positive Organisms

Fluids and Diuretics (Colloids, Crystalloids)

Central Nervous System (CNS) Drugs

Renal Drugs

Respiratory Drugs Used in Bronchial Asthma & COPD

Hematological Drugs

Gastrointestinal Disorders & Drugs

Steroids and Immunotherapy

Cardiovascular (CVS) Drugs


Ethical and End-of-Life Issues in Critically Ill Patients

Organ Donation

How to Break Bad News and Communication

Management After Resuscitation from Cardiac Arrest

Prognostication after Cardiac arrest

Cardiac Arrest (Including BLS/ACLS)

Obstetric Critical Care

Anatomical and Physiological Changes in Pregnancy

Embolic Shock in Pregnancy (Fat Embolism, Amniotic Fluid Embolism)

Major Obstetric Hemorrhage – Shock: The Ten Commandments Approach

Maternal Sepsis and Septic Shock: Bundled Approach

Cardiomyopathies in Pregnancy (Septic Myocarditis)

Hypertensive Emergencies in Pregnancy

HELLP Syndrome & HELLP – AFLP Complex: Management

The Cardiovascular System

Approach to Pulmonary Embolism

Bedside Echocardiography in ICU

Tachyarrhythmias & Bradyarrhythmias

Cardiogenic Shock

Cardiovascular Physiology

Severe Hypertension and Hypertensive Emergencies

Acute Coronary Syndromes (Pathophysiology, NSTEMI, ST-elevation MI)

Cardiovascular Monitoring

The Gastrointestinal System

Practical Approach to Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding

Radiology in Critical Care Settings

Abdominal Compartment Syndrome

Acute Abdomen in Critically Ill Patients

Physiology of Gastrointestinal Tract

Acute Hepatic Failure

Acute on Chronic Hepatic Failure

Severe Acute Pancreatitis

Diarrhoea and Constipation in Critically Ill

Skin and Connective tissues

Connective Tissue Disorders in ICU

TEN and Steven Johnson Syndrome

Necrotizing Fasciitis and Cellulitis


Principles and Prevention of Pressure Ulcers in ICU

Nutrition in sepsis

Micronutrients in Nutrition Therapy in Sepsis

Nutritional Support During Sepsis – A Dynamic Phenomenon

Metabolic Changes During Sepsis

Central Nervous system

Intracranial Hemorrhage


Peripheral Nerve Diseases and Myasthenia Gravis

Brain Stem Death Declaration and Optimization of Donor

Meningitis and Encephalitis

Intracranial Pressure Monitoring

Non-Traumatic Sub-Arachnoid Hemorrhage

Status Epilepticus

Delirium (Causes, Assessment, and Management)

Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke

Multimodal Neuromonitoring

Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology (Brain, Spine, CSF)

Trauma Management: An Orchestrated Endeavor

Fat Embolism​

Intra and Inter Hospital Transport of Critically Ill​ Patients

Rapid Response Teams for Critically Ill​

Shock in Trauma

Spinal Cord Injury​

Managing Airway in Trauma

Multiple Casualties and Disaster Management in Emergency

Traumatic Brain Injury​

Management of Polytrauma in Critical care

The Hematological System

Hematological Therapies (Blood Product Therapy and Apheresis in the ICU)

Laboratory Monitoring (Cells, Coagulation Monitoring)

Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome, Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) and Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT)

Toxicology including Envenomation

An Overview of Organophosphorus Poisoning

Aluminum Phosphide Poisoning

Sedative Hypnotic Poisoning/Psychotropic Drug Poisoning

Snake Envenomation and Management

Paracetamol and Acute Alcohol Toxicity

Renal System

Renal Replacement Techniques (CRRT, Hemodialysis, SLEDD)

Normal Physiology of the Renal System

Acute Kidney Injury and Management

Drug Formulary

About Our Esteemed Chief Editors of the Course

Dr. Yatin Mehta

Dr. Yatin Mehta is a highly respected and renowned medical professional in the field of critical care medicine. With an impressive background and extensive experience, Dr. Mehta has made a significant contribution to the medical community. His vast knowledge and skill in the medical field have been honed through years of academic pursuit and practical experience. He has earned multiple qualifications including MD, MNAMS, FRCA, FAMS, FIACTA, FICCM, and FTEE. Currently, Dr. Mehta is the Chairman of Medanta Institute of Critical Care and Anesthesiology at Gurugram, Haryana. As a President of the Sepsis Forum, The Simulation Society. Dr. Yatin Mehta continues to make significant contributions to the field of critical care medicine with a particular focus on sepsis management. Through his expertise, research endeavors, and commitment to patient care, he is an inspiration to aspiring healthcare professionals. Dr. Yatin Mehta through DigiNerve’s Critical Care Simplified course provides medical students with the apt knowledge and guidance that paves the way to becoming a skilled Critical Care Specialist.

Dr. Subhal Dixit

Dr. Subhal Dixit is a distinguished medical professional who has made significant contributions to healthcare through his expertise and qualifications. Dr. Dixit has added several prestigious qualifications to his name including MD, IDCCM, FICCM, FCCM, and FICP.

As an esteemed faculty and Chief Editor at DigiNerve for the Critical Care Simplified course, he plays a vital role in shaping the next generation of medical professionals by imparting his knowledge and expertise through teaching, mentoring, and guiding aspiring healthcare practitioners. Dr. Dixit is also a Director, Critical Care at the Department of Intensive Care, Sanjeevan and MJM Hospital, Pune, Maharashtra. He also serves as Treasurer at the Sepsis Forum. His groundbreaking research, exceptional clinical skills, and commitment to patient care have earned him the utmost respect and admiration from colleagues, patients, and the wider medical community.

Dr. Kapil G. Zirpe

Dr. Kapil G. Zirpe is a highly accomplished and respected medical professional, known for his expertise and contributions in various areas of healthcare. Throughout his career, Dr. Zirpe has added significant educational qualifications to his name including MD Chest, FICCM, and FSNCC. He is currently serving as a Head and Director at Neuro Trauma Intensive Care Unit, Grant Medical Foundation, Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune, Maharashtra. As a respective intensivist, he has been affiliated with the leading healthcare facilities, where he has played a pivotal role in critical care management, ensuring the best possible outcomes for patients with life-threatening conditions. Dr. Kapil G. Zirpe is currently serving as a Secretary at the Sepsis Forum. Dr. Kapil G. Zirpe as an esteemed faculty and Chief Editor of the Critical Care Simplified course at DigiNerve shares his wealth of knowledge and expertise with aspiring medical students. He leverages his expertise to make a significant impact on medical education, critical care management, and scientific advancements.

Radiology is one of the most fascinating and rapidly growing fields of medical sciences. It is a branch of science that deals with radiation and imaging techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses and diseases. Radiology is the quintessential illustration of how technology is used in medical services. Radiology is a booming science for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. A physician specializing in Radiology is called a Radiologist.

A radiologist is a medical professional who conducts and interprets various diagnostic/interventional imaging studies, organizes, and conducts research and teaching activities and is well-versed in medical ethics and legal aspects of imaging/interventions. Radiologists generally specialize in the areas, such as pediatric radiology, oncology radiology, Neuroimaging, or interventional radiology.

Branches of Radiology

There are three main radiology branches, Diagnostic Radiology, Interventional Radiology, and Radiation oncology.

Diagnostic Radiology

This branch of radiology deals with diagnosing the cause of symptoms, monitoring the response of the body to the treatment, and screening for illnesses. The common diagnostic exams in radiology include:

  • X-Rays
  • Fluoroscopy
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Computed Tomography (CT)
  • Mammography
  • Ultrasound
  • PET
  • Nuclear Medicine, etc.

Interventional Radiology

This branch of radiology deals with the application of imaging for diagnosing and treating medical conditions while inserting catheters, wires, and other instruments and tools into the body. It includes the treatment of tumors, blockages in arteries and veins, fibroids, etc. The common interventional radiology procedures include:

  • Tumor ablation
  • Needle biopsy
  • Breast biopsy
  • Angiography or Angioplasty
  • Embolization, etc.

Radiation Oncology

This branch of radiology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of cancer/tumor cells. This helps in pain management and routine monitoring during and after cancer treatments.

Steps for Becoming a Radiologist

The answer to the ‘How to become a Radiologist?’ question is well elaborated below for all aspiring radiologists and medical students:

Step 1: You must have completed the senior secondary education and have earned a minimum of 50% in each of the four major subjects—Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology, and English—in the 12th standard from an accredited board.

Step 2: You must pass the NEET-UG entrance exam and go through the admission procedures to get admitted to a medical college which is a prime requirement for becoming a radiologist. NEET-UG (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test- Undergraduate) is a single window entrance exam to get admission to MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BUMS, BHMS, and other undergraduate medical programs at approved/recognized Medical/Dental/AYUSH and other Colleges/Deemed Universities/Institutes (AIIMS & JIPMER) in India.

Step 3: Complete your MBBS undergraduate degree from an MCI-recognized college along with completion of one year of compulsory rotational internship.

Click here to get conceptual clarity in the MBBS subjects.

Step 4: You can opt for MD in Radiodiagnosis or MD in Radiation Oncology as a PG specialty to become a radiologist. Admission to MD courses is done based on the marks scored in the PG entrance examination. NEET-PG is a national-level entrance examination for admission to MS/MD/PG Diploma programs at various government and private universities whereas INI-CET is a national-level entrance examination for admission to MS/MD/DM (6 years)/MCh (6 years) and MDS courses at the INI Institutes, which includes AIIMS, JIPMER, etc.

You also have the option to pursue DNB courses in the Radiology discipline after cracking the DNB-PDCET entrance examination or PG Diploma courses in Radiology.

Step 5:  Complete your 3-year full-time PG degree in Radiology from an MCI-recognized college/institute.

Step 6: Complete your residency program and experience the diversified field of Radiology and get your license to practice in India.

Step 7: Clear the NEET-SS entrance examination to pursue the super specialization degree such as DM in Interventional Radiology and DM in Neuroradiology.

To gain expertise and explore the highly diversified specialty, you can also go with fellowship and certification courses in the Radiology discipline.

List of Radiology Subspecialties

This diversified medical specialty, Radiology has various subspecialties, such as:

  • Gastrointestinal Radiology
  • Uro-radiology
  • Neuro-radiology
  • Vascular Radiology
  • Musculoskeletal Radiology
  • Interventional Radiology
  • Emergency Radiology
  • Cardiovascular Radiology
  • Pediatric Radiology
  • Breast Imaging
  • Radiation Oncology

Skills Required for Becoming a Radiologist

To become a successful radiologist, one should acquire the following skills:

  • Able to independently conduct and interpret all routine and special radiologic and imaging investigations.
  • Independently carry out and interpret any radiologic and imaging study, regular and unique.
  • Able to provide radiological services, including medicolegal considerations, in immediate emergencies and trauma situations.
  • Identify the indications, diagnostic characteristics, and application limitations of CT, MRI, and ultrasonography, and be able to explain the best cost-effective imaging method for a particular scenario.
  • Choose the different image-guided interventional techniques that will be used for diagnostic and therapeutic treatment.
  • Collaborate with other experts and specialists to ensure that the patient receives the most benefit possible and the best treatment.
  • Should be competent to plan CME events in the specialty using contemporary teaching and assessment techniques.
  • Obtain the necessary expertise to instruct postgraduate students in both traditional radiography and contemporary imaging methods, ensuring that they are fully qualified to practice, teach, and do research in the broad field of radiology.
  • Able to significantly interpret the images on all imaging modalities of diseases of the organs of the system such as the Musculoskeletal system, Respiratory System, Cardiovascular System, CNS, Urogenital System, and more.
  • Proficient and skilled at performing procedures including, GIT Contrast studies, Ultrasound, CT scan, MRI, DSA, and a lot more.

In case you aspire to have a career in Radiation Oncology, you must also be skilled in the following:

  • Demonstrate your ability to identify and treat all cancers, paying particular attention to your capacity to maintain interdisciplinary collaboration using the most recent medical and radiation oncology standards.
  • Exhibit the capacity to deal with any emotional problems that patients and families may be experiencing concerning the diagnosis, treatment, end-of-life care, and mortality from cancer.
  • Create effective community-wide promotional and preventative care programs to lessen the financial burden of treating cancer and create awareness.

Scope and Salary of a Radiologist in India

Over the past century, clinical radiography has revolutionized medicine and is at the cutting edge of medical technology. You have the opportunity to pursue a fascinating and diversified career in clinical medicine, teaching, and research with this specialty.

Every field of medicine relies on Radiology for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, may it be Surgery, Pediatrics, Oncology, Trauma, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and more.

The average salary of a radiologist ranges from 5-10 lakhs per annum in the beginning. The salary package of a radiologist escalates with expertise and other factors such as geographical area, area of employment, and more.

Radiologists have an opportunity to work in both private and government hospitals, imaging centers, diagnostic laboratories, and other healthcare facilities with the Radiology department. They can work both as part-time and full-time medical professionals. When it comes to opening one’s own radiology clinic/imaging centres, it becomes one of the highest-paying medical specialties. Although the setup for the facility is quite high because of the high-priced technological equipment and machines but it’s worth it. Other career prospects include Academician, Researcher, Medical Writer, and more.

If you want to make a career in the Radiology field, you also have the option to pursue B.Sc., M.Sc., or Diploma courses in the Radiology discipline. The job profiles associated with these Radiology degree programs are Radiology Technician, Radiology Assistant, Radiographer, Ultrasound Technician, MRI Technician, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Is radiologist a good career option?

Ans. Yes, Radiology is one of the most fascinating and rapidly growing fields of medical sciences. It is the quintessential illustration of how technology is used in medical services. Radiology is a branch of science that deals with radiation and imaging techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses and diseases.

Q3. Which institute is best for Radiology?

Ans. AIIMS, JIPMER, KGMU, CMC Vellore, AFMC Pune, and Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham are among the best institutes for pursuing Radiology.

Q2. Can I do MD after BSc radiology?

Ans. No, for pursuing MD in Radiology specialty you need to have an MBBS degree from an MCI-recognized medical college. After doing B.Sc. Radiology, you can pursue an M.Sc. degree in the Radiology discipline.

Fellowship Entrance Test (FET) is a single-window entrance examination for admission to various fellowship (FNB) courses. It is a qualifying cum ranking examination. The FET exam is conducted by the National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS). The main goals of NBEMS are to administer high-quality exams across India and raise the bar for postgraduate medical education in modern medicine.

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for appearing in the FET entrance examination are different for Indian and International students.

Eligibility Criteria for Indian Students:

You must fulfill the following criteria in order to be eligible for FET courses:

  • You must have a recognized PG medical degree/Provisional pass certificate (MD/MS/DM/MCh/ DNB/DrNB) or an equivalent recognized qualification.
  • You must have completed the eligible feeder qualification for the particular fellowship course you want to pursue.
  • The deadline for meeting the requirements for the MD, MS, DM, MCh, DNB, and DrNB degree in order to be considered eligible to appear in the FET exam is December 31, of the academic year.
  • Registration with the NMC or State Medical Council is required, and written documentation of that registration must be shown at the testing location on the exam day.
  • No age restriction applies to students enrolled in NBEMS Fellowship courses.

Eligibility Criteria for International Students:

As an International student/Foreign National, you must fulfill the following criteria:

  • You must possess a PG medical qualification equivalent to the eligible feeder qualification for the fellowship course you want to pursue.
  • The deadline for meeting the requirements for the eligible feeder PG medical degree in order to be considered eligible to appear in the FET exam is December 31, of the academic year.
  • You must be a registered medical practitioner and your qualification must be registered in your country as well as recognized as per the NMC Act, 2019.
  • You as a Foreign National must get the security clearance from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India for appearing in FET.
  • You are granted a temporary registration for the duration of your course and thereby a visa support letter is issued by NBEMS to facilitate a valid travel visa and travel medical insurance.
  • You are required to obtain a ‘No Objection Certificate’ from your Medical Council/Government to appear for the exam and work in India for the period of Fellowship. After obtaining the NOC, you are entitled to get your valid travel documents including visa and passport.
  • You must keep all your documents safe to produce them at the time of counselling.
  • There is no age restriction for applying to the fellowship courses.

List of NBEMS Fellowship Courses offered through FET Entrance Examination

List of FNB Courses along with Eligibility Feeder Qualification (For Indian Students)

S. No. Name of Fellowship Course Prior Eligibility Qualification
1 Arthroplasty DNB/MS (Orthopaedics)


2 Bariatric Surgery MS/DNB General Surgery

(At least three years of experience in General Surgery/ Minimal Access Surgery after post-graduation is required)


3 Breast Imaging MD/DNB Radiodiagnosis


4 Cardiac Electrophysiology DM/DNB/DrNB Cardiology


5 Fetal Radiology MD/DNB Radiodiagnosis


6 Head and Neck Oncology MS/DNB General Surgery

MD/DNB Otorhinolaryngology

MCh/DNB/DrNB Surgical Oncology

MCh Head and Neck Oncology


7 Hand & Micro Surgery DrNB/MCh Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

DNB/MS Orthopaedics

DNB/MS General Surgery


8 Infectious Disease DNB/MD General Medicine

MD Tropical Medicine


9 Interventional Cardiology DrNB/DM (Cardiology)


10 Liver Transplantation DrNB/MCh (GI Surgery)


11 Maternal & Foetal Medicine DNB/MD/MS Obstetrics & Gynaecology


12 Minimal Access Surgery DNB/MS General Surgery


13 Minimal Access Urology MCh/DNB/DrNB Urology


14 Pediatric Gastroenterology DNB/MD Pediatrics


15 Neurovascular Intervention DrNB/MCh Neurosurgery

DrNB/DM Neurology

DM Neuroradiology

DNB/MD Radiodiagnosis


16 Onco-Anaesthesia DNB/MD Anaesthesia


17 Pain Medicine DNB/MD Anaesthesia


18 Pediatric Anaesthesia DNB/MD Anaesthesia


19 Pediatric Hemato-Oncology DNB/MD Pediatrics


20 Pediatric Nephrology DNB/MD Pediatrics


21 Pediatric Urology MCh/DNB/DrNB Urology

MCh/DNB/DrNB Pediatric Surgery


22 Renal Transplant* MCh/DNB/DrNB Urology

MS/DNB General Surgery with three years of experience in a renal transplant centre (Only Renal Transplant Specialty Board Certified Centres are approved for this experience)


23 Reproductive Medicine DNB/MD/MS Obstetrics & Gynaecology


24 Spine Surgery DNB/MS Orthopaedics

DrNB/MCh Neurosurgery


25 Sports Medicine DNB/MS (Orthopaedics)


26 Transplant Anaesthesia DNB/MD Anaesthesia


27 Trauma Anaesthesia & Critical Care DNB/MD Anaesthesia
28 Trauma & Acute Care Surgery DNB/MS (General Surgery)

DNB/MS (Orthopaedics)

DrNB/MCh (Neurosurgery)

DNB/MD (Anaesthesiology)


29 Vitreo Retinal Surgery DNB/MS (Ophthalmology)


List of FNB Courses along with Eligibility Feeder Qualification (For International Students)

S. No. Name of Fellowship Course Prior Eligibility Qualifications
1 Arthroplasty DNB/MS (Orthopaedics)


2 Hand & Micro Surgery DrNB/MCh Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery DNB/MS Orthopaedics

DNB/MS General Surgery


3 Interventional Cardiology DrNB/DM (Cardiology)


4 Maternal & Foetal Medicine DNB/MD/MS Obstetrics & Gynaecology


5 Minimal Access Surgery DNB/MS General Surgery


6 Neurovascular Intervention DrNB/MCh Neuro Surgery

DrNB/DM Neurology

DM Neuroradiology

MD/DNB Radiodiagnosis


7 Paediatric Hemato-Oncology DNB/MD Pediatrics


8 Reproductive Medicine DNB/MD/MS Obstetrics & Gynaecology


9 Spine Surgery DNB/MS (Orthopaedics)

DrNB/MCh (Neuro Surgery)


10 Trauma & Acute Care Surgery DNB/MS (General Surgery)

DNB/MS (Orthopaedics)

DrNB/MCh (Neuro Surgery)

DNB/MD (Anaesthesiology)


11 Vitreo Retinal Surgery DNB/MS (Ophthalmology)


FET Exam Scheme

Particular Description
Type of Questions Objective type questions
Total Duration of the Exam 105 minutes (Part A – 45 minutes and Part B – 60 minutes)
Total Number of Questions 100 (divided into two parts; Part A and Part B)
Marking Scheme +4 is given for every correct answer and -1 is deducted for every incorrect answer

FET Question Paper/Exam Pattern

  • The FET question paper will have two parts: Part A and Part B in which Part A has 40% weightage and Part B has 60% weightage.
  • A separate question paper will be there for each fellowship course/clubbed group.
  • In Part A, questions from the eligible feeder specialty/specialties from the particular fellowship course will be asked.
  • In Part 2, questions from the concerned fellowship or group of clubbed fellowship courses will be asked.

List of Fellowship Courses which have been clubbed together are mentioned below:

S. No. Fellowship Courses have been clubbed together
1 a. Pediatric Hemato-Oncology

b. Pediatric Gastroenterology

c. Pediatric Nephrology

2 a. Reproductive Medicine

b. Maternal and Foetal Medicine

3 a. Spine Surgery

b. Sports Medicine

c. Arthroplasty

4 a. Paediatric Anaesthesia

b. Onco-anesthesia

c. Transplant Anaesthesia

d. Trauma Anaesthesia & Critical Care

e. Pain Medicine

5 a. Interventional Cardiology

b. Cardiac Electrophysiology

6 a. Minimal Access Surgery

b. Bariatric Surgery

FET Examination Fee

  • FET Examination Fee for Indian Students: Rs. 4250
  • FET Examination Fee for International Students: 44250 (Examination Fee of Rs. 37500 + 18% GST)

The payment gateway charges are extra for both Indian and International students. Please make sure that the payment for the examination fee has been received as indicated by the letter “S” (for successful) in the application form’s payment status field. Until the payment status is indicated as “s” on the application form, the application submission procedure is not complete.

FET Application Form

The following are the steps to fill FET application form online:

  • Fill out the user registration form to create a password and a user ID/application ID.
  • Email and SMS will be used to send the User ID and Password.
  • Fill out the application form completely, and submit your photo, scanned signature, thumbprint, and other documents.
  • Select your test city and pay the exam fee.
  • Accept the declaration and submit the application.
  • Print off the completed application form with the Transaction ID and “S” (Successful) payment status for your records.

Instructions for Uploading the Image

You must have the scanned images of the photograph, thumb impression, and signature ready as per the specifications while applying for the FET application form.

A. Photograph: You are required to upload two photographs; one is a real-time photograph and the other is a recent photograph.

1. Real-time photograph: It is taken by the in-built camera or webcam of the system while filling out the application form. The following things should be taken care of while taking real-time photographs:

  • You must be dressed in formal attire sitting or standing against a white background.
  • You should be visible in the image with a full face, ears, neck, and shoulder, and eyes open.
  • Avoid wearing any accessories.
  • After getting adjusted to the correct position, click on the ‘Capture Photo’ button in the application form.

2. Recent Photograph: Upload a recent photograph and it should not be more than 3 months old. You can get your recent photograph clicked using a digital camera, and then transfer it to the computer/laptop. The following things should be taken care of while taking and uploading your recent photograph:

  • You must be dressed in formal attire.
  • The background must be white, and the photograph should be coloured.
  • Avoid wearing spectacles, make-up, ornaments, and any other accessories.
  • The image must be very clear.
  • Image size should be less than 80kb and in .jpg/.jpeg format.
  • Digital enhancements or other alterations are strictly not allowed.

B. Signature: The digital image of the signature can either be taken by using a digital device to directly image or by scanning the signature. Draw a box of 5 cm (height) x 3.5 cm (width) size on a plain white sheet and sign within this box with blue/black ink. You can click the image and transfer it to the system, or you can directly scan the signature using the scanner attached to the system. The following things should be taken care of while taking and uploading your signature:

  • While editing and uploading the digital image of the signature, use the auto-correct feature of the image editing software if required to get a clear image. Crop and resize the image to 20-100 kb.
  • While scanning and uploading the signature, set the scanner to 200 dpi and save the scanned image in .jpg/.jpeg format. Crop and resize the box area to less than 80kb

C. Thumb Impression: You can upload the thumb impression either by using a digital device (Camera) or by directly scanning the impression. Draw a box of 5 cm (height) x 3.5 cm (width) size on a plain white sheet. Make sure your hands are clean and completely dry. Now gently press your left thumb against the blue/black ink pad and take a horizontal print of your thumb within this box. You can click the image and transfer it to the system, or you can directly scan the signature using the scanner attached to the system. The following things should be taken care of while taking and uploading your signature:

  • While editing and uploading the digital image of your thumb impression, crop and resize the image to 20-100 kb.
  • While scanning and uploading your thumb impression, set the scanner to 200 dpi and save the scanned image in .jpg/.jpeg format. Crop and resize the box area to less than 80kb.

Admit Card

You can download the admit card from the NBEMS official website and affix the photograph to the space provided.

Exam Centres for FET

The following is a tentative list of the exam centre cities for Indian and International students:

  • Ahmedabad/Gandhinagar
  • Bengaluru
  • Bhilai Nagar
  • Bhopal
  • Bhubaneswar
  • Chandigarh/Mohali
  • Chennai
  • Delhi NCR
  • Guwahati
  • Haldwani
  • Hamirpur (HP)
  • Hyderabad
  • Jaipur
  • Jammu
  • Kolkata
  • Lucknow
  • Mumbai
  • Nagpur
  • Panjim/Madgaon
  • Patna
  • Shillong
  • Thiruvananthapuram
  • Visakhapatnam

Demo Test

Students may access a demo exam on the website to get an idea of the structure of the computer-based test. during the exam month.

Result and Counselling

  • You need to score a minimum of 50th percentile marks in the respective specialty question paper to be considered as ‘Qualified’.
  • The FET results are released in the month of February and the scorecards for the same can be downloaded from the NBEMS website through applicant login.
  • There is no re-evaluation or re-checking or re-totaling.

Validity of FET Result

The validity of the FET result is only for the current admission year, i.e., the year of the examination, and is not carried forward to the next session.

Tie-Breaker Criteria

In case two candidates score the same marks for a particular fellowship course, the following tie-breaker criteria are applied in the order:

  • Student with less number of wrong responses are placed at higher positions.
  • Student with a high score in Part B of the question paper is placed in a higher position.
  • Student with less number of wrong responses in Part B of the question paper is placed in a higher position.
  • Students older in age are placed in higher positions.
  • Candidates having higher aggregate marks in all MBBS Professional Exams are placed in higher positions.

Publication of Merit List

There will be a distinct merit list for each fellowship course, which will be announced by NBEMS.

  • No equating, scaling, or normalization is permitted.
  • The merit will only be determined by the student’s final grade and the use of the established tie-breaking procedures.
  • For the Fellowship Programme for International Students (FPIS), there will be distinct merit lists for each specialization.

Selection and Counselling

Admission to FNB courses is done through Centralized Merit Based Counselling conducted by NBEMS. The schedule of counselling for the academic year and related information is displayed on the NBEMS official website at the very time.

Medical Examination

The acceptance of a student into an NBEMS-certified institution through Centralized Merit-Based Counselling is contingent upon the student’s medical fitness being evaluated by the approved hospital or institution. The Medical Board of the relevant NBEMS-accredited institution is responsible for the student’s medical examination. Only those students who pass the medical exam are deemed fit to enroll in the FNB programme.

Documents to be Produced at the Time of Counselling

For Indian Students:

  • MBBS Degree Certificate
  • Eligible Post Graduate Medical Qualification issued on or before 31st December of the prior academic year (MD/MS/DNB/DM/MCh/DrNB Degree Certificate/Provisional Pass Certificate).
  • A self-attested printed copy of the NMC website confirming your additional PG Degree qualification being ‘Recognized’.
  • If your additional PG Degree is not listed as ‘Recognized’, then you can produce any of the following at the time of counselling: An additional Qualification Registration Certificate (AQRC) issued by NMC, or an Additional Qualification Registration Certificate (AQRC) issued by State Medical Council + IMR Certificate issued by NMC wherein said additional PG Degree qualification is registered.

For International Students:

  • Primary Medical Qualification Degree/MBBS Degree
  • PG Medical Qualification Degree Certificate
  • PG Medical Qualification Registration Certificate issued by the Medical Council of the respective country
  • NOC by Medical Council/Government for appearing for exams and pursuing Fellowship in India
  • Security Clearance from Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India
  • Valid travel document (Passport) and valid permission (visa)

Upon being assigned an FNB seat, a temporary registration with the National Medical Commission in New Delhi, India, for the entire duration of the FNB course should be obtained.

Academic Programme and Training of the FNB (Fellow of National Board) Students

The FNB training is a residency-based training and employment programme in which the FNB trainee performs the tasks of a Senior Resident while also completing a demanding academic curriculum to advance his knowledge and abilities.

Fellowship Course Fee and Stipend

Fellowship Course Fee:

  • For Indian Student: INR 1,25,000/-
  • For International Students from SAARC Nations: INR 1,25,000/-
  • For International Students from Non-SAARC Nations: USD 5000

Stipend:  The minimum stipend given to FNB trainees as per NBEMS guidelines 2022 is Rs. 41,000/- in the first year and it increases to Rs. 43,000/- in the second year.

Fellowship Exit Examination Pattern

  1. Theory Examination:
  • There is one theory question paper of 100 marks.
  • The question paper comprises 10 short notes of 10 marks each.
  • The duration of the exam is 3 hours.
  • You need to score at least 50% marks, i.e., 50 out of 100 marks to qualify for the theory exam.
  1. Practical Examination:
  • The practical exam comprises clinical examination and viva.
  • Evaluation is made from a total of 300 marks.
  • The practical exam is conducted at different FET exam centres, which is notified to the

students separately after the theory exam.

Marking Scheme of the FET Exit Examination

Both the theory and practical examination results are released at the same time. To pass the Fellowship Exit Exam, the student must receive 200 out of a possible 400 marks (theory and practical), with at least 50% marks in the theoretical portion of the exam.

Result Declaration

A qualifying examination, the Fellowship Exit Exam results are declared as PASS/FAIL. Students who complete their studies successfully in all respects can get an FNB qualification certificate.

First-year subjects are a foundation for the journey of becoming a doctor. Hence, every medical student should have a clear understanding of these subjects. As an undergraduate fresher, you must go through the examination pattern and important topics of the first-year subjects.

Anatomy is a vast and highly volatile subject included in the first year of the MBBS. The subject provides comprehensive knowledge of the body systems and structures including the disposition, microscopic, interrelationship, developmental, functional, gross, and applied anatomy.

MBBS Prof Exam Pattern

From the 2019 batch onwards, the Anatomy prof exam comprises two theory papers of 100 marks each and a practical examination of 100 marks. The theory exam consists of short answer questions, long answer questions, and application and case-based questions. The practical examination includes practical/clinical and viva.

Recommended books for Anatomy include Self-Assessment and Review of Anatomy, BD Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy, and Gray’s Anatomy for Students.

Subject Weightage in NEET-PG and INI-CET

The Anatomy subject in NEET-PG carries a weightage of about 10-15 questions whereas the INI-CET exam carries a weightage of around 10 questions.

The ideal way of preparing for the NEET-PG and other competitive examinations is to plan a preparation strategy that balances between low and high-weightage modules and subjects.

Important and High-yielding Topics of Anatomy for MBBS Prof Exams, NEET-PG, and INI-CET Entrance Examination


  • Types of epithelium
  • Derivatives of different types of epithelium
  • Thyroid and Parathyroid
  • Adrenal gland
  • Thymus
  • Liver histology
  • Uterus histology
  • Microcirculation diagram of kidney
  • Karyotyping
  • Down syndrome
  • Cryptorchidism
  • Elastic artery
  • Serous salivary gland
  • Compact and Cancellous bone
  • Spinal cord
  • Lymph node
  • Parotid salivary gland
  • Thin and Thick skin
  • Goblet cells
  • Stave cells
  • Sweat gland
  • Mast cells
  • Orcein Stain


  • Cavernous sinus
  • Nerve supply
  • Arterial supply
  • Venous drainage of any region
  • Sciatic nerve
  • Saphenous vein

Upper limb and Lower limb

  • Brachial Plexus
  • Axillary artery
  • Dermatomes of upper and lower limb
  • Arches of foot
  • Muscles of the sole


  • Perineum
  • Urethra
  • Ureter
  • Pudendal canal
  • Spermatic Cord contents
  • Rectum‐Anal Canal anatomy


  • Blood supply
  • Subclavian artery
  • Diaphragm with embryology
  • Lung hilum
  • Broncho vascular segments of the lung


  • Derivatives of individual ridges
  • Neural crest derivatives
  • Branchial arches derivatives
  • Congenital abnormalities
  • Cleft lip
  • Germ layers
  • Development of placenta
  • Annular pancreas
  • Polycystic kidney
  • Imperforate anus
  • Rotation of midgut
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Descent and undescended testes
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Tracheoesophageal fistula
  • Pain over the umbilicus in appendicitis
  • Esophageal varices
  • Placental pravea
  • Congenital anomalies of kidney
  • Varicose veins
  • Annular pancreas
  • Tetralogy of Fallot
  • Development of RA
  • Development of interatrial septum and anomalies
  • Polycystic kidney
  • Horseshoe shaped kidney
  • Imperforate anus
  • Development of pancreas
  • Rotation of midgut


  • Types of joints
  • Sphenoid bone
  • Orbital bone
  • Lateral wall of nose
  • Middle ear anatomy
  • Skull bones
  • Type of switchers


  • Results of fertilization
  • Fertilisation and implantation
  • Abnormal sites of implantation
  • Spermatogenesis


  • Knee joints – locking unlocking, ligaments, capsule, menisci
  • Ankle joint
  • Hip joint – relations and ligaments
  • Temporomandibular joint

Important Derivatives

  • Derivatives of midgut
  • Derivatives of the mesonephric duct
  • Derivatives of paramesonephric duct
  • Derivatives of secondary yolk sac
  • Derivatives of ectoderm

Important Diagrams

  • Sensory nerve supply of face
  • Ts of brainstem at lower level of pons
  • Ts of midbrain at level of superior and inferior colliculus
  • Ts of medulla at level of sensory decussation
  • Ts of medulla at level of pyramidal decussation
  • Lateral wall of nose
  • Floor of 4th ventricle
  • Digastric triangle- boundaries, contents
  • Brachial plexus
  • Horizontal Sec of brain through anterior and posterior horns of lateral ventricle
  • Cubital fossa

Important Long Answer Questions (for MBBS Prof Exams)

  • Thyroid gland- development and anomalies, location, relation, blood supply & surgical anatomy
  • Mammary gland
  • Parotid- structures present within, nerve supply & relations
  • Hypoglossal nerve- origin, course & distribution
  • Facial nerve – origin and functional components, course, and distribution after exiting skull & Clinical features
  • Soft palate
  • Brachial plexus
  • Larynx
  • Bicep brachii
  • Supinators of forearm
  • Muscles participating in dorsal digital expansion of fingers
  • Abductors of eyeball
  • Sternocleidomastoid
  • Rotator cuff
  • Extraocular muscles
  • Branches of maxillary artery all parts
  • Cerebral hemisphere arterial supply
  • Mandibular nerve – branches

Important Lobes to remember

  • Urinary bladder- location, relation, nerve supply, anatomy & gross
  • Duodenum – 2nd and 3rd part
  • Diaphragm- origin insertion, opening & developmental basis of innervation
  • Heart – blood supply, coronary sulcus & RA
  • Lungs- pleural recesses, pleura & bronchopulmonary segments
  • Portal vein and portocaval anastomosis
  • Arches of foot

Other important questions for Prof Exams

  • Axilla- boundary contents
  • Muscular derivatives of 1st and 2nd pharyngeal arch
  • Skeletal derivatives of 3rd pharyngeal arch
  • 1st branchial arch
  • Cranial nerve nuclei in somatic efferent column of brain stem
  • Styloid apparatus
  • Ciliary ganglion
  • Otic ganglion
  • Tympanic membrane
  • Facial nerve- functional component
  • Cubital fossa
  • Supination pronation
  • Cortico spinal tract
  • Muscles of tongue with nerve supply
  • Constituents of inferior cerebral peduncle
  • Palate development
  • Cavernous sinus
  • Anatomical snuff box
  • Dorsal column of the spinal cord and sensations conveyed by it
  • Basal ganglia components
  • 4th ventricle of brain
  • Proprioceptive pathways
  • Middle ear
  • Circle of Willis
  • Foramen magnum and related structures
  • Commissures of brain
  • Fontanelles
  • Flexor retinaculum
  • Spinothalamic tract
  • Types of fibrous joints with examples
  • Cells of connective tissue
  • Parts of internal capsule
  • Endochondral ossifications
  • Types of cartilaginous joints with examples
  • Hoarseness of voice after thyroidectomy
  • Wrist drop
  • Erbs palsy
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Dangerous area of face
  • Carpel tunnel syndrome
  • Oblique facial cleft
  • Winging of scapula
  • Deviation of tongue in hypoglossal nerve injury
  • Neural tube defects
  • Thyroglossal cyst
  • Structures forming nasal septum
  • Speech areas of brain
  • Pulled elbow
  • Lumbar puncture
  • Melingomyolocoel
  • Potter’s tip deformity
  • Movement of thyroid swelling on swallowing
  • Bells palsy
  • Peau’d orange
  • Thyroglossal fistula
  • Ape thumb deformity
  • Styloid apparatus
  • Supination pronation
  • Cortico spinal tract
  • Middle ear
  • Circle of Willis
  • Commissures of brain
  • Fontanelles
  • Flexor retinaculum
  • Saphenous openings
  • Superficial and deep perineal pouch
  • Ant and post relations of kidney and stomach, liver, and hip joint.
  • Longitudinal arches of foot
  • Femoral sheath and artery and triangle
  • Azygous vein
  • Menisci of knee joint
  • Porto-caval anastomosis
  • Great saphenous vein
  • Popliteal fossa boundary and contents
  • Difference between ileum & jejunum
  • Anal Canal
  • Spermatic cord contents
  • Hepatorenal pouch and clinical.
  • Positions of appendix
  • Varicose veins
  • Thoracic duct
  • Gall bladder- location, relation, nerve supply, referred pain
  • Anal canal
  • Hernia: Inguinal – Direct, indirect, methods to prevent, Diaphragmatic hernia, Femoral hernia
  • Internal iliac artery divisions
  • Femoral artery
  • Superior mesenteric artery
  • Profunda femoris
  • Discuss methods of embalming
  • Different types of bins
  • Disposal of biomedical waste in DH
  • Gluteus maximus
  • Psoas major
  • Saphenous nerve
  • Diaphragmatic opening
  • Sciatic opening

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1. What are the major topics of Anatomy in MBBS?

Ans. The important topics for Anatomy include Types of epithelium, Derivatives of different types of epithelium, Thyroid, and Parathyroid, Axillary artery, Dermatomes of the upper and lower limb, Knee joint, Sciatic nerve, Saphenous vein, Imperforate anus, Rotation of midgut, Ectopic pregnancy, Descent and undescended testes, Ectopic pregnancy, Hemorrhoids, Liver histology, Uterus histology, Saphenous nerve, Diaphragmatic opening, and Sciatic opening.

Q2. Is anatomy a subject important for NEET PG?

Ans. Yes, every MBBS subject holds its significance in the NEET-PG exam. The Anatomy subject in NEET-PG carries a weightage of about 10-15 questions.

Q3. Which are the recommended books of Anatomy for MBBS students?

Ans. The recommended books for Anatomy for UnderGrads include Self-Assessment and Review of Anatomy, BD Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy, and Gray’s Anatomy for Students.

Click here to get conceptual clarity over MBBS subjects.

Every medical aspirant dream of scoring high in the NEET exam to get admission into a good medical college and consider it the toughest task. But after getting admission, completing MBBS is quite challenging. It requires consistent efforts and utmost proficiency and sincerity. After completing MBBS, another challenging and confusing task is to choose the right specialty and career.

First and the foremost thing to keep in mind while choosing a medical specialty is to consider your interest and passion instead of getting into peer pressure. You must choose a specialty that excites you, may it be surgery, medicine, research, pediatrics, or any other specialty. Then, look out for other factors such as skill set, financial considerations, work environment, professional growth, job demand, and more. You must take this decision wisely.

You have a variety of employment opportunities after earning your MBBS in India. Here are some of the potential career paths after completing an MBBS degree:


Pursue Medical PG Specialization

After completing MBBS, you have the option to pursue MD/MS, DNB, PG Diploma course, or a Direct 6 years super specialty course.

Courses to be pursued after MBBS:

List of MD (Doctor of Medicine) and MS (Master of Surgery) Courses

MD Specialisations:

    • Aerospace Medicine
    • Human Anatomy
    • Anesthesia
    • Biochemistry
    • Community Medicine
    • Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy
    • Family Medicine
    • Forensic Medicine
    • General Medicine
    • Geriatrics
    • Health Administration
    • Hospital Administration
    • Immunohematology
    • Microbiology
    • Nuclear Medicine
    • Pediatrics
    • Pathology
    • Pharmacology
    • Psychiatry
    • Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
    • Physiology
    • Pulmonary Medicine
    • Radiodiagnosis
    • Radiotherapy
    • Sports Medicine
    • Tropical Medicine
    • Palliative Medicine
    • Marine Medicine
    • Laboratory Medicine

MS Specialisations:

    • ENT
    • General Surgery
    • Obstetrics and Gynecology
    • Ophthalmology
    • Orthopaedics
    • Traumatology & Surgery

List of DNB (Diplomate of National Board) Courses

  • Anaesthesiology
  • Anatomy
  • Biochemistry
  • Community Medicine
  • Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprosy
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Family Medicine
  • Forensic Medicine
  • General Medicine
  • General Surgery
  • Hospital Administration
  • Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion
  • Microbiology
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopaedics
  • Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
  • Pediatrics
  • Palliative Medicine
  • Pathology
  • Pharmacology
  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Physiology
  • Psychiatry
  • Radiation Oncology
  • Radio Diagnosis
  • Respiratory Medicine
  • Geriatric Medicine

List of Post MBBS PG Diploma Courses

  • Anaesthesia
  • Clinical Pathology
  • DVL
  • ENT
  • Health Education
  • Immunohaematology
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Occupational Health
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopaedics
  • Pediatrics
  • Psychiatry
  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Pulmonary Medicine
  • Radio-diagnosis
  • Radiation Medicine
  • Sports Medicine
  • Tropical Medicine
  • Allergy & Clinical Immunology

List of Direct 6 Years Super Specialty Courses

  • DM Radiotherapy & Oncology
  • DM Neurology
  • M.Ch. Neurosurgery
  • M.Ch. Pediatric Surger
  • M.Ch. Infectious Diseases
  • M.Ch. Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery CTVS
  • M.Ch. Surgical Gastroenterology
  • M.Ch. Trauma Surgery & Critical Care
  • M.Ch. Plastic, Reconstructive & Burns Surgery
  • M.Ch. Urology

Combined Medical Services Examination

UPSC-CMS is Combined Medical Services Examination. The CMS exam provides the opportunity to take up the following Posts/Services:

Category I:

  • Medical Officers Grade in General Duty Medical Officers Sub-cadre of Central Health Service

Category II:

  • Assistant Divisional Medical Officer in the Railways.
  • General Duty Medical Officer in New Delhi Municipal Council
  • General duty Medical Officer Gr-II in Municipal Corporation of Delhi

AFMS – Short Service Commission

Armed Forces Medical Service recruits doctors as Short Service Commissioned Medical Officers. Candidates can apply for this if they have a medical degree and a permanent registration with any State Medical Council/MCI. Admission to the AFMS-SSC exam comprises a two-stage selection process. An interview/Personality Test followed by Medical Examination is conducted for Short Service Commissioned Medical Officers posts.


Pursue Postgraduate Courses

You also have the option to pursue Master’s in the allied science and field.  You can pursue the following postgraduation courses after MBBS:

  • Master in Hospital Administration
  • Master’s in healthcare Imaging
  • Master’s in Medical Science and Technology
  • Master’s in Medical Biotechnology
  • Master’s in Public Health (MPH)
  • MBA in Healthcare Management


Pharmaceutical companies and research institutes offer various opportunities for MBBS graduates. You can work in research and development, clinical trials, medical affairs, drug safety, and more.  Pharmaceutical companies require medical professionals to provide expertise in drug development and interact with other healthcare professionals. Institutes ICMR, CCMP, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, etc. are a good option for this career profile. You can pursue Ph.D. further if you are interested in research.

Medical Practitioner

You can start your practice in a government or private hospital or any healthcare facility, or start private practice. You can also collaborate with other medical professionals and practice.

Medical Content Writing

You can explore a career in medical writing and medical journalism. If you are good at writing, you can write articles, research papers, books, and journals and can also work as a medical journalist for newspapers, magazines, or online publications. You can get employed at pharmaceutical companies, publishing houses, and more.


You can pursue Ph.D. and pursue teaching as a profession. Being an Academician is also a highly respectful and lucrative career option.

Medical Advisor

You can work as a medical advisor or expert witness in legal cases involving medical issues. In this, you can work with the companies to develop marketing strategies and materials. You can provide support to the regulatory affairs department for obtaining product licenses. You will there conduct analysis and help the writers with the content creation for a brand related to medicine field.

Medical Jobs at International Organizations

International Organizations like WHO and UNICEF provide several job opportunities for Medical graduates as per applicable vacancies, may it be of a physician, medical advisor, Public Health Officer, or surveillance medical job.

It’s highly essential to evaluate your interest, skills, and long-term goals to choose a career path that aligns with your aspirations. Further specialization through a postgraduate degree can significantly enhance your career prospects.

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is a multi-campus and multi-disciplinary university in India. It is among the top-ranked private university in India and is accredited with the NAAC A++ grade ranking. The university is one of the fastest-growing institutions and has more than 180 partnerships with leading universities around the globe.

The university offers around 250+ UG, PG, Integrated, Doctoral, and Certificate programs in various fields such as Medicine, Agriculture, Arts & Science, Ayurveda, Biotechnology, Business, Mass Communication, Dentistry, Engineering, Nano Sciences, Nursing, Pharmacy, Social Work, and Sustainable Development.

The university has seven campuses at Amaravati, Kochi, Amritapuri, Chennai, Coimbatore,  Bengaluru, and Mysuru, and a new upcoming campus at NCR Delhi (Faridabad). In the medical field, the Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore is ranked at the sixth position according to the NIRF ranking 2023.

Courses at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham


MBBS Course at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

Duration: MBBS is a five-and-a-half-year program including one year of compulsory rotatory residential internship.

Admission Process: Admission at Amrita for MBBS is done through the NEET-UG entrance examination.

Selection and Counselling: Selection is done based on the NEET-UG All India Ranking. Qualifying candidates according to the MCC can participate in the counselling for admission to the MBBS course.

Campus: MBBS Course is available at the Faridabad and Kochi campuses.

Number of Seats: There are a total of 150 MBBS seats at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, from which 127 belongs to the General Category (Indian Students) and 23 belong to the NRI Category.

Fee Details: The tuition fee is different for Indian students and NRI students. The MBBS fees structure at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham are as follows:

For Indian Students,

  • Tuition Fee (to be paid every year): Rs. 19,00,000/-
  • Total Tuition Fee (Entire MBBS duration): 95,00,000/-
  • Hostel and Mess Charges (to be paid every year): Rs. 76,000/-

For NRI Students,

  • Tuition Fee (to be paid per year): US $ 45,000/-
  • Total Tuition Fee (Entire MBBS duration): US $ 2,25,000 /-
  • Hostel and Mess Charges (to be paid every year): US $1,500/-

Other fees of Rs. 76,800/- are common for both Indian and NRI students and have to be paid in Indian currency only.

Click here to get conceptual clarity on MBBS subjects.


Postgraduate Courses at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeeth offers MD, MS, and PG Diploma courses in various specialties. The course details are as follows:

Duration: The course duration is 3 years.

Admission Procedure: Candidates with the MBBS degree recognized by NMC are eligible to get admission to the various medical postgraduate courses at Amrita. The admission is done based on the NEET-PG entrance examination. Candidates need to score a competitive score to get into the NEET-PG merit list.

Selection and Counselling: Selection is done based on the NEET-PG All India Ranking. Qualifying candidates according to the MCC can participate in the counseling for admission to MD, MS, and PG Diploma courses. The counselling procedure is conducted by DGHS.


List of PG Specialization and Number of Seats

PG Specialization

(MD/MS Courses)

Number of Seats
General Category NRI Category
MD in Geriatrics 1
MD in Physiology 2
MD in General Medicine 5 3
MD in Anatomy 2
MD in Biochemistry 2
MD in Nuclear Medicine 2
MD in Psychiatry 4
MD in Anaesthesiology 11
MD in Pathology 5
MD in Respiratory Medicine 2
MD in Dermatology, Venerology & Leprosy 2 1
MD in Radiation Oncology 3
MD in Radiodiagnosis 6 4
MD in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2
MD in Emergency Medicine 2
MD in Pediatrics 4 2
MD in Forensic Medicine 2
MD in Community Medicine 5
MD in Microbiology 2
MD in Pharmacology 2
M. S. in Obstetrics & Gynaecology 4 1
M. S. in General Surgery 5 1
M. S. in Orthopaedics 4 2
M. S. in Ophthalmology 5 1
M. S. in Otorhinolaryngology 4

Fee Structure of MD/MS Courses at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham:

PG Specialization Annual Fees (in INR) First-Year Other Fees (in INR) Hostel Fees
MD in Geriatrics 20,00,000 1,10,600 62,000
MD in Physiology 6,00,000 1,10,600 62,000
MD in General Medicine 30,00,000 (Fees in INR for Indian Students)

$ 80,000 (Fees in $ for NRI Students)

1,10,600 62,000
MD in Anatomy 6,00,000 1,10,600 62,000
MD in Biochemistry 5,00,000 1,10,600 62,000
MD in Nuclear Medicine 21,00,000 1,10,600 62,000
MD in Psychiatry 19,00,000 1,10,600 62,000
MD in Anaesthesiology 25,00,000 1,10,600 62,000
MD in Pathology 16,00,000 1,10,600 62,000
MD in Respiratory Medicine 20,00,000 1,10,600 62,000
MD in Dermatology, Venerology & Leprosy ₹ 35,00,000 (Fees in INR for Indian Students)

$ 80,000 (Fees in $ for NRI Students)

1,10,600 62,000
MD in Radiation Oncology 20,00,000 1,10,600 62,000
MD in Radiodiagnosis ₹ 35,00,000 (Fees in INR for Indian Students)

$ 80,000 (Fees in $ for NRI Students)

1,10,600 62,000
MD in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 16,00,000 1,10,600 62,000
MD in Emergency Medicine 16,00,000 1,10,600 62,000
MD in Pediatrics ₹ 30,00,000 (Fees in INR for Indian Students)

$ 80,000 (Fees in $ for NRI Students)

1,10,600 62,000
MD in Forensic Medicine 6,60,000 1,10,600 62,000
MD in Community Medicine 8,00,000 1,10,600 62,000
MD in Microbiology 9,00,000 1,10,600 62,000
MD in Pharmacology 1,10,600 62,000
M. S. in Obstetrics & Gynaecology


₹ 27,00,000 (Fees in INR for Indian Students)

$ 80,000 (Fees in INR for Indian Students)

1,10,600 62,000
M. S. in General Surgery


₹27,00,000 (Fees in INR for Indian Students)

$75,000 (Fees in INR for Indian Students)

1,10,600 62,000
M. S. in Orthopaedics ₹27,00,000 (Fees in INR for Indian Students)

$80,000 (Fees in INR for Indian Students)

1,10,600 62,000
M. S. in Ophthalmology 22,00,000 1,10,600 62,000
M. S. in Otorhinolaryngology 25,00,000 1,10,600 62,000

Stipend Offered:
The stipend is offered to MD and MS medical students at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.

Course Year Stipend (in INR)
1st Year 43,000.00
2nd Year 44,000.00
3rd Year 45,000.00

PG Diploma Courses

The PG Diploma courses in the medical field at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham are available in the following disciplines:

  • Obstetrics & Gynaecology (DGO)
  • Otorhinolaryngology (DLO)
  • Medical Radio Diagnosis (DMRO)
  • Dermatology Venerology & Leprosy (DDVL)
  • PG Diploma in Radiotherapy (DMRT)
  • PG Diploma in Ophthalmology (DO)

Click here to master the concepts of the medical PG courses.


Super Specialisation Courses at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

The details of the Super Specialisation Courses are as follows:

Duration: The course duration is three years from the date of commencement of classes.

Curriculum: It is as per the syllabus approved by the MCI and Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.

Eligibility Criteria and Admission Procedure: Candidates with MD/MS/DNB degrees recognized by MCI are eligible to apply for the DM/MCh Courses. Candidates are required to qualify for the NEET-SS entrance examination with a competitive score to get admission into the DM/M.Ch. courses at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.


List of DM Courses and Number of Seats

DM Courses Number of Seats
D. M. in Clinical Haematology 3
D. M. in Pediatric Neurology 2
D.M. in Medical Oncology 2
D.M. in Nephrology 3
D. M. in Cardiac Anesthesia 2
D.M. in Neurology 4
D. M. in Pediatric Cardiology 2
D. M. in Cardiology 5
D. M. in Rheumatology 2
D.M. in Gastroenterology 4
D.M. in Endocrinology 3
D.M. in Pulmonary Medicine 2


Fee Structure for DM Courses

The tuition fees for DM courses at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham along with other fees and hostel fees.

DM Courses Fee Structure (in INR)
Annual Fees Other Fees (First Year) Hostel Fees


D. M. in Clinical Haematology 20,00,000 64,600 62,000
D. M. in Pediatric Neurology 20,00,000 64,600 62,000
D.M. in Medical Oncology 22,00,000 64,600 62,000
D.M. in Nephrology 17,00,000 64,600 62,000
D. M. in Cardiac Anesthesia 7,00,000 64,600 62,000
D.M. in Neurology 20,00,000 64,600 62,000
D. M. in Paediatric Cardiology 20,00,000 64,600 62,000
D. M. in Cardiology 20,00,000 64,600 62,000
D. M. in Rheumatology 20,00,000 64,600 62,000
D.M. in Gastroenterology 27,00,000 64,600 62,000
D.M. in Endocrinology 28,00,000 64,600 62,000
D.M. in Pulmonary Medicine 20,00,000 64,600 62,000

List of M.Ch. Courses and Number of Seats

M.Ch. Courses Number of Seats
M.Ch. in Plastic Surgery 2
M.Ch. in Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgery       2
M. Ch. in Gastrointestinal Surgery 4
M. Ch. in Urology 3
M. Ch. in Gynec Oncology 2
M. Ch. in Head & Neck Surgery 2
M. Ch. in Pediatric Surgery 1
M. Ch. in Neurosurgery 4
M. Ch. in Reproductive Medicine & Surgery 2


Fee Structure for M.Ch. Courses

The tuition fees for M.Ch. courses at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham along with other fees and hostel fees.

Courses Fee Structure
Annual Fees First-year Other Fees (in INR) First-Year Hostel Fee

(in INR)

M.Ch. in Plastic Surgery 17,00,000 64,600 62,000
M.Ch. in Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgery 4,00,00 64,600 62,000
M. Ch. in Gastrointestinal Surgery          28,00,00 64,600 62,000
M. Ch. in Urology 28,00,000 64,600 62,000
M. Ch. in Gynec Oncology 22,00,000 64,600 62,000
M. Ch. in Head & Neck Surgery 17,00,00 64,600 62,000
M. Ch. in Pediatric Surgery 7,00,000 64,600 62,000
M. Ch. in Neurosurgery 15,00,000 64,600 62,000
M. Ch. in Reproductive Medicine & Surgery        22,00,000 64,600 62,000

Stipend Offered:
The stipend is offered to candidates pursuing DM or MCh degree at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.

Course Year Stipend (in INR)
1st Year 47,000.00
2nd Year 48,000.00
3rd Year 49,000.00

Fellowship Courses at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

Fellowship courses are offered in various specialties at Amrita.

The following are the details of the fellowship courses, along with the number of seats, course duration, and the required primary education qualification:

Courses Number of Seats Course Duration (Year) Eligibility Qualification
Fellowship in Fetal Cardiology 2 6 months for Pediatric Cardiologists

3 months for Fetal Medicine Specialist

MD/DNB in related areas
Fellowship in Diabetology 1 1 MD in General Medicine
Fellowship in Interventional Pulmonology 1


1 MD/DNB in related areas
Fellowship in Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology 1 1 MD/DNB in related areas
Fellowship in Pediatric Urology 2 1 MD/DNB in related areas
Fellowship in Stroke Medicine 1 1 MD/DNB in related areas
Fellowship in Pediatric Neurology 1 2 MD/DNB in related areas
Fellowship in Uro-oncology and Robotic Surgery 1 2 MD/DNB in related areas
Fellowship in Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology 2 2 MD/DNB in related areas
Fellowship in Infectious Disease 1 2 MD/DNB in related areas
Fellowship in Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition 1 2 MD/DNB Pediatrics
Fellowship in Fetal Medicine 2 2 MD/DNB OBG
Fellowship in Advanced Obstetric Ultrasound and Fetal Echo 1 1 MD/DNB Radiology
Fellowship in Obstetric Ultrasound 2 6 months MD/DNB Radiology


Fellowship in Therapeutic Advanced Endoscopy 1 2 MD/DNB in related areas
Fellowship in Pediatric Neurosurgery 3 2 MD/DNB in related areas
Fellowship in Traumatology 1


1 MD/DNB in related areas
Fellowship in Pediatric Critical Care 2 2 MD/DNB in related areas
Fellowship in Pediatric Intensive Care 2 1 MD/DNB in related areas
Fellowship in Interventional Radiology 1 1 MD/DNB in related areas
Fellowship in Vitreo Retinal Surgery 1 1 MD/DNB in related areas
Fellowship in Accident and Emergency Care 1 1 MD/DNB in related areas


Fellowship in Neonatology 2 1 MD / DNB in related areas
Fellowship in Indian Diploma in Critical Care 2 1 MD/DNB in related areas
Fellowship in Orthognathic Surgery 1 2.5 MD/DNB in related areas
Fellowship in Solid Organ Transplant Anesthesia 2 2 MD/DNB in related areas
Fellowship in Diabetic Foot 1 1 M.S. in Gen.Surgery/ Orthopedics/Post Diploma in Orthopedics and Allied Specialties
Fellowship in Pediatric Cardiac Sciences: Pediatric Cardiology/Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care/Pediatric Cardiac Surgery 3 2 Basic Training in Pediatric Cardiology, PG in General Pediatrics/Anaesthesiology, Master/Doctoral in Cardiac Surgery

Doctoral Degree at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

The doctoral degree in the medical field is offered in the following two disciplines:

  • Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Ph.D. in Medical and Health Sciences

The doctoral course details are as follows:

Duration: The duration of the Ph.D. courses is around 3-5 years.

Admission Procedure: Admission is done through an entrance examination and an interview taken by the college itself.

Funding: The funding is obtained through fellowships by DBT, DST, ICMR, and more.

MRCOG is an internationally recognized RCOG membership exam. It is considered a gold standard qualification for those who want to obtain a higher level of competency in the OBGYN medical specialty. This qualification aims to evaluate the skills, knowledge, and clinical judgement of medical professionals who specialize in obstetrics and gynecology.

Last-minute Reliable Tips to Ace MRCOG Part 1 and MRCOG Part 2 Exams

  • Plan and strictly follow the revision exam strategy. Keep in mind the MRCOG Part 1 and Part 2 exam pattern.
    • MRCOG Part 1 Exam Pattern:
MRCOG Part 1 Exam Pattern (Paper 1 & Paper 2)
Particulars Description
Duration 2.5 hours (150 minutes) for each paper
Type of Questions Asked SBAs (Single Best Answers)
Number of Questions 100 SBAs for each paper
Lunch break (approximately one hour) between both the papers


    • MRCOG Part 2 Exam Pattern:
MRCOG Part 2 Exam Pattern (Paper 1 & Paper 2)
Particulars Description
Duration 3 hours (180 minutes) for each paper
Type of Questions Asked SBAs (Single Best Answers) and EMQs (Extended Matching Questions) for each paper
Number of Questions 50 SBAs and 50 EMQs for each paper
Lunch break (approximately one hour) between both the papers


  • Don’t go through the complete syllabus at the last time, just revise your notes, summaries, and important topics.
  • Take advantage of the fact that there is no negative marking, so try to attempt all the questions by choosing the best possible answer.
  • Time Management Tip:
    • For both the papers of the MRCOG Part 1 Exam, you have 150 minutes to solve 100 SBAs (Single best answers) which is similar to the Multiple-choice questions. So, try not to give more than 1.5 minutes for answering any question.
    • For MRCOG Part 2 Exam, you have 180 minutes for solving 50 SBAs (Single Best Answers) and 50 EMQs (Extended Matching Questions) in each MRCOG Part 2 exam (Paper 1 & 2). It is highly advised to devote 60-70 minutes for SBAs (roughly 1.5 minutes for each question) and 110-120 minutes for EMQs (roughly 2.5 minutes for each question).
    • Prioritize solving the questions according to your expertise in the topic and the difficulty level of the question.
  • Solve as many as mock papers possible.
    • Solving mock papers is highly beneficial in preparation and evaluation. Mock papers are practice papers prepared according to the latest exam pattern and syllabus. It immensely helps in time management.
    • The “Cracking MRCOG Part 1-Mock Exam” and “Cracking MRCOG Part 2- Mock Exam” series is intended to reduce the excruciating “exam” anxiety as it replicates the real MRCOG exam and aids in your preparation for the big day. To familiarise yourself with every form of a question that could appear on the examination paper, we provide 7 sets of Mock tests totaling 1,400 questions for each part. After the submission of mock exams, you will be provided with evidence-supported explanation for each answer. The appropriate flowcharts, tables, and boxes are used to vividly display the explanation of the answers. This helps students to build a complete understanding of each topic and will also meet the requirements of the exams.
  • Don’t miss out on topics under Green top guidelines and NICE guidelines mentioned on the RCOG website.
    • The topics in Green top guidelines include Operative Vaginal Delivery, Vulval Skin Disorders and Management, Preterm Labor, Reduced Fetal Movements, Breast Cancer in Pregnancy, Uses of Anti D-immunoglobulin, Antepartum Haemorrhage, Shoulder Dystocia, Bacterial Sepsis in Pregnancy, Initial Management of Chronic Pelvic Pain, Blood Transfusion in Obstetrics, Management of Third- and Fourth-degree Perineal Tears, Female Genital Mutilation and its Management, Diagnosis, and Management of Ectopic Pregnancy, Management of Monochorionic twin pregnancy, Management of Premenstrual syndrome, Management of Bladder pain syndrome, Post-Hysterectomy Vaginal Vault Prolapse and many more.
    • The topic in the NICE guidelines includes Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Infertility, Urinary Incontinence, Mental Health, C Section, Intrapartum, Menopause, Postnatal care, Surgical site infection, LARC, IOL, PTL, and more.
  • Go through the previous year’s questions and practice papers. Assess your knowledge and track your progress.
  • Revision is highly important to retain the information for your long-term memory bank. It can be daunting and boring at times, but it is the best way to memorize.
  • Emphasize on facts, figures, percentages, and real case scenarios.


Important Exam Day Tips for MRCOG Part 1 & 2 Exam

  • Keep ID proof and all other required documents handy in a folder to take on exam day.
  • Reach the Exam centre prior to the reporting time.
  • Read all the instructions and guidelines carefully which are shared on your system screen before attempting the exam.
  • Read the questions twice, understand the question, and then answer.
  • In case, you don’t know the answer don’t panic and try to rule out the options to get the most appropriate answer.
  • Avoid any discussion of Paper 1 during the break instead keep yourself calm and ready for Paper 2.

MRCOG revision is a long-haul endeavour. It is a marathon, not a sprint. Your dietary habits and physical well-being will directly impact your cognitive functions. Take no chance. A healthy diet and regular exercise are essential, as are several fundamental stretches (especially for the neck and shoulders). You should practice a regular stress-reduction technique, such as yoga or music listening.

Click here to know about MRCOG Part 1 exam in detail.

Click here to know about MRCOG Part 2 exam in detail.

Pediatrics is a broad discipline that covers the medical treatment, well-being, and growth of children, making it a vital subject and specialization in the medical field.

A Pediatrician’s duties include preserving children’s physical, mental, and emotional health at all stages of development in addition to treating children who are acutely or chronically ill. Their health and developmental milestones, common ailments and their treatments, immunizations, nutrition, behavioral problems, and many other topics are covered in the Pediatrics course in MBBS.

Studying pediatrics goes hand-in-hand with gaining experience in managing youngsters, as they can’t express their problems or communicate effectively. It is a great duty to understand and deal with newborns and children as well as to counsel their parents. Being in the collaborative field of pediatrics necessitates extensive knowledge of the subject, a great degree of patience, and exceptional communication abilities.

MBBS Prof Exam Pattern

The MBBS Prof exam pattern is a bit different after the introduction of the CBME pattern. In the Pediatrics subject, the prof exam comprises 200 marks wherein 100 marks are for the theory examination and 100 marks for the practical examination. The theoretical examination comprises long answer questions, short answer questions, and multiple-choice questions whereas the practical examination includes the clinical examination and viva. You must obtain a minimum of 50% marks in theory and practical to pass the university exams.

Important Topics of Pediatrics for Prof Exams, NEET-PG, and INI-CET Entrance Examination

If you want to excel in the MBBS and pursue postgraduate study, concentrate on early preparation for both professional exams and competitive entrance exams. The two main entrance examinations in India nowadays are NEET-PG/NExT and INI-CET. Pediatrics has a subject weightage of about 10-15 questions in both the INI-CET and NEET PG entrance exams.

High-yielding topics are a crucial component of a productive study plan that will improve your test-taking efficiency. You must carefully schedule your study sessions, giving priority to time management, course-specific high-yield topics, and, most importantly, your health.

Recommended books for Pediatrics include Piyush Gupta’s UG Textbook of Pediatrics, Ghai Essential Pediatrics, Review of Pediatrics & Neonatology, and Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates: Pediatrics.

To score high in the examinations may it be prof exams or competitive entrance exams, it is highly recommended to have a good grasp over the important and high-yielding topics.

List of high-yielding topics of Pediatrics for NEET-PG, INI-CET, and MBBS Prof exams:

Growth in Children

Iodine Deficiency Disorder

Severe Acute Malnutrition

Moderate Acute Malnutrition

Breast Milk and Breastfeeding Practices

Vitamin A, E, K, B, and C

Vaccine and Vaccination Schedule-Part-1 and 2

Epiglottis and Croup

The Normal Newborn-1 and 2

Nephrotic Syndrome and Acute Kidney Injury

Cerebral Palsy

Global developmental delay

Complications of pneumonia

Etiology, clinical features, and management of pyogenic meningitis

Cerebral malaria

MR (measles) vaccine


Breath-holding spell (Cyanotic spell)

DPT vaccine


Clinical features of Vit. D deficiency

Steps of neonatal resuscitation

Diagnosis of Rheumatic Fever (Jone’s criteria)

Diagnostic and clinical features of Rheumatic fever and its management

Adolescent vaccination

Febrile seizure

Clinical features and management of Nephrotic syndrome

BCG vaccine

Complications of a premature baby

Positioning and attachment in breastfeeding


Fluid therapy with severe dehydration

Approach to a Child with Hematuria

Management of Pulmonary T.B.

Down’s syndrome

Clinical features, differential diagnosis, complications, and management of tubercular meningitis in children

Measles rash and its differential diagnosis

Assessment of hydration status

V.S.D. (Ventricular Septal Defect)

Hepatitis B vaccine

Dietary therapy in protein energy malnutrition

Management of status asthmaticus

Diagnosis and management of community-acquired pneumonia

Define, clinical features, diagnosis, and management of neonatal sepsis

A developmental milestone in 1yr old child and growth parameters of 1yr old child

Complimentary feeding

Differential diagnosis of acute convulsion

Diagnosis of typhoid fever

ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection) control program

Iron deficiency anemia in children

Complications of low birth weight in baby

Sepsis screening in newborn

Accidental kerosene ingestion

Low osmolarity ORS

Immunization schedule

Primary complex

Minimal change nephrotic syndrome

Croup syndrome

Prevention of diphtheria

Care of newborn, delivered through meconium-stained amniotic fluid, immediately after birth

Diagnosis of pathological jaundice in newborns

Differential diagnosis of the first episode of generalized confusion in a 2yr old child

Clinical diagnosis of cardiac failure in infants

Diagnosis and initial management of shock

Autosomal recessive disorders

Principles of counseling


Management of severe dehydration

Revised National TB Control program

Investigations of Urinary tract infection

Hypothermia prevention in newborn

Etiology and management of Congestive heart failure

Megaloblastic anemia

Treatment of Kala Azar

Management of dengue hemorrhagic fever

Secondary prophylaxis of rheumatic fever

Gross motor milestone at 1yr of age

Management of kangaroo mother care

Management of anoxic spell in Fallot’s tetralogy

Severe dehydration

Management and differential diagnosis of hepatosplenomegaly with anemia

Advantages of breastfeeding

Oral Rehydration Therapy

Diagnosis and management of a child with 1st episode of nephrotic syndrome

Stepwise management of acute diarrhea

Common Problems of adolescent boys

Signs of dehydration and management

Motor reflex and its implication

Rotavirus vaccine (type, route, dosage, schedule)

Routine newborn care

Vaccine schedule

Enumerate Apgar score

Breastfeeding recommendations from birth and its advantages

Clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment of rickets


Treatment of acute exacerbation of bronchial asthma

Physiological jaundice in newborn

Feeding recommendation up to 1yr agea

MMR vaccine

Apnoea of prematurity

Dengue fever with a warning sign

AFP surveillance

Combination vaccine

Laws of growth

Gestational age assessment in Newborn

L-R shunt

Pulse polio immunization (program)

Complications of diphtheria

Components of IMNCI

Management and complications of Nephritic syndrome

Laboratory diagnosis for enteric fever

Management of severe protein energy malnutrition

Management of acute watery diarrhoea with severe dehydration

Management of Cyanotic Congenital Heart disease

Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia (unconjugated)


Neonatal seizures

Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn

Don’t skip over these crucial topics if you want to perform well in examinations. Undoubtedly, every one of us learns distinctively, but DigiNerve has got you covered in every situation. Pediatrics for Undergrads by Dr. Santosh T. Soans and Dr. Soundarya Mahalingam is one of the best online pediatrics courses available especially if you prefer audio-visual learning. This online pediatrics course includes highly illustrative video lectures, case studies, self-assessment questions, and notes. The lectures use the new CBME methodology to promote conceptual clarity while achieving excellent grades in the examinations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What are the major topics of pediatrics?

Ans. Growth in Children, Iodine Deficiency Disorder, Severe acute malnutrition, Moderate Acute Malnutrition, Breast Milk and Breastfeeding Practices, Vitamin A, B, E, K, and C, Vaccine and Vaccination Schedule-Part-1 and 2, Epiglottis and Croup, The Normal Newborn-1 and 2, Nephrotic Syndrome and Acute Kidney Injury, Cerebral Palsy, Global developmental delay and Complications of pneumonia are some of the important topics of Pediatrics in MBBS.

Q2. How much is the subject weightage of Pediatrics in the NEET-PG and INI-CET exams?

Ans. The subject Pediatrics has a subject weightage of about 10-15 questions in both the INI-CET and NEET PG entrance exams.

Q3. How to learn Pediatrics for MBBS online?

Ans. Pediatrics for Undergrads by Dr. Santosh T. Soans and Dr. Soundarya Mahalingam is one of the best online pediatrics courses available especially if you prefer audio-visual learning. This online pediatrics course includes highly illustrative video lectures, case studies, self-assessment questions, and notes. The lectures use the new CBME methodology to promote conceptual clarity while achieving excellent grades in the examinations.

Q4. Which is the best book for Pediatrics for MBBS students?

Ans. Piyush Gupta’s UG Textbook of Pediatrics, Ghai Essential Pediatrics, Review of Pediatrics & Neonatology, and Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates: Pediatrics are among the best books for Pediatrics.

DNB-PDCET is Diplomate of National Board- Post Diploma Centralized Entrance Test. It is a single-window entrance examination for admission to Post Diploma DNB Broad Specialty Courses. The duration of the Post Diploma DNB course is 2 years.

The DNB-PDCET entrance examination is conducted by the National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS). A consistent national standard for assessing the minimal level of knowledge and skills required for postgraduate and doctorate courses is provided by NBEMS.

The DNB PDCET examination was held on 23rd April 2023 for a total of 1073 seats for 14 different specialties. The DNB-PDCET 2023 result has been released on 22nd May 2023 and can be downloaded from the NBEMS official website,

DNB-PDCET Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for admission to the Post Diploma DNB courses are as follows:

  • Candidates can apply for the DNB PDCET 2023 in the desired broad specialty using the online application system available at the NBEMS website, or  https:// if they have completed the final examination leading to the award of a Post Graduate Diploma from Indian Universities that have been duly recognized by NMC.
  • The final test result for the mentioned Post Graduate Diploma certification should have been released on or around February 28, of the academic year.
  • Those who are already enrolled in an MD, MS, or DNB programme are not eligible to take the DNB-PDCET until they have finished the ongoing program or have been released from it.
  • You must provide documented verification of their registration with the NMC, the former Medical Council of India, or the State Medical Council on the day of the exam and during counselling/admission.

DNB-PDCET Exam Scheme

Particulars Description
Scheme Single-day and single session exam
Mode of Exam Computer-based Test
Type of questions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Language of Question Paper English
Total number of questions 120
Total time allotted 120 minutes
Marking Scheme +4 is given for every correct answer.

-1 is given for every incorrect answer.

Zero mark for every unattempted answer.

Questions marked for review are evaluated according to the marking scheme.

Total Marks 480
Organizing Body NBEMS (National Board of Examinations In Medical Sciences)

List of Post Diploma DNB Courses

Following is the list of Post Diploma DNB Courses in which admission is done through DNB-PDCET:

S.No. Post Diploma DNB Courses Prior Entry Eligible Qualification
1 DNB (Anaesthesiology) DA
2 DNB (Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy) DVD
3 DNB (Nuclear Medicine) DNM
4 DNB (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) DGO
5 DNB (Ophthalmology) DOMS
6 DNB (Orthopaedics) DORTHO
7 DNB (Otorhinolaryngology) DLO
8 DNB (Paediatrics) DCH
9 DNB (Psychiatry) DPM
10 DNB (Radio Diagnosis) DMRD
11 DNB (Radiation Oncology) DMRT
12 DNB (Respiratory Medicine) DTCD
13 DNB (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) DPMR
14 DNB (Pathology) DCP

DNB PDCET Online Application Form

Steps to fill in an online DNB-PDCET application form.

  1. You are required to fill out the user registration form to generate a User ID/Application ID and Password.
  2. You will receive an SMS and Email with the User ID and Password.
  3. Then you must complete the application form and upload your photograph, scanned signature, thumb impression, and other required documents. You must fill in the information correctly to avoid any discrepancies later.
  4. While filling in the form, you need to choose your Exam Centre/Test City and pay the examination fee.
  5. After completing the form and carefully checking it, agree to the declaration and submit the application.
  6. You must submit the DNB-PDCET online application form before the last date.
  7. After completing the payment, check the payment status to be mentioned as ‘S’ (Successful) on the application form.
  8. You must take a printout of the filled Application form with the transaction ID printed on it and payment status should be mentioned as Successful.

Instruction to Fill Online DNB-PDCET Online Application Form

New User Registration: You are required to create an online profile to generate a User ID and Password.

Applicant Login: You can login and register an online application using the User ID and Password that has been set. Following user creation, the “Go to Application” link enables you to carry on with the application submission.

Fill out the application form correctly: You are required to fill in details like name, gender, nationality, email id, contact, and more.

Nationality can be chosen from the following options: Indian, Non-Resident Indian (NRI), Overseas Citizen of India (OCI)/PIO, and Non-OCI Foreign Nationals. If you are a Foreign National along with an Overseas Citizen of India, choose OCI/PIO as your nationality. If you are a foreign national and not an OCI, then choose Non-OCI Foreign National as your Nationality.

Upload Images: Upload your photograph, signature, and thumb impression in the application form.

Instruction for Uploading the Images

Images to be uploaded                                      Instructions
Photograph Candidate must upload two photographs:

1. Real time photograph- taken by the inbuilt system while filling out the PDCET application form.

2. Recent Photograph- in this case, the photograph should not be more than 3 months old.

·  Do not wear spectacles, cap goggles, or ornaments while getting clicked.

· Photograph should be colored with white background.

· The size of the image should be less than 80kb.

· The image should be in .jpg/.jpeg format.


The signature can be made in two ways:

1. Uploading the signature using a digital device: (i.e., camera)

· Draw a box of size 1.5 cm (height) x 3.5 cm (width).

· Sign with a black or blue ink pen.

· Scan the image through scanner and then crop the image to the box.

· Resize the image to 20-100kb.

2. Uploading the scanned signature

· Signature should be done on a blank white page with blue/black pen.

· Set the scanner to 200 dpi.

· Scanned image should be in .jpeg/.jpg format.

· Size of the image should be less than 80kb.

Thumb impression

· Draw a box of 3.5 cm x 1.5 cm (width x height) on white paper.

· Use a blue/black ink pad and take the left thumb impression.

· Scanner should be set at 200 dpi.

· Scanned image of the thumbprint must be in .jpg/.jpeg format.

· Size of the image should be less than 80kb.

Choose Examination City
: You must choose the Test City from the given options. The exam centres are allotted according to a first come first serve basis.

Exam Centres

The tentative list of exam centres for the DNB-PDCET exam:

  • Ahmedabad
  • Bengaluru
  • Bhopal
  • Chandigarh/Mohali
  • Chennai
  • Delhi NCR
  • Guwahati
  • Hyderabad
  • Jaipur
  • Jammu
  • Kolkata
  • Kozhikode
  • Lucknow
  • Mumbai
  • Patna
  • Pune
  • Ranchi
  • Thiruvananthapuram
  • Visakhapatnam

Pay the Examination Fee: The DNB-PDCET examination fee is Rs. 5000 (excluding additional payment gateway charges and tax). After making the payment make sure the confirmation is reflected as ‘S’ (Successful) in the application form.

Application Form Submission: Carefully preview your application form and agree to the declaration and submit the application form.

Acknowledgment of Application Submission: An acknowledgment email is sent to the registered email ID which confirms the successful application.

If any detail/field in the application form mentioned is incorrect, you can only edit it during the Edit Window. However, the following fields remain non-editable:

  • Name of the Candidate
  • Email ID
  • Mobile number
  • Nationality
  • Test City

List of Barred Items

  • Mobiles phones and other electronic devices like earphones, Bluetooth, wristwatches, etc.
  • Any stationary item like a pen, textual material, notebook, writing pad, pouch, eraser, etc.
  • Any ornaments like rings, earrings, bracelets, chains, brooches, etc.
  • Any other wearables and accessories like caps, goggles, wallets, handbags, etc.

DNB PDCET Admit Card

The DNB-PDCET admit cards can be downloaded from the NBEMS website,

You must download their admit cards from the NBEMS website and firmly paste their most recent (not older than three months) passport-size photo in the designated spot on the card. The image must adhere to the following requirements:

  • The size of the photograph must be a minimum of 35×45 mm with a clear face and head of the candidate.
  • The photograph should be coloured with white background.
  • No caps, goggles, or ornaments should be worn.
  • The photo must be printed on fine paper with a resolution of at least 600 dpi.
  • The admit card mentions the exact address and location of the exam centres. You are urged to become familiar with the location of the test centres at least one day before the exam and make sure you report for the exam at the appointed time.

Documents to Carry on Exam Day

Candidates must bring the following documents to the test centre on the exam day:

  • A printed copy of your barcoded or QR coded admit card with a recent colored photo attached.
  • Permanent SMC/MCI/NMC registration photocopy, later retained by the test centre.
  • Any one of the government-issued photo IDs listed below:
    • PAN Card
    • Aadhar Card (with the photograph)
    • Voter ID
    • Driving License
    • Passport

DNB PDCET 2023 Result Declaration

The DNB PDCET 2023 result has been declared on 22nd May 2023. The Cut-off date for qualifying for the final examination of PG Medical Diploma qualification towards eligibility for DNB-PDCET 2023 is 28th February 2023.

Steps to Check Your DNB PDCET 2023 Result

Step 1: Go to the official NBEMS website,

Step 2: Click on the DNB PDCET 2023 result link available on the homepage.

Step 3: Enter your login details and click on the submit button.

Step 4: DNB PDCET Result 2023 PDF will appear on the screen.

Step 5: Check and download the PDCET 2023 result.

Step 6: Take a printout of the same for further counselling and admission purposes.

The merit list of the DNB-PDCET entrance examination is generated specialty wise and there are no minimum qualifying criteria. Questions asked in the examination can be challenged only within the 3 calendar days after the exam day.

Any candidates found indulging in unfair practices will be expelled for the next 14 attempts or the next 7 years or as decided by the Examination Ethics Committee after considering a particular case.

The DNB PDCET official answer key can be downloaded from the official NBEMS official website once released.

Validation of DNB-PDCET Result 2023

The PDCET result is valid only for the current year i.e., the year in which the examination has been attempted. The merit and score cannot be carried forward to the next admission sessions.

Tie-breaker Criteria

In case of two or more candidates score the same, the merit is determined using the following criteria in descending order:

  • Candidates who have marked more correct responses are placed above in the merit.
  • Candidates with a lesser number of negative responses in the question paper are placed in a better position in the merit.
  • Older candidates are placed in better positions on merit.

Publication of Merit List

  • All students who take the DNB Post Diploma CET test will be ranked according to the scores they received in comparison to other applicants who applied for the same broad specialty.
  • For each Broad specialty for which the Post Diploma CET test is held, a distinct merit will be created. For instance, only Post DGO applicants will be eligible for the merit list for DNB Obstetrics and Gynecology Post Diploma seats. Specialty-based merit lists will be released separately.

DNB PDCET 2023 Counselling

  • The registration for the counseling is conducted by the designated authority.
  • Candidates who have secured merit positions in the NBEMS-conducted DNB Post Diploma Centralized Entrance Test (DNB-PDCET) 2023 and who meet the requirements for admission to DNB (Post Diploma) programs (2023 admission session) at various NBEMS-accredited Medical Colleges, Institutions, and Hospitals in India are invited to participate in the counselling for the allocation of seats solely based on merit and student preference.
  • For Scheduled Castes (SC), Schedule Tribes (ST), Persons with Disabilities (PwD), Other Backward Classes (OBC), and EWS, the status of any Post Diploma DNB seats that are subject to appropriate reservations will be declared at the time of counselling.
  • Candidates are required to show their category certificate at the time of counselling.
  • The PwD candidates must get themselves certified at one of the Disability Assessment Boards, before the counselling date and are required to carry their treatment documents at the time of counselling.

Important Dates for DNB-PDCET Entrance Examination

Particulars Tentative Timelines
Submission of Online Application Form In the month of March
Application Edit Window First week of April
Selective Edit Window to rectify images (Photograph/Signatures/Thumb Impression) Second week of April
Admit Card Issue Date Mid of April
Examination Date Third week of April
Result Declaration End of May
The cut-off date for qualifying for the final examination of PG Medical Diploma qualification towards eligibility for DNBPDCET February

Things to keep in mind

  • Know the DNB PDCET Exam Pattern before starting the preparation.
  • Remember to regularly check the DNB PDCET Registration Date and DNB PDCET online application form release date and submit it on time to get to the desired exam centre.
  • Go through the DNB PDCET syllabus before preparation and solve the PDCET previous year’s question papers and sample papers to enhance the preparation.
  • Solve DNB PDCET mock test papers during revision time to evaluate your progress and understanding of the topic.
  • Don’t forget to affix the photograph on the admit card.
  • Verify and check all the required documents for the exam day.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1. What is PDCET?

Ans. DNB-PDCET is Diplomate of National Board- Post Diploma Centralized Entrance Test. It is a single-window entrance examination for admission to Post Diploma DNB Broad Specialty Courses. It is conducted by the National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS).

Q2. What is the duration of the PDCET exam?

Ans. The duration of the PDCET exam is 120 minutes.

Q3. When is the DNB-PDCET 2023 result declared?

Ans. The DNB-PDCET 2023 result has been declared on 22nd May 2023 and can be checked on the official NBEMS website,, and

Q4. What is the exam pattern of DNB PDCET?

Ans. The DNB-PDCET is a computer-based exam with multiple choice type questions. It is Single-day and single session exam. The exam has a total of 120 MCQs to be completed in 120 minutes.

Kasturba Medical College (KMC), Manipal is the first self-financing medical college in the nation, founded in 1953. According to NIRF ranking 2023, the College is among the top ten medical colleges in India. All the medical programs offered by the university are recognized by the National Medical Council (NMC) and the Medical Council of India (MCI). Kasturba Medical College, Manipal is a constituent college of Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal which is deemed to be a university recognised by University Grants Commission.

MAHE offers a wide range of Undergraduate programs, Postgraduate programs, Integrated Programs, Lateral Entry programs, Diploma, Post graduate Diploma, Advanced Postgraduate Diploma, Certificate, Postgraduate certificate and Fellowships courses in medical science, health and allied sciences, pharmacy, and technological field.

Admission to the medical courses (MBBS, BDS, MD, MS, PG Diploma, MDS, DM, MCh) is done through the national level entrance examinations whereas admission to health and allied science courses, Pharmacy courses, other undergraduate and master’s courses are done through Manipal Entrance Test (MET) or Department Test (DT).

Medical Courses at KMC, Manipal

MBBS Course

The MBBS programme lasts five and a half years, including one year of required rotational internship. A month-long foundation course precedes the commencement of the programme. The college follows NMC norms for conducting its theory lectures and clinical training. The curriculum contains didactic lectures, self-directed learning modules, team-based learning sessions, problem-solving sessions, interactive assessments, and electives in accordance with CBME. It also includes clinical case presentations, benchside diagnostic training, emergency statistics lab postings, and mentorship for research.

Pre-clinical (Anatomy, Physiology, and Biochemistry), Para-clinical (Pharmacology, Pathology, Microbiology, Forensic Medicine, and Community Medicine) as well as Clinical (Oto-rhino-laryngology, Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Pediatrics, General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Radiology, Anaesthesiology) subjects are the focus areas of the programme. Every stage of the educational process will integrate horizontally and vertically. The programme incorporates electives and skill modules. AETCOM courses have been introduced across several phases as required by NMC in order to strengthen the soft skills and effective communication among the medical students.

Eligibility Criteria for admission to MBBS Course

For Indian Board, obtain a minimum of 50% in each subject and combined in 10+2 grade in Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Biotechnology, and English from a reputable education board.

For IB, the compulsory subjects are Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English. IB Diploma or IB Certificate with a minimum of 24 points overall and 4 points in each subject is required. A minimum of three HL and three SL subjects are required to be eligible for admission.

Other eligibility criteria to be fulfilled to appear for NEET-UG exam are:

  • The applicant must have reached the age of 17 at the time of admission or will have done so by the end of the year in which they are applying for admission to the first year of the UG medical programme.
  • Indian citizens and applicants who are Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) must also pass the NEET (UG) entrance to register in undergraduate medical programmes in India.
  • In addition to passing each subject individually, the candidate must have obtained at least 50% aggregate in Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology, and English.
  • The minimum combined score for Physics, Chemistry, and Biology/Biotechnology in the qualifying examination for candidates from Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes (NCL), or Unreserved and General-EWS should be 40%.
  • NRI and OCI applicants must submit a Certificate from the pertinent Indian Diplomatic Mission in the country of their residence along with their online NEET-UG application form to confirm their claim that they are NRI or OCI candidates. They must also save the original proof of this document so they can present it when applying for admission to NEET-eligible courses during the counselling process.

Admission Process for MBBS Programme

  • You are required to register, appear and qualify for the NEET-UG entrance exam.
  • After clearing the NEET-UG exam, you are required to do the online registration and fill counselling choices on MCC/ KEA/ JCECEB Portal. Then, go through the counselling and seat allotment procedure conducted by MCC/ KEA/ JCECEB.
  • After the seat confirmation during the counselling session, go ahead with the admission formalities of the college.

Click here to know the details about the NEET-UG Entrance Examination.

MD/MS Course

Doctor of Medicine (MD) and Master of Surgery (MS) are three-year long postgraduate degrees offered at KMC in the medical stream. The college has 253 postgraduate seats including the super specialty.

The PG curriculum comprises training in basic medical sciences and allied clinical specialties. Training in Basic Medical Sciences includes lectures, journal clubs, group discussions, laboratory and experimentation work, exposure to applied aspects of subject relevant to clinical practice, and seminars. Training in clinical disciplines includes management and treatment of patients, clinical meetings, grand rounds, clinico-pathological conferences, practical training in diagnosis and medical and surgical treatment, and operations.

In the PG curriculum, training is given in basic medical science subjects along with applied and allied subjects related to the concerned disciplines. The PG students also participate in teaching the undergraduate students and interns, attend the monthly mortality meetings conducted by hospitals, and more. Training in Medical Audit, Management, Health Information System, Health Economics, Pharmacoeconomics, Basics of statistics, Exposure to human behaviour studies, and Introduction to nonlinear mathematics is also included in the PG curriculum.

The following specializations are available in the MD Programme at KMC, Manipal:

  • Anaesthesiology
  • Anatomy
  • Biochemistry
  • Community Medicine
  • Dermatology, Venerology & Leprosy
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
  • General Medicine
  • Hospital Administration
  • Immunohaematology & Blood Transfusion
  • Microbiology
  • Pediatrics
  • Pathology
  • Pharmacology
  • Physiology
  • Psychiatry
  • Respiratory Medicine
  • Radiodiagnosis
  • Radiotherapy
  • Palliative Medicine

The following specializations are available in the MS Programme at KMC, Manipal:

  • General Surgery
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopaedics
  • Otorhinolaryngology

Eligibility Criteria for admission to MD/MS Course at KMC, Manipal

  • MBBS degree received by the candidate must be from the NMC and MCI recognized institution or college.
  • Candidates must have finished the internship by March 28, of the respective academic year or earlier.
  • Candidates who have earned a degree from a foreign country are required to be licenced medical practitioners in that nation and must acquire a temporary registration certificate from the National Medical Council (NMC).
  • According to the Screening Test Regulations, 2002, all Indian citizens and Indian citizens living abroad who received their primary medical degrees from medical schools outside of India must have passed the screening test administered by the National Board of Examinations to become eligible for admission to postgraduate courses.
  • Candidate must also follow all the eligibility requirements of the NEET-PG entrance examination.

Admission Process for MD/MS Programme

  • For admission to various MD/MS programmes, you are required to register, appear and qualify the NEET PG entrance examination.
  • After cracking the NEET-PG exam, you must register online and fill your choices for the counselling on the MCC/KEA portal.
  • Then, online counselling and seat allotment is done by MCC. After getting admission, you are required to report to the college with the required documents and complete the admission formalities.

Postgraduate students also have an opportunity to join the PhD program conducted by colleges.

MD-PhD and MS-PhD Programme

Integrated MD/MS degree with PhD degree is an opportunity for the medical postgraduates to pursue their interest in research. The program also encourages the physicians to have a research-oriented career and channelise the existing clinical resources into significant research output.

Admission for Integrated PhD Programme can be done:

  • During admission to PG course, one can opt for MD-PhD or MS-PhD Programme as per the specialisation.
  • During the MD course, candidates can go with research and submit their topic which is then reviewed, and guide is assigned for PhD.
  • After completion of Master’s degree.

Super-specialty Courses at KMC, Manipal

List of DM and MCh Courses with Eligibility Criteria

Courses Eligible Qualification
DM Cardiology MD/DNB (General Medicine/Paediatrics/Respiratory Medicine)
DM Gastroenterology MD/DNB (General Medicine)
DM Infectious Disease MD/DNB (General Medicine/Paediatrics/Tropical Medicine/Respiratory Medicine)
DM Medical Genetics MD/MS/DNB (General Medicine/Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
DM Medical Oncolgy MD/DNB (General Medicine/Paediatrics/Radiotherapy / Radiation Oncology)
DM Nephrology MD/DNB (General Medicine/Paediatrics)
DM Neurology MD/DNB (General Medicine/Paediatrics)
DM Critical Care Medicine MD/DNB (General Medicine, Paediatrics, Emergency Medicine, Anaesthesia and Respiratory Medicine)
MCh Cardiothoracic Surgery MS/DNB (General Surgery)
MCh Neuro Surgery MS/DNB (General Surgery)
MCh Paediatric Surgery MS/DNB (General Surgery)
MCh Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery MS/DNB (General Surgery)
MCh Urology MS/DNB (General Surgery)
MCh Paediatric Orthopedics MS/DNB Orthopaedics
MCh Hand Surgery MS/DNB Orthopaedics and General Surgery
MCh Reproductive Medicine & Surgery MD/MS/DNB Obstetrics & Gynaecology

List of Fellowship Programmes with the Eligibility Criteria

Fellowship programs Duration Eligible Qualification
Fellowship in Advanced Obstetric Ultrasound 1 Post Graduate Diploma or MS Obstetrics & Gynaecology/Radiology
Fellowship in Diabetes 1 MD/DNB General Medicine
Fellowship in Fetal Medicine 2 PG Diploma/MS Obstetrics & Gynaecology/Radiology
Fellowship in Gynaecologic Oncology 1 MS Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Fellowship in Neonatology MS/DNB (Paediatrics)
Fellowship in Neuroanesthesia 1 MD Anaesthesiology
Fellowship in Oncopathology 1 MD/DNB in Pathology or its equivalent
Fellowship in Oncosurgery 2 MCh/DNB Surgical Oncology/MS/DNB General Surgery
Fellowship in Paediatric Anaesthesia 1 MD Anaesthesiology/DNB Anaesthesiology
Fellowship in Pediatric Hematology and Oncology 2 MD Paediatrics/DNB Paediatrics
Fellowship in Skull Base and Head & Neck Surgery 2 MD/DNB in Pathology or its equivalent
Fellowship in Urogynecology, Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery 1


MS Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Fellowship in Interventional Radiology 1 MD Radiology/DNB Radiology
Fellowship in Infectious Diseases 1 MD/DNB General Medicine/Microbiology
Fellowship in Head and Neck Oncology 1 MS/DNB ENT/General Surgery
Fellowship in Geriatrics 1 MD General Medicine

KMC, Manipal Courses and Fee Structure

MBBS Fee Structure at KMC, Manipal

Undergraduate Courses Caution Deposit (in Rs.) Total Course Fee including Caution Deposit (in Rs.) (As per 2023-2024 Batch)
MBBS 10,000 70,88,500

MD/MS Fee Structure at KMC, Manipal

Postgraduate Courses Caution Deposit (in Rs.) Total Course Fee including Caution Deposit (in Rs.) (As per 2023-2024 Batch)
MD Anaesthesiology 10,000 65,44,000
MD Anatomy 10,000 14,65,000
MD Biochemistry 10,000 14,65,000
MD Community Medicine 10,000 37,60,000
MD Dermatology, Venerology & Leprosy 10,000 85,90,000
MD Emergency Medicine 10,000 79,30,000
MD Forensic Medicine 10,000 14,65,000
MD General Medicine 10,000 83,56,000
MD Hospital Administration 10,000 51,10,000
MD Immunohematology & Blood Transfusion 10,000 58,60,000
MD Microbiology 10,000 42,10,000
MD Paediatrics 10,000 85,90,000
MD Palliative Medicine 10,000 42,10,000
MD Pathology 10,000 58,60,000
MD Pharmacology 10,000 36,10,000
 MD Physiology 10,000 14,65,000
MD Psychiatry 10,000 65,44,000
MD Radiodiagnosis 10,000 1,01,74,000
MD Radiotherapy 10,000 59,50,000
MD Respiratory Medicine 10,000 59,50,000
MS General Surgery 10,000 76,33,000
MS Obstetrics & Gynaecology 10,000 76,33,000
MS Ophthalmology 10,000 79,30,000
MS Orthopaedics 10,000 85,90,000

DM/MCh Fee Structure at KMC, Manipal

Super specialization Courses  Caution Money (in Rs.) Total Course Fee including Caution Deposit (in Rs.) (As per 2023-2024 Batch)
DM Cardiology 10,000 83,59,000
DM Critical Care Medicine 10,000 49,60,000
DM Gastroenterology 10,000 79,96,000
DM Infectious Disease 10,000 49,60,000
DM Medical Genetics 10,000 66,10,000
DM Medical Oncology 10,000 72,70,000
DM Nephrology 10,000 79,96,000
DM Neurology 10,000 72,70,000
MCh Cardiothoracic Surgery 10,000 49,60,000
MCh Neurosurgery 10,000 72,70,000
MCh Pediatric Surgery 10,000 49,60,000
MCh Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 10,000 49,60,000
MCh Urology 10,000 87,22,000
MCh Hand Surgery 10,000 49,60,000
MCh Pediatric Orthopedics 10,000 49,60,000
MCh Reproductive Medicine & Surgery 10,000 49,60,000

Fee Structure for Fellowship Programs

Fellowship programs Total Course Fee including Caution Deposit (in Rs.) (As per 2023-2024 Batch)
Fellowship Advanced Obstetric Ultrasound 6,00,000
Fellowship Diabetes 8,00,000
Fellowship Gynaecologic Oncology 8,50,000
Fellowship Neonatology 8,00,000
Fellowship Neuroanesthesia 9,00,000
Fellowship Oncopathology 10,00,000
Fellowship Oncosurgery 20,00,000
Fellowship Pediatric Anaesthesia 8,00,000
Fellowship in Pediatric Haematology and Oncology 20,00,000
Fellowship Skull Base and Head & Neck Surgery 20,00,000
Fellowship in Urogynecology, Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstrucutive Surgery 8,50,000

International Collaboration of KMC, Manipal

KMC Manipal has collaborated with international institutions all over the world such as Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam; King’s College in London; University of New Brunswick in Canada; University of Lille in France; University of Mississippi in the United States; Ochsner Clinic Foundation in the United States for academic, research, and student exchange programmes to demonstrate its global credentials. Students good in academics and professional standing also gets the opportunity to pursue the elective courses from the international universities, such as from Yale School of Medicine, New Haven; Weil Cornell School of Medicine; McGill University, Canada; Flinders University, Australia; Boston University School of Med, Boston, etc.

Clinical Exposure at KMC, Manipal

For the benefit of the students, KMC, Manipal is affixed to a 2,032-bed teaching hospital. With top-notch medical facilities; the hospital is one of the biggest in the area. Students can gain additional clinical experience through the hospital’s community outreach programmes.

KMC Manipal Facilities

Other amenities at KMC include a gymnasium, sports fields, skill laboratories, museums, libraries, and an indoor multi-sport facility of world calibre. Wi-Fi is provided across the entire campus, and there are additional resources for e-learning, online library access, hospital and emergency care, counselling sessions for students and teacher-guardians, and inter- and intradisciplinary research facilities to help students develop their research abilities.

KMC, Manipal Scholarships

Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) Manipal offers the following scholarships to its undergraduate and postgraduate medical students:

  • Kalam-Pai, Freeship and Scholars Scholarship for MBBS & BDS Programs
  • Merit Scholarship for Post Graduate (PG) Medical/Dental and Super Specialty (SS) Programs
  • Scholar and Achiever Scholarship for All Other Under Graduate (UG) & Post Graduate (PG) Programs
  • Scholarships for Academy of General Education Students (SAGES)
  • Academy of General Education (AGE) Scholarship for AGE Students
  • Merit Scholarships for International Students
  • Scholarship for Konkani speaking students
  • Merit Scholarship for Children of MAHE Manipal Alumni
  • Scholarship Scheme of Interest Subsidy on Education Loan for MAHE students
  • AICTE Tuition Fee Waiver (TFW) and PG Scholarships
  • ITC Scholarship

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What is the fees for MBBS at KMC Manipal?

Ans. The complete fees for MBBS course at KMC, Manipal is Rs. 70,88,500.

Q2. Is it worth it to study MBBS at KMC Manipal?

Ans. Yes, KMC, Manipal is among the top medical institutions in India, accompanied with 2000+ bedded hospital for the best clinical exposure for the medical students.

Q3. Is KMC college private or public?

Ans. KMC, Manipal is a private college. It is a constituent college of Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal which is deemed to be a university recognised by University Grants Commission.

Dermatology is becoming one of the most competitive specialties in the medical sciences. Getting into this field requires years of training, in-depth knowledge, and a lot of hard work and patience throughout. Dermatology is a field of medical science that involves the research, study, diagnosis, and management of health conditions related to skin, hair, nails, and membranes. In several areas, including dermatosurgery, dermatopathology, genetics and molecular research, melanocyte research, lasers, cosmetic dermatology, etc., dermatology has made significant improvements lately.

Dermatologists are medical professionals trained to treat skin, hair and nail conditions via medications, surgical, topical, and other methods. They can perform cryosurgery, laser surgery, microdermabrasion, ultraviolet light treatment, and many more procedures. Dermatologists examine the patients, take down their medical history, identify any abnormalities, and recommend treatments. Depending on the severity of the disease and the patient’s state, they provide patients with appropriate treatment strategies. Even though a lot of advancement has been done in the field, senior and eminent dermatologists still prefer to limit themselves to the tried-and-true older therapies whereas the availability of various new therapies including lasers, botox, dermal fillers, biologicals, and immunoglobulins for the treatment of various disorders has created a lot of excitement among the young dermatologists.

Let’s explore the education and training requirements, job responsibilities, career prospects as a dermatologist, and much more.

Steps for Becoming a Dermatologist

Here’s an easy guide elaborating the steps to becoming a dermatologist.

Step 1: Complete your senior secondary education.

You must complete the 12th standard in the PCB stream and score a minimum of 50% marks in each of the four major subjects—Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology, and English—from an accredited board.

Step 2: Clear the NEET UG entrance examination.

After completing the 12th standard, the main task is to clear the National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test for Undergraduates (NEET-UG) with a good score. NEET-UG, a single window entrance exam considered for admission to MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BUMS, BHMS, and other undergraduate medical programmes at approved/recognized Medical/Dental/AYUSH and other Colleges/Deemed Universities/Institutes (AIIMS & JIPMER) in India.

You must pass the NEET-UG test and go through the counselling and other admissions procedures to get admitted to a medical college for an MBBS programme, which is a prime requirement for becoming a dermatologist.

Step 3: Complete your MBBS degree along with the internship.

After being accepted into a medical college, complete your undergraduate course along with a one-year rotational internship which is a part of the MBBS programme. Obtain your undergraduate MBBS degree with a minimum cumulative GPA of 50%. You must pay special attention to the lectures, practical sessions, ward postings, seminars, conferences, etc. during your graduation since they establish a strong basis for your studies. It is at this point that you learn the fundamentals of every medical specialty that is offered. You will now be able to identify the area of interest in which you desire to pursue your postgraduate degree.

To complement your college lectures and practical sessions, a medical student can enroll in online mbbs courses by eminent professors wherein you get access to video lectures, notes, practice questions, clinical case demonstrations.

Step 4: Clear the NEET PG or INI-CET entrance examination.

After receiving your MBBS degree, you must pass the NEET PG or INI-CET test to be admitted to medical postgraduate programmes. While INI-CET is a national-level entrance examination for admission to MS/MD/DM (6 years)/M.Ch (6 years) and MDS courses at the INI Institutes, which includes AIIMS, JIPMER, etc. whereas NEET-PG is a national-level entrance examination for admission to MS/MD/PG Diploma programmes at various government and private universities across India.

Based on the entrance exam scores, applicants can choose their postgraduate specialization and college during the counselling process. An aspirant must select an MD degree with a Dermatology specialization if they want to pursue a career as a dermatologist or can pursue MS in general surgery and go for a super specialization in Dermatosurgery or Cosmetic Surgery.

Step 5: Complete your PG degree.

Following admittance into a medical college with MCI accreditation, finish your three-year master’s degree and submit your PG dissertation. A PG curriculum includes conferences, symposiums, seminars, audits, clinical postings, clinical meetings, etc.

During your PG degree, enrolling in best online dermatology course can benefit you a lot as it provides access to case demonstration sessions by eminent dermatologists, highly illustrative video lectures, notes, spotters, practice questions and access to much more.

Step 6: Finish the residence programme and obtain your license for the practice.

Finish your residency to receive your medical certification and obtain your license to practice as a dermatologist after receiving your PG degree.

Step 7: Crack the NEET-SS entrance exam.

Complete your super specialization after earning your PG degree. The sole entrance exam required for participation in a range of DM/MCh and DrNB Super Specialty programmes is an eligibility-cum-ranking examination known as NEET-SS.

Dermatology Specialties

The dermatology subject has expanded its roots to various fields,

  • Dermatosurgery
  • Cosmetic Dermatology
  • Dermatopathology
  • Trichology
  • Immunodermatology
  • Mohs surgery
  • Pediatric Dermatology
  • Teledermatology
  • Dermatoepidemiology

Courses to Pursue a Career in Dermatology

  • MBBS (Dermatology as a subject included in the curriculum)
  • PG Course in Dermatology Specialty (MD degree in Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprosy)
  • DNB course in Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprosy
  • FCPS (Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprosy)
  • Diploma course in Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy
  • Super specialty courses in Dermatology

A course curriculum of the Dermatology specialization involves a collection of educational activities that will help students develop fundamental knowledge and abilities including Lectures, Journal Club & Subject seminars, Student Symposium, Ward Rounds, teaching rounds, Clinical Case Presentations, and Clinico-Pathological Conference (CPC), Inter-Departmental Meetings, Teaching Skills, Continuing Medical Education Programmes (CME), Conferences, Clinical Rotations, and meetings. This course makes you competent enough to deal with dermatologic emergencies like angioedema, toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), Pemphigus, drug reaction, Necrotic erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL), and Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS).

Click here to enroll in online dermatology e-lecture series by Dr. Rashmi Sarkar and Dr. S. Sacchidanand.

Skills required for becoming a Dermatology

Becoming a dermatologist is not an easy feat. You must possess the following skills to have a successful career in medical field.

  • Interpersonal and leadership skills
  • Clinical and diagnostic skills
  • Effective communication skills
  • Be able to manage oneself, people, time, and things
  • Critical thinking and active listening
  • Adaptability/Flexibility
  • Ability to handle a variety of relationships with co-workers, patients, and their families.
  • Aptitude to lead interdisciplinary teams, collaboration, emotional fortitude, and the ability to function successfully under duress
  • Problem-solving and diagnostic abilities
  • Exceptional organizing skills
  • decision-making abilities and managing time and resources for the benefit of patients
  • should be good at biology and MBBS core subjects

Responsibilities of a Dermatologist

  • The student should be familiar with the fundamental sciences as they relate to dermatology, including anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology, and pharmacology.
  • The learner should become deeply knowledgeable about his or her subject including modern developments.
  • The student should be well-versed in all bedside practices, including diagnostic and therapeutic ones, and knowledgeable of the most recent diagnostic and therapeutic options.
  • The student should have gained procedural and practical knowledge of the subject.
  • Utilizing pertinent investigations, critically analyze, start an inquiry, and clinically manage instances of leprosy, venereology, and dermatology.
  • Plans and recommendations for patient rehabilitation and prevention should be made.
  • Capable of ensuring the execution of national health programmes, notably in leprosy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
  • Develop your training in the following areas: professionalism, attitude, research methods, and communication skills.
  • The student must be able to analyze published studies, develop a research project, explore library and internet resources, and understand the fundamentals of research techniques.
  • Should be competent to conduct ethical dermatological practice.
  • Recognize the patients’ medical demands and fulfill professional duties following professional ethics and the National Health Policy’s guiding principles.
  • The student should gain competency in teaching medical/paramedical students and master the fundamentals of the teaching approach.
  • Important to have developed problem-solving abilities
  • Medical professional must Give advice regarding skin care and treatments
  • Should perform cosmetic treatments

Scope and Salary of a Dermatologist

This rewarding medical specialty includes many subspecialties that lead to highly lucrative career options for aspiring dermatologists. Dermatology is a blend of the medical field + procedures/surgery. Not just among the general population but also among colleagues from other disciplines, awareness of the effects of skin disorders and the critical function of the “skin specialist” is rising.

There are more dermatology residents than ever due to the ongoing rise in demand for dermatological specialists and the residents.  Basic dermatological treatment is supplemented by cosmetic and advanced dermatological procedures in many contexts, but in some, they are almost completely replacing it. Even though training in dermatologic and cosmetic surgery is now a necessary component of postgraduate study in dermatology, more trainees are choosing fellowship programmes that focus on surgery.

The average salary of a dermatologist is around 15-20 LPA in the beginning. Later, the area of expertise, geographical location, job profile, and job sector along with several other factors determine the pay scale of a dermatologist. The job profiles associated with Dermatology are as follows:

  • Dermatologist
  • Skin Specialist
  • Cosmetic Surgeon
  • Cosmetologist
  • Lecturer
  • Physician
  • Research Associate
  • Aesthetic Dermatologist

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1. What should I study to become a dermatologist?

Ans. You should first complete your 12th standard with the PCB stream. Then, after cracking the NEET-UG exam, you must pursue MBBS undergraduate medical degree. Later, for specialization, after cracking the NEET-PG exam, you must pursue a PG degree in Dermatology specialty, i.e., MD in Dermatology, Venerology, and Leprosy course.

Q2. Is dermatology MD or MS?

Ans. The postgraduate specialization to be pursued in dermatology is an MD degree. Doctor of Medicine in Dermatology is a 3-year postgraduation course.

Q3. What does a dermatologist do?

Ans. Dermatologists are medical professionals trained to treat skin, nails, and hair conditions via medications, surgical, topical, and other methods. They can perform cryosurgery, laser surgery, microdermabrasion, ultraviolet light treatment, and many more procedures. Dermatologists examine the patients, take down their medical history, identify any abnormalities, and recommend treatments.

NEET-SS is a National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test-Superspecialty and is the only entrance exam for admission to various DM/MCh and DrNB Super Speciality programmes offered nationwide, including admissions at private medical colleges, universities, and deemed universities. Admission to each and every DM/MCh programme offered by Armed Forces Medical Services Institutions and all DrNB Super-specialty Courses, with the exception of the Direct 6 Year DrNB Courses is also done through NEET-SS.

Admission to DM/MCh programmes at the following medical colleges is not done through NEET-SS:

  • AIIMS New Delhi and other AIIMS
  • PGIMER, Chandigarh,
  • JIPMER, Puducherry
  • NIMHANS, Bengaluru
  • SCTIMST, Thiruvananthapuram

The admission to above mentioned colleges is done through INI-CET entrance examination.

Conducting Body

National Board of Examination in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) conducts the NEET-SS examination every year with an objective of improving the quality of medical education and establishing high and uniform standards for postgraduate examinations in modern medicine on an All India Basis and utilising existing healthcare infrastructure.  A consistent national standard for evaluating the minimal level of knowledge and skills required for postgraduate and postdoctoral training is provided by NBEMS.

Important Dates

Particulars Tentative Timelines for 2023 session
Online Submission of Application Form 27th July 2023 (3 PM Onwards) to 16th August 2023 (Till 11:55PM)
Edit Window 19th August 2023 to 21st August 2023
Final Edit Window to rectify uploaded images 26th August 2023 to 28th August 2023
Admit Card Issue Date 4th September 2023 (Revised Date: 22nd September 2023)
Examination Date 9th & 10th September 2023 (Revised Dates: 29th & 30th September 2023)
Cut Off Date for qualifying MD/ MS/DNB Broad Specialty qualification 30th September 2023
Result Declaration By 30th September 2023 (Revised Date: 15th October 2023)
Commencement of new Academic Session TBA

Application Process and Eligibility Criteria

  • Application form for the NEET-SS exam can only be filled once.

Steps to fill NEET-SS 2023 Application Form:
✓ Fill out the user registration form to generate a password and a user ID/application ID.
✓ Email and SMS will be used to send the User ID and Password.
✓ Fill out the application form completely, and upload your photo, scanned signature, thumbprint, and other relevant documents.
✓ Select your test city and pay the exam fee.
✓ Accept the statement and submit the application.
✓ Print a copy of the completed application form with the Transaction ID for your records.

Overview of NEET-SS Exam:
✓ Submission of online application form
✓ Demo Test (at NBEMS website)
✓ Issue of Admit card
✓ Examination
✓ Result Declaration
✓ Release of Merit list
✓ Start of Counselling

Eligibility for NEET-SS 2023 Entrance Examination
✓Candidates may apply for NEET-SS 2023 if they hold a recognised postgraduate medical degree (MD, MS, or DNB), a provisional pass certificate (MD, MS, or DNB), or a comparable recognised qualification, or if they are anticipated to hold one by September 15, 2022, in accordance with the eligible feeder specialty qualifications for super specialty courses.
✓ Registration with the NMC or State Medical Council is required, and written documentation of that registration must be shown at the testing location on the day of the exam.

  • Instructions to Upload Images in the Application Form

    Images to be uploaded Particulars Description
    Photograph You are required to upload two photographs:

    Real time photograph and recent photograph

    · Photogragh should be coloured with white background.

    · Your face must be clearly visible.

     · Image must be in .jpg/ .jpeg format.

     · Size of the image must be less than 80kb.

    Signature You can upload the signature in two ways:

    • Using a digital device to directly image (i.e., camera)

    • Scanning the signature

    · For digital signature, the box size should be 1.5 cm (height) x 3.5 cm (width).

    · Signature must be of >5-megapixel resolution preferably.

     · Image should be of the range 20-100 kb.

    · In case of scanned image, set the scanner to 200 dpi.

    · Image must be in .jpg/.jpeg format.

    ·  Size of the image must be less than 80kb.

    · Use a black/blue ink for signature.

    Thumb Impression You need to upload the impression of your left thumb.

    · Draw a box of size, 3.5 cm x 1.5 cm (width x height) on a white sheet of paper and then take your left thumb print.

    ·  Set the scanner to 200 dpi.

    · Upload the scanned image in the .jpg/.jpeg format.

    · Size of the image must be less than 80 kb.

Exam Scheme of NEET-SS

  • The NEET-SS 2023 test is a CBT exam. Examining the various groups will take place either in the morning or afternoon shifts.
  • The exam will be group-based and will only include questions from broad specialty primary feeders. Candidates may choose any of the super specialties according to their feeder topic.
  • All the DM/MCh/DrNB courses that are available for enrollment through NEET-SS 2023 have been divided into 13 separate groups.
  • There will be 13 separate question papers accordingly.
  • For admission to all the super specialty courses included in a given group, a single exam will be required.
  • A candidate may choose to take the exams for as many groups for which his or her PG speciality certificate qualifies as a feeder qualification.
  • A question paper includes questions from the primary feeder broad specialty topics as well as from every sub-specialty, system, and component of that primary feeder broad specialty subject. All 150 questions would come from the principal feeder wide speciality subject’s post graduate exit level curriculum.
Particulars Description
Exam Type Computer Based Test
Total Number of Questions 150
Duration of Exam Two and a half hour (150 minutes)
Marking Scheme 4 marks will be awarded for every correct answer.

1 mark will be deducted for every incorrected answer.

Zero mark for un-attempted questions


Multiple Eligible Broad Specialty Feeder:  

  1. In cases where there are several eligible broad specialities that can be used as a feeder for admission to a super specialised subject, applicants from each of those eligible feeder specialties must present on the test for that group.
  2. For instance, General Medicine and Pediatrics are valid feeder wide specialisations for DM/DrNB Endocrinology. Since the Medical Group covers admissions to DM/DrNB Endocrinology, applicants for Pediatrics will also need to appear on the Medical Group exam with candidates for general medicine. A candidate may only exercise their options in the counselling for those superspecialty subjects covered in the group for which they appeared on the group’s question paper and passed the test.
  3. After passing the test and participating in a group’s question paper, a candidate will only be able to choose those options during counselling for which his or her wide specialisation qualifies. For instance, candidates for emergency medicine will only be allowed to choose between the DM/DrNB Critical Care Medicine and DM/DrNB Medical Genetics seats in the counselling by participating in the medical group’s question paper.


List of Question Paper Groups, Primary Eligible Feeder Specialty and Super specialty Courses covered in each group

Question Paper Group Primary Eligible Feeder Specialty Super specialty courses included in this group question paper
Medical Group MD/DNB General Medicine Cardiology

Clinical Haematology

Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology

Critical Care Medicine


Medical Gastroenterology


Infectious Diseases

Medical Genetics

Medical Oncology



Surgical Group MS/DNB General Surgery Cardiovascular & thoracic Surgery

Pediatric Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery

Pediatric Surgery

Surgical Gastroenterology

Hepato-Pancreato Biliary Surgery


Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery


Vascular Surgery

Surgical Oncology

Endocrine Surgery

Thoracic Surgery

Pediatric Group MD/DNB Pediatrics Neonatology

Pediatric Hepatology

Pediatric Nephrology

Pediatric Oncology

Pediatric Neurology

Pediatric Cardiology

Pediatric Gastroenterology

Pediatric Critical Care

Obstetrics & Gynaecology Group MD/MS/DNB Obstetrics & Gynaecology Gynaecological Oncology

Reproductive Medicine & Surgery

Orthopaedics Group MS/DNB Orthopaedics Hand Surgery

Pediatric Orthopaedics

Anaesthesia Group MD/DNB Anesthesiology Cardiac Anaesthesia


Organ Transplant Anaesthesia & Critical Care

Pediatric & Neonatal Anaesthesia

Radiodiagnosis Group MD/DNB Radiology Neuro Radiology

Interventional Radiology

Respiratory Medicine Group MD/DNB Respiratory Medicine Pulmonary Medicine
Microbiology Group MD/DNB Microbiology Virology
Pathology Group MD/DNB Pathology Onco-Pathology
Psychiatry Group MD/DNB Psychiatry Geriatric Mental Health

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Pharmacology Group MD/DNB Pharmacology Clinical Pharmacology
ENT Group MS/DNB ENT Head & Neck Surgery

The date and time schedule of NEET-SS 2023 examination for different groups will soon be released.


List of Super Specialty Courses and their Corresponding Eligible Feeder Specialty Qualifications

S. No Name of Eligible Feeder Specialty Course Type Name Of Eligible Super Specialty Course(s)
1 MD/DNB Anaesthesiology 1 DM/DrNB Cardiac Anaesthsia
2 DM/DrNB Neuro Anaesthesia
3 DM/DrNB Critical Care Medicine
4  DM Organ Transplant Anaesthesia & Critical Care
5 DM Pediatric & Neonatal Anaesthesia
6 DM/DrNB Medical Genetics
2 MD/DNB Biochemistry 1 DM/DrNB Clinical Haematology
2 DM/DrNB Medical Genetics
3 MD/DNB Emergency Medicine 1 DM/DrNB Critical Care Medicine
2 DM/DrNB Medical Genetics
 4 MS/DNB – Otorhinolaryngology 1 MCh Head & Neck Surgery
2 DM/DrNB Medical Genetics
5 MD/DNB General Medicine 1 DM/DrNB Clinical Haematology
2 DM/DrNB Nephrology
3 DM/DrNB Medical Oncology
4 DM/DrNB Endocrinology
5 DM/DrNB Cardiology
6 DM Pulmonary Medicine
7 DM/DrNB Neurology
8 DM/DrNB Medical Gastroenterology
   9 DM Hepatology
10 DM/DrNB Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology
11 DM Infectious Disease
12 DM/DrNB Critical Care Medicine
13 DM/DrNB Pediatric Neurology
14 DM/DrNB Medical Genetics
6 MS/DNB General Surgery 1 MCh/DrNB Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
2 MCh/DrNB Surgical Gastroenterology (G.I. Surgery)
3 MCh Hepato-Pancreato Biliary Surgery
4 MCh/DrNB Urology
5 MCh/DrNB Vascular Surgery
6 MCh/DrNB Cardio-Vascular And Thoracic Surgery
7 DrNB Thoracic Surgery
 8 MCh Pediatric Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery
9 MCh/DrNB NeuroSurgery
10 MCh/DrNB Pediatric Surgery
11 MCh/DrNB Surgical Oncology
12 MCh Head And Neck Surgery
13 MCh Endocrine Surgery
14 MCh Hand Surgery
15 DM/DrNB Medical Genetics
 7 MD/DNB Microbiology 1 DM Virology
2 DM/DrNB Medical Genetics
8  MS/DNB Orthopaedics 1 MCh Pediatric Orthopaedics
2 MCh Hand Surgery
3 DM/DrNB Medical Genetics
9  MD/MS/DNB Obstetrics & Gynecology 1 MCh/DrNB Gynaecological Oncology
2 MCh Reproductive Medicine & Surgery
3 DM/DrNB Medical Genetics
10 MD/DNB Pediatrics 1 DM/DrNB Clinical Haematology
2 DM/DrNB Endocrinology
3 DM Pulmonary Medicine
4 DM/DrNB Pediatric Neurology
5 DM/DrNB Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology
6 DM Infectious Disease
7 DM/DrNB Critical Care Medicine
8 DM Pediatric Cardiology
9  DM Pediatric Gastroenterology
10 DM Pediatric Hepatology
11 DM Pediatric Nephrology
12 DM Pediatric Oncology
13 DM/DrNB Neonatology
14 DM/DrNB Cardiology
15 DM/DrNB Nephrology
16 DM Hepatology
17 DM/DrNB Neurology
 18 DM/DrNB Medical Oncology
 19 DrNB Pediatric Critical Care
 20 DM/DrNB Medical Genetics
11 MD/DNB Pathology 1 DM/DrNB Clinical Haematology
2 DM Onco-Pathology
3 DM/DrNB Medical Genetics
12 MD/DNB Psychiatry 1 DM Geriatric Mental Health
2 DM Child And Adolescent Psychiatry
3 DM/DrNB Medical Genetics
13 MD/DNB Pharmacology 1 DM Clinical Pharmacology
2 DM/DrNB Medical Genetics
 14 MD/DNB Radiodiagnosis/ Radiology 1 DM/DrNB Interventional Radiology
2 DM Neuroradiology
3 DM/DrNB Medical Genetics
 15 MD/DNB Respiratory Medicine 1 DM Pulmonary Medicine
2 DM Infectious Disease
3 DM/DrNB Cardiology
4 DM/DrNB Critical Care Medicine
5 DM/DrNB Medical Genetics
 16 MD/DNB Radiation Oncology 1 DM/DrNB Medical Oncology
2 DM/DrNB Medical Genetics
 17 MD Tropical Medicine 1 DM Infectious Disease
2 DM/DrNB Medical Genetics
 18 Any Other MD/MS/ DNB Broad Specialty qualification 1 DM/DrNB  Medical Genetics


List of DM/MCh/DrNB Courses with their Eligible qualification

For DM/DrNB Programme

S. No Name of Super Specialty Course Course Type Prior Eligibility Requirement
1 Cardiac Anaesthesia DM/DrNB 1 MD/DNB (Anaesthesia)
2  Cardiology DM/DrNB 1 MD/DNB (General Medicine)
2 MD/DNB (Pediatrics)
3 MD/DNB (Respiratory Medicine)
3 Child And Adolescent Psychiatry DM 1 MD (Psychiatry)
4  Clinical Haematology DM/DrNB 1 MD/DNB (General Medicine)
2 MD/DNB (Pediatrics)
3 MD/DNB (Biochemistry)
4 MD/DNB (Pathology)
 5  Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology DM/DrNB 1 MD/DNB (General Medicine)
2 MD/DNB (Pediatrics)
6 Clinical Pharmacology DM 1 MD/DNB (Pharmacology)
 7 Critical Care Medicine DM/DrNB  1 MD/DNB (Emergency Medicine)
 2 MD/DNB (General Medicine)
 3 MD/DNB (Respiratory Medicine)
 4 MD/DNB (Anaesthesia)
5 MD/DNB (Pediatrics)
8 Endocrinology DM/DrNB 1 MD/DNB (General Medicine)
2 MD/DNB (Pediatrics)
9 Geriatric Mental Health DM 1 MD/DNB (Psychiatry)
10 Hepatology DM 1 MD/DNB (General Medicine)
2 MD/DNB (Pediatrics)
11 Infectious Disease DM 1 MD/DNB (General Medicine)
2 MD/DNB (Pediatrics)
3 MD/DNB (Respiratory Medicine)
4 MD (Tropical Medicine)
12 Interventional Radiology DM/DrNB 1 MD/DNB (Radio diagnosis)
13 Medical Genetics DM/DrNB 1 Any MD/MS/DNB Broad Specialty
14 Medical Gastroenterology DM/DrNB 1 MD/DNB (General Medicine)
15 Medical Oncology DM/DrNB 1 MD/DNB (General Medicine)
2 MD/DNB (Pediatrics)
3 MD/DNB (Radiation Oncology)
16 Neuro Anaesthesia DM/DrNB 1 MD/DNB (Anaesthesia)
17 Neonatology DM/DrNB 1 MD/DNB (Pediatrics)
18 Nephrology DM/DrNB 1 MD/DNB (General Medicine)
2 MD/DNB (Pediatrics)
19 Neuro Radiology DM 1 MD/DNB (Radio-Diagnosis)
20 Neurology DM/DrNB 1 MD/DNB (General Medicine)
2 MD/DNB (Pediatrics)
21 Onco-Pathology DM 1 MD/DNB (Pathology)
22 Organ Transplant Anaesthesia & Critical Care DM 1 MD/DNB (Anaesthesia)
23 Pediatric and Neonatal Anaesthesia DM 1 MD/DNB (Anaesthesia)
24 Pediatric Cardiology DM/DrNB 1 MD/DNB (Pediatrics)
25 Pediatric Hepatology DM 1 MD/DNB (Pediatrics)
26 Pediatric Oncology DM 1 MD/DNB (Pediatrics)
27 Pediatric Neurology DM/DrNB 1 MD/DNB (Pediatrics)
2 MD/DNB (General Medicine)
28 Pediatric Nephrology DM 1 MD/DNB (Pediatrics)
29 Pediatric Gastroenterology DM 1 MD/DNB (Pediatrics)
30 Pulmonary Medicine DM 1 MD/DNB (General Medicine)
2 MD/DNB (Pediatrics)
3 MD/DNB (Respiratory Medicine)
31 Virology DM 1 MD/DNB (Microbiology)
32 Pediatric Critical Care DrNB 1 MD/DNB (Pediatrics)


For MCh/DrNB Programme

S. No Name of Super Specialty Course Course Type Prior Eligibility Requirement
1 Cardio vascular and Thoracic Surgery MCh/DrNB 1 MS/DNB (General Surgery)
2 Gynaecological Oncology MCh/DrNB 1 MD/MS/DNB (Obst. & Gynae)
3 Endocrine Surgery MCh 1 MS/DNB (General Surgery)
 4 Hand Surgery MCh 1 MS/DNB (Orthopaedics)
2 MS/DNB (General Surgery)
5 Head and Neck Surgery MCh  1 MS/DNB (Otorhinolaryngology – Head & Neck)
2 MS/DNB (General Surgery)
6 Hepato Pancreato Biliary Surgery MCh 1 MS/DNB (General Surgery)
7 Neurosurgery MCh/DrNB 1 MS/DNB (General Surgery)
8 Pediatric Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery MCh 1 MS/DNB (General Surgery)
9 Pediatric Surgery MCh/DrNB 1 MS/DNB (General Surgery)
10 Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery MCh/DrNB 1 MS/DNB (General Surgery)
11 Pediatric Orthopaedics MCh 1 MS/DNB (Orthopaedics)
12 Reproductive Medicine & Surgery MCh 1 MS/DNB (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
13 Surgical Gastroenterology/ G. I. Surgery MCh/DrNB 1 MS/DNB (General Surgery)
14 Surgical Oncology MCh/DrNB 1 MS/DNB (General Surgery)
15 Thoracic Surgery DrNB 1 MS/DNB (General Surgery)
16 Urology MCh/DrNB 1 MS/DNB (General Surgery)
17 Vascular Surgery MCh/DrNB 1 MS/DNB (General Surgery)

All the information regarding the list of courses mentioned above is taken from the NBEMS official website.

Examination Fee

  • The NEET-SS exam fee is Rs. 4250 per group.
  • The candidate must pay the examination fee as stated above for each group in which he or she decides to participate.
  • For instance, a candidate with an MD in Pediatrics who decides to take the test and appear in the questions for both the medical and Pediatric groups would have to pay Rs. 4250 + 4250 = 8500/-.

Admit Card

  • Admit card is released in the month of August and can be downloaded from the official website of NBE.
  • Candidates must download and get their admit cards printed and adhere their most recent passport-size photo securely to the area specified on the card.
  • The photograph must adhere to the following requirements:
    Dimensions of the image: Minimum 35×45 mm size. At least 75% of the photograph’s area must be taken up by the candidate’s head and face, which must be no bigger than the box specified for pasting the photo.
    The image must be in colour with a simple white background.
    The image needs to be clear and show the entire front of the face with a neutral expression and with no accessories on.
    The photo must be printed on premium paper with a resolution of at least 600 dpi.
  • Candidates are required to bring the following at the test centre:
    Printed copy of Barcoded/QR Coded Admit card with his/her photograph pasted on it.
    Photocopy of Permanent SMC/MCI/NMC registration, to be retained by the test centre.
    Any one of the below mentioned Govt issued photo IDs (must be original and valid/non-expired):

    • PAN Card
    • Driving License
    • Voter ID
    • Passport
    • Aadhaar Card (with Photograph)

Exam Centres for NEET-SS Exam

The tentative list of exam centres is as follows:

  • Ahmedabad/Gandhinagar
  • Agartala
  • Ajmer
  • Bengaluru
  • Bhatinda
  • Bhopal
  • Bhubhneswar
  • Bikaner
  • Chennai
  • Coimbatore
  • Delhi NCR
  • Ernakulam
  • Guntur
  • Guwahati
  • Haldwani
  • Hubballi (Hubli)
  • Hyderabad
  • Indore
  • Jaipur
  • Jammu
  • Kannur
  • Kanpur
  • Kohima
  • Kolkata
  • Kollam
  • Kozhikode
  • Lucknow
  • Madurai
  • Meerut
  • Mohali
  • Mumbai
  • Mysuru (Mysore)
  • Nagpur
  • Panjim
  • Patiala
  • Patna
  • Puducherry
  • Pune
  • Raipur
  • Rajahmundry
  • Ranchi
  • Salem
  • Shillong
  • Sikar
  • Thiruvananthapuram
  • Thrissur
  • Tiruchirappalli
  • Tirunelveli
  • Varanasi
  • Vijaywada
  • Visakhapatnam

Result and Counselling

  • Candidates who scored at or above the 50th percentile in NEET-SS for their particular speciality will be recognised as qualified.
  • By September 2023, the NEET-SS 2022 results will be released. The outcome will be made available on the NBEMS websites, and
  • The candidates will be able to download their score card by logging in with their NBEMS ID and password.
  • There won’t be any more examination, checking, or totalling.
  • Re-evaluation or re-totalling requests won’t be taken into consideration.
  • The NEET-SS 2022 results are only valid for the current entrance session, which is the 2023-2024 admission session for DM/MCh and DrNB Super Specialty programmes, and they cannot be carried over to the subsequent admissions session.
  • NBEMS shall declare a distinct merit list for each group of question paper.
  • Candidates will be considered eligible if they receive a 50th percentile or above on the merit list for each question paper set.
  • The Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) of the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), Government of India, will conduct a single national counselling session for all superspecialty seats (DM, MCh, and DrNB Super specialty) under NEET-SS 2023.
  • Candidates who are declared qualified in the Question Paper of a specific group or groups and sign up to participate in the common counselling are free to select as many superspecialty courses that are offered in those group(s) and are eligible feeders for their broad specialty qualification.
  • A candidate for general medicine who is deemed qualified in the Medical Group’s question paper will be allowed to select from all seats open in the superspecialty disciplines covered by the Medical Group.

Criteria For Tie- Breaking Situation

The following tie-breaking criteria will be used to calculate inter-se merit in NEET-SS 2022 in decreasing order if many applicants receive the same score for a given super specialised group, up until a single inter-se merit is established for each of these candidates.

  • Candidate with greater number of correct responses in the question paper
  • Candidate with lesser number of negative responses in the question paper
  • Older candidate will be placed at a better merit position
  • Candidate with higher aggregate marks (in percentage) in all MBBS Professional Examinations will be placed at a better merit position

Admission to DrNB Super Specialty Courses

Admissions to DrNB Superspecialty Courses (apart from Direct 6 Year Courses) must be made through NEET-SS 2023. The Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) will conduct a unified counselling session for all Superspecialty seats (DM, MCh, and DrNB Super specialty) of NEET-SS 2023 at the national level.

Here’s a list of DrNB Super Specialty Course offered by NBEMS:

  • Cardiac Anaesthesia
  • Cardiology
  • Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery
  • Clinical Haematology
  • Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology
  • Critical Care Medicine
  • Endocrinology
  • Gynaecologic Oncology
  • Interventional Radiology
  • Medical Gastroenterology
  • Medical Genetics
  • Medical Oncology
  • Neonatology
  • Nephrology
  • Neuroanaesthesia
  • Neurology
  • Neurosurgery
  • Pediatric Cardiology
  • Pediatric Critical Care
  • Pediatric Neurology
  • Pediatric Surgery
  • Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
  • Surgical Gastroenterology
  • Surgical Oncology
  • Thoracic Surgery
  • Urology
  • Vascular Surgery

Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS), Lucknow is one of the most prestigious medical institutions preferred by hundreds of medical aspirants every year. According to the NIRF ranking 2022, SGPGIMS, Lucknow college is ranked at seventh position in the medical institutions category. This is among the best choice for medical aspirants who wants to pursue postgraduate or super specialty medical courses in India. The SGPGIMS is at par with other leading medical institutions in the country. The college is an autonomous body and is recognized by the Medical Council of India.

The college is famous for its top-notch research and education initiatives, and it has turned out several accomplished scientists and medical professionals. The institution features cutting-edge buildings and equipment, including up-to-date labs, lecture halls, a library, and a hospital with more than 1000 beds. Rendering valuable service to the community, the students starting their careers here get an unparalleled opportunity to serve the ailing and get exposure to premium patient care, research, and education.

Courses at SGPGIMS, Lucknow

SGPGIMS provides admission to various undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate level programmes in several medical and allied sciences field. The courses offered at SGPGIMS includes MD/MS, DM, M.Ch., PhD., post-doctoral fellowships, and postdoctoral certificate courses in various disciplines. Additionally, it offers senior residency training programmes, B.Sc. Nursing course and B.Sc./M.Sc. paramedical technology courses in allied sciences.

Here’s a list of courses available at SGPGIMS, Lucknow.

Medical Courses:

MD/MS Courses

  • Anesthesiology
  • Microbiology
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • Pathology
  • Radiotherapy
  • Transfusion Medicine
  • Emergency Medicine
  • MS in Ophthalmology

DM Courses

  • Cardiology
  • Clinical Hematology
  • Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology
  • Critical Care Medicine
  • Endocrinology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Medical Genetics
  • Neonatology
  • Nephrology
  • Neurology
  • Pediatrics
  • Gastroenterology
  • Pulmonary Medicine

M.Ch. Courses

  • Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery
  • Endocrine Surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Pediatric Surgery
  • Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
  • Surgical Gastroenterology
  • Urology

PDAF (Post-doctoral Courses)

  • Cardiovascular and Thoracic Anaesthesia
  • Intensive Care Medicine
  • Neuro-anaesthesia and Neuro Critical Care
  • Organ transplant Anaesthesia
  • Pain and Palliative Care Medicine

PDCC (Post-doctoral Certificate Course)

  • Apheresis Technology & Blood Component Therapy
  • Breast Surgery
  • Clinical Genetics & Genomics
  • Critical Care Medicine
  • Correlative Imaging
  • Radionuclide Therapy
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Hemato-Oncology
  • Pediatric Hematology
  • Hemato-Pathology
  • Infectious Disease
  • Interventional Pulmonary
  • Immunology
  • Maternal and Fetal Medicine
  • Neonatology
  • Neuro-Otology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Pediatric Endocrinology
  • Pediatric Gastroenterology
  • Renal Pathology
  • Gastro-radiology
  • Neuro-radiology
  • Vascular Radiology

Health and Allied Science Courses:

Undergraduate Courses

  • Sc. Nursing
  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy (B.P.T)
  • Sc. in Anesthesia Technology
  • Sc. in Radio-diagnosis and Imaging Technology
  • Sc. in Medical Laboratory Technology (Hematology)
  • Sc. in Operation Theatre Technology
  • Sc. in Perfusion Technology
  • Sc. in Renal Dialysis Technology
  • Sc. in Radiotherapy Technology
  • Sc. in Respiratory Care Technology
  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy (B.P.T)

Masters’ Courses

  • Sc. in Medical Biotechnology (Hematology)
  • Sc. in Genetics Counselling (Medical Genetics)
  • Sc. in Medical Laboratory Technology (Medical Virology)
  • Medical Laboratory Technology (Transfusion Medicine)
  • Sc. in Radio pharmacy and Molecular Imaging (Nuclear Medicine)
  • Sc. in Nuclear Medicine Technology (Nuclear Medicine)
  • Sc. Molecular Medicine & Biotechnology

MHA (Master in Hospital Administration)

One-year Diploma Course in Telemedicine and Digital Health

Short-term and Long-term training sponsored by Government or other agencies is available in all the departments.

Ph. D. Courses (in all the available departments)

Admission Process at SGPGIMS, Lucknow

MD/MS Courses: Admission to MD/MS Courses is done through the NEET-PG entrance examination. NEET-PG is a single window entrance exam for admission to various MD/MS courses offered at SGPGIMS. Aspiring candidates are required to crack the NEET-PG exam with the required cut-off score and later, appear for the All India Quota counselling and State counselling. It is always advised to go through the number of seats available in the respective courses a candidate is interested in.

DM and M.Ch. Courses: The admission to DM and M.Ch. Courses is done through the NEET-SS entrance examination. NEET-SS is a single window entrance examination for admission to various DM/M.Ch and DrNB Super Specialty courses.

SR(HS)/PDC/PDAF/Sr. Demonstrator/Statistical Fellows: The admissions to SR(HS)/PDC/PDAF/Sr. Demonstrator/Statistical Fellows are done through the entrance examinations conducted by the Institute itself.

Doctoral Programme (Ph.D.):

  1. Written aptitude test: Eligible candidates can appear for the written aptitude test. Depending on his or her prior training experience, a candidate may choose one of the three exam alternatives given, namely physical sciences, biological sciences, or medical sciences. The minimum percentage for clearing the aptitude test and qualify for the second step is 55% marks (50% for SC/ST/OBC candidates).
  2. Departmental test: Candidates’ practical knowledge of the topic and aptitude for research and teaching are evaluated in this test, which is administered by the departmental faculty. Applicants are invited to the Director’s interview only if the aspirants receive at least 55% marks (50% for SC/ST/OBC candidates).
  3. Director’s Interview: A selection committee led by the director or the director’s nominee conducts an interview with the applicant.
  4. Marks distribution: The selection is based on the rank made from the aggregate marks of the three components i.e., 60% theory examination, 20% departmental test, and 20% selection committee interview.
  5. Applicants who passed the CSIR/UGC joint yearly examination for junior research fellowships are exempted from the written exam and may be considered for direct admission to the Ph.D. programme following a departmental test or interview at any point throughout the year.

Number of Seats at SGPGIMS, Lucknow

The number of seats available at SGPGIMS, Lucknow for all the courses is mentioned below:

Courses Total Number of Seats
DM 52
M.Ch. 29
MD 45
PDF 25
MHA 06
BSc (Nursing) 40


Fee Structure of Medical Courses at SGPGIMS, Lucknow

Fee Structure for MD/MS Courses:


S. No. Particulars Fees for MD/MS Courses (in Rs.)
1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
1 Admission Fees 5,000
2 Course Fees 35,000 35,000 35,000
3 Examination Fees 2,500
4 Enrollment Fees 500
5 Degree/Diploma Certificate Fees 300
6 Migration Certificate Fees 300
7 Caution Money (Refundable) 20,000
8 Library Fees 500 500 500
Total 61,000 35,500 38,600


Additionally, Medical Subscription Fee of Rs. 1800/- is submitted annually.

Fee Structure for DM/M.Ch. Courses:

S. No. Particulars Fees for DM/M.Ch. (In Rs.)
1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
1 Admission Fees 5,000
2 Course Fees 45,000 45,000 45,000
3 Examination Fees 2,500
4 Enrollment Fees 500
5 Degree/Diploma Certificate Fee 300
6 Migration Certificate Fees 300
7 Caution Money (Refundable) 20,000
8 Library Fees 500 500 500
Total 71,000 45,500 48,600


Additionally, Medical Subscription Fee of Rs. 1800/- is submitted annually.

Fee Structure for PDCC Courses/PDAF:

S. No. Particulars Fees (in Rs.)
1 Admission Fees 5,000
2 Course Fees 45,000
3 Examination Fees 2,500
4 Enrollment Fees 500
5 Degree/Diploma Certificate Fees 300
6 Migration Certificate Fees 300
7 Caution Money (Refundable) 20,000
8 Library Fees 500
Total 74,100


Additionally, Medical Subscription Fee of Rs. 1800/- is submitted annually.

Fee Structure for PDC Courses:

S. No. Particulars Fees (in Rs.)
1 Course Fees 45,000
2 Caution Money (refundable) 20,000
3 Library Fees 500
  Total 65,000


Additionally, Medical Subscription Fee of Rs. 1800/- is submitted annually.

Click here to know the complete information regarding admission at PGIMER, Chandigarh.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q 1. Is SGPGIMS a government college?

Ans. No, SGPGIMS is an autonomous body and is recognized by the Medical Council of India.

Q2. Does SGPGIMS have MBBS course?

Ans. No, SGPGIMS college doesn’t offers admission to the MBBS course. The courses offered includes DM, M.Ch, MD, PhD., post-doctoral fellowships, and postdoctoral certificate courses in various disciplines. Additionally, it offers senior residency training programmes, B.Sc. Nursing course and B.Sc./M.Sc. paramedical technology courses in allied sciences.

Q3. How many seats are there for MD courses at SGPGIMS, Lucknow?

Ans. There are about 45 seats in total for MD Courses at SGPGIMS, Lucknow.

Medicine in its entirety is one full course, with an enormous amount of information and a lot of studying involved. The subject has everything inculcated into it, right from the pathogenesis of a disease, involving physiology, pathology, microbiology, and anatomy, to the management and treatment involving biochemistry and pharmacology. Hence, if your first three years in college have been academically well and you have got your concepts clear, then you will face least pressure when you study medicine.

MBBS Prof Exam Pattern

According to the current CBME curriculum, the MBBS prof exam for the General Medicine subject consists of two theoretical exams for 100 marks each, and the practical examination (Practical/Clinical + Viva) of 200 marks. The theoretical exam has a variety of question types, such as structured essays (long answer questions, or LAQ), short response questions, and objective questions (MCQs and IBQs).

Along with the core medicine, the prof examination will also include questions covering allied subjects, psychiatry and dermatology.

Important Topics of Medicine for MBBS Prof Exams, NEET-PG, and INI-CET Entrance Examination

Focus on early preparation for both professional examinations and competitive entrance exams if you intend to pursue postgraduate studies. NEET-PG/NExT and INI-CET are now India’s two top entrance exams. The subject weightage of Medicine and its allied courses is about 35 questions each in the INI-CET and NEET PG entrance examinations.

High-yielding topics are an essential part of a successful study strategy that will boost your test-taking performance. You must plan study sessions carefully, placing an emphasis on time management, high-yielding topics from each course, and, most importantly, health.

Here’s a list of high-yielding topics of Medicine for NEET-PG, INI-CET, and MBBS Prof exams:


  • Iron deficiency anemia
  • Immune thrombocytopenic purpura
  • Aplastic anemia
  • Chronic myeloid leukemia
  • Megaloblastic anemia
  • Management of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Clinical features and management of Polycythemia rubra vera
  • Thrombocytopenia


  • Clinical features and management of Leptospirosis
  • Brucellosis
  • Pathogenesis and diagnosis of Rabies along with clinical features and prophylaxis
  • Clinical features and management of Scrub Typhus and the neurological manifestations of scrub typhus
  • Gonorrhea
  • Elephantiasis
  • Dengue fever, Investigations, and management
  • Antiretroviral Drugs, HIV and TB, PEP for HIV
  • DOTS
  • Bird flu
  • Complications of Ascariasis
  • Treatment of Falciparum malaria
  • Neurocysticercosis
  • Ebola virus disease
  • Clinical Features and treatment of Typhoid
  • Opportunistic infections in AIDS
  • Lab diagnosis of HIV
  • Complications of malaria
  • Anaerobic infections
  • MDR TB
  • AIDS defining illness
  • H1N1 diseases
  • COVID 19 Disease


  • Etiopathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, and management of Infective endocarditis
  • Etiopathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, and management of Congestive heart failure
  • Etiopathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, and management of Dilated cardiomyopathy
  • Common causes of Atrial fibrillation
  • Ventricular septal defect
  • Clinical features, investigations, and management of Myocardial infarction
  • Management of MI at a PHC
  • Clinical features of Constrictive pericarditis & its management
  • Causes, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, investigations, complications, and treatment of Acute left heart failure (Pulmonary edema)


  • Investigations and management of Pulmonary embolism
  • Respiratory failure: types and causes
  • Pathology and clinical features of Carcinoma lung
  • Paraneoplastic manifestations of carcinoma lung
  • Nosocomial pneumonia
  • Etiology, c/f, investigations, and treatment of Community acquired pneumonia
  • Factors precipitating Bronchial Asthma
  • Lung abscess
  • Etiology, pathogenesis, CF & management of Bronchial carcinoma
  • Pneumothorax
  • Acute severe asthma


  • Investigations and management of Renal artery stenosis
  • Assessment of Kidney diseases
  • Pathophysiology and investigations of Acute Kidney Injury
  • Adult dominant polycystic kidney diseases
  • Nephrotic syndrome-Etiopathogenesis, C/F, investigations, & management
  • Etiology, Pathogenesis, clinical features, & management of acute tubular necrosis
  • Peritoneal dialysis
  • Acute renal failure
  • Haemo-dialysis
  • Acute pyelonephritis
  • Chronic renal failure
  • CAPD (Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis)


  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Acute pancreatitis
  • Management of H. Pylori and peptic ulcer
  • Portal Hypertension
  • Coeliac disease
  • Complication of cirrhosis
  • Diagnosis and management of Hepatic encephalopathy
  • Budd-Chiaris’ syndrome
  • Traveler’s diarrhea
  • Pathogenesis and management of Cirrhotic ascites
  • Management of a case of hematemesis due to acute variceal bleed
  • Clinical features, investigations & differential diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis
  • Causes of Upper GI bleed
  • Investigations & management of tubercular ascites
  • Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
  • IBD
  • Chronic hepatitis
  • Amoebic liver abscess
  • Abdominal TB
  • Fatty liver
  • NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease)
  • Chronic Hepatitis B


  • Clinical features, investigations, & management of Rheumatoid arthritis along with extra articular manifestations of R
  • Diagnosis of SLE
  • Clinical features, diagnosis & management of Myasthenia gravis
  • Clinical features and lab finding of Ankylosing spondylitis
  • List of common vasculitis disorders.
  • Describe clinical manifestations and treatment of Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegner’s Granulomatosis)
  • Scleroderma
  • Cutaneous manifestations of SLE


  • Thyrotoxic crisis
  • Clinical features of Adrenal insufficiency & its management
  • Differentiate Hypoglycemic coma from Diabetic coma
  • Addison’s disease
  • Graves’ disease
  • Diagnosis and management of Diabetic ketoacidosis
  • Myxedema coma
  • Prolactinoma
  • Complications of diabetes
  • Cushing syndrome
  • Acromegaly
  • Differentiate b/w hyper and hypo glycemic coma
  • Diagnosis of Metabolic syndrome
  • Rickets
  • Hypothyroidism: CF, Investigations, and management
  • Thyroid storm management


  • Wernicke’s encephalopathy
  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage & its management
  • Differentiate Tubercular from Pyogenic meningitis
  • Infective polyneuritis
  • Acute mountain sickness
  • C/F, diagnosis, and management of Ischemic stroke
  • Management of Status epilepticus
  • Guillain- Barre syndrome
  • Facial palsy
  • Meningitis: Tubercular and Pyogenic
  • Drugs used for decongestion of brain cell edema
  • C/F of cerebellar disorders
  • C/F and causes of peripheral neuropathy
  • Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage
  • Anti-epileptic drugs, types of epilepsy & management of epilepsy
  • Classification of cerebrovascular accidents, their Causes and Management


  • Ethylene glycol poisoning
  • Management of insecticide poisoning
  • Diagnosis and management of Organophosphate poisoning
  • Treatment of aluminium phosphide poisoning
  • Agents causing Methemoglobinemia and their management
  • Barbiturate poisoning
  • Snake Bite


  • Vitamin B12 Deficiency
  • Schilling test
  • Enteral nutrition
  • Hypercalcemia
  • Hypocalcemia
  • Vitamin D
  • Nutritional deficiencies causing polyneuropathy
  • Hyperkalemia
  • Hyponatremia
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Metabolic acidosis

DERMATOLOGY [ Subject carries total 15 marks in university exams]

  • Genital herpes simplex
  • Toxic epidermal necrolysis
  • Alopecia
  • Psoriasis and its treatment
  • Scabies
  • Atopic eczema
  • Drug Eruptions
  • Lepra reactions
  • Photosensitivity
  • DDs of bullous lesions
  • Sexually transmitted viral infections
  • Angioedema
  • Treatment of Acne vulgaris
  • Urticaria
  • Deep folliculitis and cellulitis
  • Mucocutaneous manifestations of SLE
  • Erythema multiforme
  • Kaposi sarcoma
  • Lichen planus
  • Tinea infections
  • Secondary syphilis

PSYCHIATRY [Subject carries total 15 marks in university exam]

  • Somatoform disorders
  • Neuropsychiatric manifestations of chronic alcoholism
  • Antidepressant drugs
  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Bipolar disorder and its treatment
  • Substance abuse & Substance misuse disorder
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Factitious disorders and Malingering
  • Anti-Psychotic disorders
  • Acute dependence
  • Medically unexplained somatic symptoms
  • Effects of alcohol on CNS
  • Dissociative disorders
  • OCD
  • Diagnosis and Management of Schizophrenia
  • PTSD
  • Delirium
  • Diagnosis of depression and Depressive disorders
  • Acute cocaine intoxication and complications
  • Cannabis misuse
  • Sedative misuse
  • Phobic disorders


  • Fever with Lymphadenopathy
  • Fever with Splenomegaly
  • Fever with Thrombocytopenia
  • Clubbing
  • Marfan syndrome
  • Patterns of inheritance of genetic disorders
  • Genetic counselling: it’s indications and principles
  • Gene therapy
  • X-linked diseases
  • Malignant Hypertension
  • PCR
  • Methods of genetic testing
  • Methotrexate

All the above mentioned are the most important topics for the medicine exam, that you cannot afford to miss for your university examinations.

Medicine for Undergrads is one of the best online medicine courses, designed by Dr. Archith Boloor, one of the most renowned professors in the medical field. Because of his distinctive approach to idea simplification, his publications “Exam Preparation Manual for Undergraduates: Medicine” and “An Insider’s Guide to Clinical Medicine” have already earned a vital position on the shelves of the majority of medical undergraduates. Recent revisions to the CBME curriculum have emphasized the integration of all courses as well as the improvement of students’ procedural abilities. In CBME, case-based learning has been the primary focus, and even the exam question format is case-based. This unique method of learning the material has been effectively incorporated into the course video lectures. This course will aid the students in strengthening their understanding of the following:

  • reviewing the patient’s medical history
  • performing a clinical examination
  • comprehending the treatment strategy for various diseases

In order to contribute to the learning outcomes of this course, the theoretical principles pertinent to varied circumstances are presented systematically together with important case discussions. A separate section has been devoted to the discussion of the fundamentals of system-wise examination since case taking and clinical examination constitute the cornerstones of clinical practice.

In order to make the procedure easier for the students, case sheets and diagnosis forms are presented with examples. Using case studies and identification points for numerous disorders that may be examined, the fundamentals of ECG and X-rays have been clearly taught. For the purpose of preparing the students for the NEET-PG, INI-CET, PLAB, or any other post-graduate exam, the lectures will aid in anchoring high-yield topics by comprehending them at their core.

Click here to know the Important topics of Surgery in MBBS.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. Which is the best Indian Author book for studying medicine?

Ans: An Insider’s Guide to Clinical Medicine by Archith Boloor & Anudeep Padakanti, Exam preparatory manual for Undergraduates: Medicine by Archith Boloor and Ramadas Nayak are among the best Indian author books for studying medicine.

  1. Where can I find an affordable yet comprehensive online course for medicine?

Ans: The best medicine course online 2023, which is knowledgeable, clinically up to date, and still very affordable Dr. Archith Boloor’ Medicine for UnderGrads course.

The NEET PG 2023 exam was conducted on 5th March 2023 by NBE for admission to various MD/MS/DNB/Diploma Courses of 2023-24 academic session. Around 2,08,898 aspirants appeared for the NEET PG 2023 exam at 902 examination centres across 277 cities.

NEET PG 2023 Result Date

The NEET PG 2023 result was declared on 14th March 2023 and can be seen at the NBEMS website, and Candidates can check their score and rankings on these websites.

The individual score card of the candidates appeared in NEET PG 2023 will be available on/after 25th March 2023.

The merit position for seats allocated under the 50% All India Quota will be announced separately. The States/UTs should produce the final merit list/category-wise merit list for State quota seats in accordance with their qualifying/eligibility requirements, applicable guidelines/regulations, and reservation policy.

NEET PG 2023 Cut-off Score

The highest marks scored by NEET PG 2023 topper is 725 out of 800 marks. This year, around 20 students scored 700+ marks and about 400 students scored 650+ in the entrance exam. According to analysis of exam paper, the NEET PG 2023 difficulty level was moderate.

The NEET PG 2023 cut-off marks for various categories are as follows in compliance with the minimal qualifying/eligibility requirements for admission to MD/MS/DNB/Diploma Programmes as stated in the NEET-PG 2023 Information Bulletin:

Category Minimum Qualifying/Eligibility Criteria NEET-PG Cut-off Scores (Out of 800)
General/EWS 50th Percentile 291
General-PwBD 45th Percentile 274
SC/ST/OBC (Including PwBD of SC/ST/OBC) 40th Percentile 257


According to the subject matter experts of the concerned specialty, there were no technically incorrect or ambiguous questions found in the NEET PG 2023 question paper.

NEET PG 2023 Counselling

The NEET PG counselling 2023 is done by Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) for all the medical colleges under AIQ, State/Central and Deemed category. For admission at AFMC, Pune MCC only conducts its registration part and the further procedure is conducted by AFMC itself and hence, candidates must visit their official site.

The registration for the counselling can be done on Medical Counselling Committee website, through online mode only.

Counselling Procedure and Rounds

There will be four counselling rounds:

Rounds Types of Counselling
Round 1 (Conducted by MCC) AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB
Round 2 (Conducted by MCC) AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB
Mop-Up Round- (Conducted by MCC) AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB
Stray Vacancy Round- Conducted by MCC for AIQ, Central University/Institutes and DNB Offline – By respective Deemed University AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB


Open seats-domicile free includes:

  1. 50% All India Quota seats
  2. 50% Seats of BHU
  3. 50% Seats of AMU
  4. 50% All India Quota seats of DU/Central Institutes (VMMC & SJH, ABVIMS & RML, ESIC, Basaidarapur)
  5. 100% DNB

Reservation Policy

The Central Government’s Reservation Policy for the NEET-PG Counselling in the All India Quota is as follows:

Category Reservation of Seats
SC 15%
ST 7.5%
OBC – Non-Creamy Layer 27%
EWS (as per Central Government norms) 10%
PwD (Horizontal Reservation as per NMC norms) 5%


Fees to be paid at the time of Counselling Registration

At the time of registration, students are required to submit two kinds of fee, one is Non-Refundable Registration Fee and other is Refundable Security Deposit.

a. Non-Refundable Registration Fee

    • For AIQ /Central University/ESIC/DNB, the Non-Refundable Registration Fee is Rs. 1000/- for UR/EWS candidates & Rs. 500/- for SC/ ST/ OBC/ PwD candidates.
    • For Deemed University candidates, the Non-Refundable Registration Fee is Rs. 5000/-.

b. Refundable Security Deposit

Refundable Security Deposit will be refunded to candidates after joining the allotted college or if candidate did not get any seat during counselling procedure to the same account from which payment had been made.

    • For AIQ/Central University/ESIC/DNBUR, the Refundable Security Deposit is Rs. 25,000/- for EWS candidates and Rs. 10,000/- for SC/ST/OBC/PwD candidates.
      (e.g., Any SC candidate opting for AIQ only will pay registration fee of Rs. 500/- + Rs. 10,000/- Refundable Security Deposit)
    • For Deemed Universities, the Refundable Security Deposit is Rs. 2,00,000/.
      (e.g., Any candidate opting for Deemed University will have to pay Rs. 5000/- Non- Refundable fee + Rs. 2,00,000/- Refundable Security Deposit at the time of registration).

NEET PG Counselling 2023 Schedule

Round 1 Counselling Schedule

Round 1 Counselling Schedule
Events Date
Registration/Payment 27th July 2023 to 1st August 2023 (up to 12:00 PM)
Choice Filling 28th July 2023 to 2nd August 2023 (till 11:55 PM)
Choice Locking 2nd August 2023 (from 03:00 PM to 11:55 PM)
Processing of Seat Allotment 3rd August 2023 to 4th August 2023
Counselling Result 5th August 2023
Uploading of Documents on MCC Portal by Candidates 6th August 2023
Reporting/Joining at College 7th August 2023 to 13th August 2023
Verification of Joined Candidates Data by Institutes 14th August 2023 to 16th August 2023

Round 2 Counselling Schedule

Round 2 Counselling Schedule
Events Date
Verification of Tentative Seat Matrix by the Participating Institutes 17th August 2023


Registration/Payment 17th August 2023 to 21st August 2023 (up to 12:00 PM)
Choice Filling 18th August 2023 to 22nd August 2023 (till 11:55 PM)
Choice Locking 22nd August 2023 (Starting from 03:00 PM to 11:55 PM)
Processing of Seat Allotment 23rd August 2023 to 24th August 2023
Counselling Result 25th August 2023
Uploading of Documents on MCC Portal by Candidates 26th August 2023
Reporting/Joining at College 27th August 2023 to 4th September 2023
Verification of Joined Candidates Data by Institutes 5th September 2023 to 6th September 2023

Round 3 Counselling Schedule

Round 3 Counselling Schedule
Events Date
Verification of Tentative Seat Matrix by the Participating Institutes 7th September 2023
Registration/Payment 7th September 2023 to 12th September 2023 (up to 12:00 PM)
Choice Filling 8th September 2023 to 13th September 2023 (till 11:55 PM)
Choice Locking 13th September 2023 (from 03:00 PM to 11:55 PM)
Processing of Seat Allotment 14th September 2023 to 15th September 2023
Counselling Result 16th September 2023
Uploading of Documents on MCC Portal by Candidates 17th September 2023
Reporting/Joining at College 18th September 2023 to 25th September 2023
Verification of Joined Candidates Data by Institutes 26th September 2023 to 27th September 2023

Stray Vacancy Round Counselling Schedule

Stray Vacancy Round Counselling Schedule
Events Date
Registration/Payment 28th September 2023 to 30th September 2023
Choice Filling 29th September 2023 to 1st October 2023 (till 11:55 PM)
Choice Locking 1st October 2023 (from 03:00 PM to 11:55 PM)
Processing of Seat Allotment 2nd October 2023 to 3rd October 2023
Counselling Result 4th October 2023
Uploading of Documents on MCC Portal by Candidates 5th October 2023
Reporting/Joining at College 6th October 2023 to 10th October 2023


Doctor of Medicine in Dermatology, Venerology, and Leprosy is a three year postgraduate degree. Dermatology is the area of medicine that deals with illnesses of the skin, hair, and nails. The course provides students with cutting-edge techniques, skills, and research to treat patients suffering from skin diseases. With both medical and surgical components, it is a distinctive specialty. Initial medical, transitional, or surgical components make up the curriculum of the MD Dermatology. The course engages students through Journal Clubs, Subject Seminars, Student Symposium, Ward Rounds, Clinical Case Presentations, Clinico-Pathological Conference (CPC), Inter-Departmental Meetings, Pathology and Radiodiagnosis Cases, Teaching Skills, Conferences, and Clinical Postings.

In MD Dermatology, the final evaluation comprises of 3 parts:

1. Thesis: It must be submitted at least six months before the practical examination.

2. Theory Examination: PG Dermatology has four papers and each of three hours duration. Each paper consists of long essay questions, short essay questions and short notes.

Paper Subject
I Basic Science as applied to Dermatology, STDs and Leprosy
II Dermatology
III STD & Leprosy
IV Recent advances in field of Dermatology, Applied Sciences pertaining to skin/VD & internal medicine and skin

3. Clinical/Practical and viva voce Examination:
The practical examination comprises of long answer and short answer cases and 10 spots. Students are evaluated on their ability to interpret data, knowledge and application of instruments, clinical issues, radiological and biochemical tests, slides, medications, X-rays, and other information during oral/viva voce exams.

A medical professional can enroll in PG Dermatology e-lecture series to supplement their college lectures and practical sessions. Online e-lecture series benefits the medico learning at their own pace and maintaining the work-life balance. It also keeps them updated with the recent advances in the field and provides them the access to real life case scenarios. Audio-visual learning of the clinical cases and case demonstration leads to better comprehension and understanding.

DigiNerve’s Dermatology MD E-Lecture Series by Dr. Rashmi Sarkar and Dr. S. Sacchidanand

The Dermatology MD is an e-lecture series is crafted by Dr. Rashmi Sarkar and Dr. S. Sacchidanand, the Head Editors of Dermatology MD, in conjunction with India’s 78 esteemed professors.

The 14 modules that make up the 71 hour-long Dermatology MD e-lecture series include 109 topics that are significant from an academic, clinical, and surgical perspective. All of the series’ topics have been carefully chosen with the most frequently asked questions and informational needs of postgraduate students in mind. Examples include dealing with skin lesions, learning about rare diseases, and medico-legal issues.

The e-lecture series also provides 204+ benchmark trials and 570+ self-assessment questions to support the concepts. The cases have been thoroughly discussed, with a focus on the clinical findings and thorough workup required to make the proper diagnosis. With the help of surgical videos and animated sequences of various procedures, this online lecture series will also help practitioners improve their clinical and surgical dermatological skills. The concept understanding will take on a completely new dimension thanks to the in-video demonstration of the various surgeries being carried out.

To help students develop a thorough understanding of each topic and to meet their exam and clinical needs, the Dermatology e-lecture series are profusely illustrated with clinical, histopathological, and surgical images as well as flowcharts, tables, and boxes, as needed.

The 1000+ spotters now include a separate section of flashcards that includes illustrations of rare dermatology cases as well as all significant clinical presentations and lesions under each topic. The series includes a drug formulary to allow quick access to various medications during the ward rounds.

The key features of the e-lecture series include:

  • 74+ Hours of Video Lectures
  • 106 Well-Illustrated Notes
  • 560+ Self-Assessment Questions
  • 1000+ Spotters
  • Interactive Drug Formulary
  • 204+ Evidence-Based Studies/Benchmark Trials
  • Engagement Activities

Dermatology MD E-Lecture Series Content


  • Orientation Video by Dr. Rashmi Sarkar
  • Orientation Video by Dr. S. Sacchidanand

Module 1: Basics of Clinical Dermatology

  • Growth and Development of Skin and Its Functions
  • Skin and Its Interaction with Environment

Module 2: Dermatitis

  • Atopic Dermatitis
  • Contact Dermatitis
  • Seborrheic Dermatitis
  • Photodermatoses
  • Prurigo nodularis: Management
  • Pruritus and Prurigo and Their Management
  • Occupational Dermatoses
  • Nummular Eczema, Lichen Simplex Chronicus

Module 3: Psoriasiform and Lichenoid diseases

  • Etiopathogenesis of Psoriasis
  • Parapsoriasis and Pityriasis Lichenoides
  • Pityriasis Rosea
  • Lichen Planus and Lichenoid Disorders
  • Management of Psoriasis
  • Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris                   

Module 4: Pigmentary skin disorders

  • Hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation disorders
  • Albinism and Genetic Pigmentation Disorders

Module 5: Vesicobullous Disorders

  • Erythema Multiforme, Stevens–Johnson Syndrome, and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
  • Pemphigus
  • Paraneoplastic Pemphigus
  • Bullous Pemphigoid
  • Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid
  • Epidermolysis Bullosa Acquisita
  • Dermatitis Herpetiformis
  • Inherited Epidermolysis Bullosa

Module 6: Autoimmune Skin Disorders and Rheumatologic Disorders

  • Lupus Erythematosus
  • Dermatomyositis
  • Systemic Sclerosis
  • Morphea and Lichen Sclerosus
  • Psoriatic Arthritis and Reactive Arthritis
  • Role of JAK Inhibitors in Dermatology
  • Relapsing Polychondritis

Module 7: Hair, Nail, Mucosa, Adnexa and Connective tissue

  • Acne and Acneiform Eruptions
  • Rosacea and Related Diseases
  • Disorders of Eccrine and Apocrine Glands
  • Non Scarring Alopecia
  • Scarring Alopecia
  • Disorders of Eccrine & Apocrine Glands
  • Hirsutism and Hypertrichosis
  • Nail Dermatoses
  • Dermal Hypertrophies
  • Serology in Connective Tissue Disorders
  • Panniculitis
  • Lipodystrophies
  • Disorders of Oral Cavity and Mucos

Module 8: Skin Neoplastic Diseases

  • Premalignant Conditions of Skin
  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Basal Cell Carcinoma
  • Vascular Tumor and Malformations
  • Malignant Melanoma
  • Primary Cutaneous Lymphomas
  • Mastocytosis
  • Histiocytosis

Module 9: Skin and Systemic Diseases

  • Skin Changes in Diabetes Mellitus and Endocrine Diseases
  • Skin Changes in Systemic Diseases and Cutaneous Markers of Internal Malignancies
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Metabolic Disorders: Acquired
  • Metabolic Disorders: Inherited
  • Nutritional Disorders of Skin

Module 10: Vascular Diseases

  • Raynaud’s Phenomenon
  • Chronic Non Healing ulcers: How to Optimise Healing
  • Vasculitis
  • Sclerotherapy: Role in Dermatology
  • Neutrophilic Dermatoses

Module 11: Infectious diseases of skin

  • Mycobacterial Skin Diseases
  • Leprosy- Disability and Rehabilitation
  • Superficial Fungal Infections
  • Deep Fungal Infections
  • Leishmaniasis and Other Protozoal Infections
  • Scabies, Pediculosis, and Other Infestations
  • Bites and Stings

Module 12: Sexually transmitted diseases

  • Syphilis
  • Chancroid
  • Lymphogranuloma Venereum
  • Granuloma Inguinale (Donovanosis)
  • Cutaneous manifestations of COVID 19

Module 13: Topical and Systemic treatments

  • Principles of Topical Therapy in Dermatology
  • Glucocorticoids
  • Retinoids
  • Topical Antibacterials
  • Systemic Antibacterials
  • Management of Lepra Reactions
  • Antifungal Agents
  • Cytotoxic and Antimetabolic Agents
  • Antiviral Drugs
  • Molecular Targeted Therapies
  • Antiangiogenic Agents
  • Sunscreen in Dermatology
  • Management of Chronic Urticaria

Module 14: Procedural Dermatology

  • Perioperative Considerations in Dermatologic Surgery
  • Laser hair removal
  • Excisional Surgery and Repair, Flaps, and Grafts
  • Management of Keloids
  • Laser and Light-Based Treatments: Hair Removal Optimisation
  • Laser and Light-Based Treatments: Qs Nd YAG- Basics, Pearls and Indications
  • Laser and Light-Based Treatments: Energy Based Devices- Scars and More
  • Surgical management of Vitiligo
  • Noninvasive Body Contouring
  • Chemical Peeling
  • Microneedling
  • Evolution of Liposuction: Manual-Powered-Laser
  • Fat Transfer
  • Botulinum Toxin in Dermatology
  • Surgical management of acne scars
  • The journey of resurfacing: From manual to Lasers and EBDS

Drug Formulary

Objectives of MD Dermatology E-Lecture Series

  • The student should be familiar with the fundamental sciences as they relate to dermatology, including anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology, and pharmacology.
  • The learner should become deeply knowledgeable about his or her subject including recent developments and latest techniques.
  • The student should be well-versed in all bedside practices, including diagnostic and therapeutic ones, and knowledgeable of the most recent diagnostic and therapeutic options.
  • The student should have gained procedural and practical knowledge of the subject using pertinent investigations, critically analyse, start an investigation, and clinically manage cases of leprosy, venereology, and dermatology.
  • Plans and recommendations for patient rehabilitation and prevention should be made.
  • Capable of ensuring the execution of national health programmes, notably in leprosy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
  • Develop your training in the following areas: professionalism, attitude, research methods, and communication skills.
  • The student must be able to analyse published studies, develop a research project, explore library and internet resources, and understand the fundamentals of research technique.
  • Should be able to conduct ethical dermatological practice.
  • Acknowledge the patients’ medical demands and fulfill professional duties in accordance with professional ethics and the National Health Policy’s guiding principles.
  • The student should gain competency in teaching medical/paramedical students and master the fundamentals of teaching approach.
  • Needed to have developed problem-solving abilities.

Best Way to Study MD Dermatology

Along with attending the regular lectures, practical sessions, postings and seminars, a postgraduate dermatology student should also keep in mind the following points:

  • A Postgraduate Specialist who has completed the necessary training should be able to identify the community’s health needs, be competent to handle medical issues effectively, and be aware of recent developments in his field of expertise.
  • A medical student should have a solid foundation in teaching medical and paramedical students.
  • Additionally, he or she should be familiar with the fundamentals of research methodology and library consultation techniques.
  • PG Dermatology students should actively participate in all lectures, seminars, symposia, interdepartmental meetings, and other events. They are exposed to modern developments by taking part in symposiums, CMEs, and journal clubs. This will enable them to concentrate on the objectives, approaches, comments, interactions, and conclusions.
  • In order to have an impact on patient management, postgraduate students should engage in bedside conversations during rounds and outpatient instruction.
  • A thorough history and case record should be kept by the medical student.
  • Always uphold ethical principles, maintain appropriate demeanor when interacting with patients, family members, and other healthcare professionals, and respect the patient’s rights, including the right to information and a second opinion.
  • Learn how to conduct a physical examination, make a diagnosis, and manage patients with leprosy, venereology, and dermatological conditions.
  • Medico must possess a systematic ability to recognize, group, and distinguish cutaneous findings using dermatological terminology.
  • A medical practitioner must be able to conduct systemic exams (chest, cardiac, abdomen, neurological, genitalia, oral, and eye exams) pertinent to dermatologic conditions.
  • A medico must learn handling emergencies involving the skin, including Angioedema, Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN), Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), Pemphigus, drug reactions, and Necrotic Erythema Nodosum Leprosum (ENL).
  • They must be able to independently carry out routine laboratory tests related to cutaneous diagnosis, such as Potassium hydroxide (KOH) mount, Woods lamp examination, Gram stain, Giemsa stain, stains, Culture media, Acid fast bacilli stain etc.
  • Must be able to request pertinent investigations and interpret the results to make a diagnosis. Must be knowledgeable about other recent investigations.
  • A medico must learn to make incisions and apply sutures and stitches and should receive training in performing skin and nail biopsies.
  • Ability to independently perform manual dermabrasion, skin punch grafting, chemical peels, and wound dressing.
  • It is advised to get a clear hand in conducting slit smears, tissue smears, patch and photopatch tests, chemical cauterization, cryotherapy, and these tests.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1. How many years is MD in dermatology?

Ans. MD Dermatology is a three year postgraduate course in the medical field.

Q2. What are the subspecialty in dermatology in India?

Ans. The subspecialities in field of Dermatology are Pediatric Dermatology, Dermatosurgery, Cosmetic Dermatology, Dermatopathology, Laser Dermatology, Trichology, and Mohs Surgery.

Q3. What is the salary of a MD in Dermatology in India?

Ans. The average salary of a MD Dermatology in India is around 10-12 lakhs. The salary of a medical professional differs due to various factors, such as geographical area, public or private sector, job profile, experience and more.

The field of Ophthalmology focuses on conditions affecting the eyes. A medical professional will have the chance to be at the forefront of patient care by choosing to become an ophthalmologist. One is involved in all phases of illness diagnosis and treatment.

Ophthalmologist Career Path

A medical student needs to follow the below-mentioned procedure to become a top Ophthalmologist:

  • Crack NEET-UG entrance exam with competitive score to get admission into the MBBS course.
  • Complete the undergraduate medical course- MBBS with an impressive Grade Point Average (GPA).
  • Prepare and crack the NEET-PG entrance exam with competitive score to get admission in the MD/MS Ophthalmology specialty.
  • Complete a post-graduation degree in Ophthalmology.
  • Complete your residency program, gain experience and get licensed.
  • Further, there are options to pursue super-specialization or research.

Only by fulfilling these requirements can one become an ophthalmologist; nonetheless, a medical student’s knowledge and abilities will determine whether or not they become a renowned ophthalmologist. From the time one enrols for the MBBS course, to the time one starts preparing for MD entrance, and finally doing a master’s and acquiring the MD degree in Ophthalmology, one needs to possess clarity in concepts. They must possess in-depth knowledge of the practical ramifications of eye diseases and disorders, as well as a comprehensive vocabulary of the pharmaceuticals, modern equipment, techniques, and procedures linked to eye diagnosis, treatment, and surgery.

Ophthalmology in MBBS

MBBS students who study ophthalmology are given an overview of the anatomy and physiology of parts, which they may quickly recall. Additionally, a thorough understanding of how each ailment would manifest during an optical examination can help them in understanding the aetiology of various diseases. Students gain a thorough understanding through basic history-taking and clinical eye examinations. The study of ophthalmology for MBBS students places a strong emphasis on clinical learning while also preparing students for theory, practical, and NEET PG exams.

Ophthalmology prof exam consists of a 100-mark theory exam and a 100-mark practical/oral examination, under the revised CBME curriculum. Structured essays (long answer questions), short response questions, and objective questions are among the kind of questions asked in the theoretical test (MCQs and IBQs).

Post-Graduation in Ophthalmology

Students enrol in a 3-year PG Ophthalmology programme after earning their MBBS degree. This training helps students get ready to deal with eye conditions like glaucoma, which damages the optic nerve and impairs vision with a danger of going blind, iritis, an iris inflammation that may be brought on by a systemic disease, chemical burns, and orbital cellulite. The further education and training available to enrolled students span a wide range of subspecialties, from critical eye surgery to dispensing glasses and contact lenses. The well-designed training can assist doctors in treating any future eye issues.

The course covers the fundamentals of ophthalmology in addition to more complex topics such as concerns with the optical nerve system and problems with the uvea and vitreoretinal tissues. According to analyses gathered through the use of medicine, surgery, diet, and other therapies, postgrads are taught how to treat eyes. In order to provide comprehensive eye care, which includes vision services, eye exams, medical and surgical eye treatments, and the identification and treatment of eye conditions and other visual impairments, the curriculum is created to equip medical students with the knowledge and skills they need.

Additional Training for Ophthalmologists

But being an ophthalmologist doesn’t end with getting an MD in the field. A medical student needs to have a few prerequisite skills in order to finish the PG Ophthalmology course effectively. A person is qualified for an Ophthalmology MD if they possess excellent administrative skills, a foundation in math and physics, are open to receiving specialised training in eye care, and have the capacity to master the topics and ideas covered in the course.

If medical students wish to work in hospitals, NGOs, the Indian army, or health research labs, they can pick extra training or education, such as a PhD that is relevant to the Ophthalmology admission exam for the state or provincial service commission. In addition to working as a senior ENT consultant, lecturer, professor, eye product specialist, or medical consultant, an ophthalmologist may choose to do so as well. If a medical student passes the MD entrance exam with at least 55% of the requisite marks, whichever is higher, they may choose ophthalmology as a speciality subject. Only a few of the Ophthalmology specialisations are Applied Basic Sciences, Clinical Ophthalmology with Refraction, Recent Advances in Therapeutic Procedures, Clinical Ophthalmology and Surgical Procedures, and Community Ophthalmology with scopes for Rehabilitation.

Online Ophthalmology Courses

Online courses in ophthalmology are extremely beneficial for aspiring ophthalmologists. Online ophthalmology courses go into great detail about both common and uncommon eye conditions, including glaucoma, iritis, chemical burns to the eye, eyebrow, and face, trauma to the eye, tumours in the eye, crossed eyes, retinopathy, optic neuritis, etc.

For a variety of reasons, prospective ophthalmologists favour online ophthalmology MD courses. Every chapter of the Ophthalmology specialisation is crucial, therefore, a student can benefit from additional help in the form of an online course with video lectures. A student can hence learn from such video lectures while on the bus, in the library, at home, or at a friend’s house. The ability to study ophthalmology at one’s own pace is helpful to the student. One benefits from these lessons throughout their professional career. However, a medical student must enrol in one of the best online ophthalmology courses that has rich, top-notch content that can help brush up on information and improve abilities in order to fully benefit from an online Ophthalmology MD course.

A select few medical education platforms provide top online Ophthalmology courses for MBBS students. Ophthalmology for UnderGrads by DigiNerve has been designed and developed in accordance with the new CBME curriculum. It is the best online ophthalmology course because it also specifies the tools that will be more useful while studying a specific subject or competency. The training is designed for medical undergrads and helps them be ready for PG entrance tests as well as university exams. Dr. Parul Ichhpujani and Dr. Talvir Sidhu, who have covered all the crucial components of the subject, have served as its mentors. Students can increase their knowledge of the subject’s fundamentals, which have been connected to clinical cases and clinical vignettes, by taking this online ophthalmology course. This will give the topic a clinical orientation.

For postgrads, the best Ophthalmology PG courses prove to be highly beneficial. An online PG ophthalmology course like Ophthalmology MD by N. Venkatesh Prajna can assist a student in developing greater confidence and knowledge in the field of ophthalmology by providing rich, in-depth illustrations of the various parts of the eye, life-like models, clear insights into surgical procedures, practical tips for a variety of surgical situations, and, most importantly, guidance from India’s most coveted faculty who are themselves renowned ophthalmologists with years of experience. The course’s components are tailored to the needs of the students’ pre-operative workup, assisting them in performing surgical skills and even managing post-operative challenges. It encourages concept- and approach-based learning in order to satisfy all of the students’ learning requirements. Practitioners could also enhance clinical/surgical ophthalmic skills by using surgical movies along with 3D animated sequences of every surgical phase.

Job Profile

The treatment of traumatic eye injuries, the diagnosis of eye conditions, and the issuance of prescriptions are all responsibilities of ophthalmologists. Their duties might be straightforward, like writing prescriptions for corrective glasses, or extremely complex, like performing keyhole or laser surgery. A pediatric ophthalmologist, for example, specialises in treating children’s eyes. Ophthalmologists can choose to specialise in a particular field of eye care.

You must be willing to stay abreast with eye disorders, conditions, and anatomy in order to practise ophthalmology successfully. You need to be extremely steady-handed, analytical, and careful.

Responsibilities of an Ophthalmologist:

  • Executing standard medical procedures such as eye exams, glasses, and contact lens prescriptions.
  • Carrying out remedial procedures, such as treating cataracts and treating corneal damage.
  • Performing cutting-edge surgical treatments like laser or keyhole surgery.
  • Identifying and treating eye conditions and wounds.
  • Managing outpatient clinics, specialty eye clinics, or emergency eye clinics.
  • Using a holistic approach to treat medical conditions that have an impact on eyesight.
  • Conducting biopsies and therapeutic procedures.

Requirements from an Ophthalmologist:

  • An ophthalmology-related medical degree.
  • Successful completion of an ophthalmology residency and internship.
  • A state-issued ophthalmology licence.
  • In-depth understanding of the anatomy, disorders, and functioning of the eye.
  • Outstanding medical knowledge as well as strong math and physics abilities.
  • Strong managerial and administrative abilities.
  • Solid eye-hand coordination.
  • Excellent planning, communication, problem-solving, and judgement abilities.

Salary of Ophthalmologists

Ophthalmology is a specialised area of medicine with a wide range of employment opportunities. Ophthalmologists can find employment in NGOs, government and private hospitals, and departments of health. The average yearly income for ophthalmologists in India is 10 Lakhs, with salaries ranging from 9 Lakhs to 30 Lakhs.

Scope of Ophthalmology

An ophthalmologist can better manage patients when they have in-depth knowledge and are skilled in both theory and practice. It is common for a top ophthalmologist to build an international network and meet renowned colleagues who will advance the field of ophthalmology. A top ophthalmologist’s efforts are always recognised and valued across the medical horizon.

After completing coursework in this area, job prospects can be found in a variety of settings, including hospitals administered by the public or private sectors, clinics, healthcare facilities, NGOs, missionary and charitable hospitals, and many more.

Many hospitals, clinics, and medical offices employ ophthalmologists. They can work in private offices as well, although ophthalmic technologists are employed by hospitals. The ophthalmic specialist may have a particular field of expertise, such as low-vision optics, aiding during eye surgery, ophthalmic ultrasonography, or ophthalmic photography.

As skilled and knowledgeable ophthalmologists, you can open your own practice for higher profits. Additionally, numerous schools and universities may choose to hire you as a professor or lecturer. You can enlist as an ophthalmologist in the army, air force, or navy.

One can choose a career as:

  • Ophthalmologist
  • Ophthalmology Surgeon
  • Professor/Lecturer
  • Clinical Assistant
  • Medical Consultant

The subjects included in the 3rd year of the MBBS curriculum are Community Medicine, Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Otorhinolaryngology, and Ophthalmology.

To stay informed on the most recent developments in the field and newly added chapters and modules in accordance with the new CBME pattern, all students must refer to the latest edition of the books while studying.

There are many books available in the market, but choosing the right one is essential. One must pick a standard book that is written clearly, has plenty of illustrations, flowcharts, tables, must-know information, questions with explanations, and most importantly, is based on the new CBME pattern.

Here’s a list of recommended books for MBBS 3rd Year students:


Best Books for Community Medicine (PSM)


Subject: Community Medicine Authors Description
DK Taneja’s Health Policies & Programmes in India Bratati Banerjee
  • This book is highly recommended for medical students, Community Medicine teachers, Public Health Professionals, and Medical Health Officers.
  • The key features of the book:

✓ The book is precisely updated and easy to understand.

✓ The latest edition is updated with the changes in the magnitude of the problems and strategies implemented to control them.

✓ To provide a complete and holistic view of the programmes, this version has been revised in a new structure with five distinct components.

✓ It is a distinctive collection of policies on Health, Family Welfare, Nutrition, and National Programmes.

✓ The chapter on the Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health Program includes a detailed discussion of the vaccination programme, including information on the MR Campaign, Intensified Mission Indradhanush, and newly introduced vaccines.

✓ National Strategic Plans (NSP) formulated for three main communicable disease programmes, namely NSP 2017-22 for malaria, NSP 2017-24 for HIV/AIDS and STIs, and NSP 2017-25 for tuberculosis are also described in the book.

✓ The book includes information on the recently introduced National Programme for Control of Blindness and Visual Impairment (NPCB), and the modified definition of blindness.

Mahajan’s Methods in Biostatistics for Medical Students and Research Workers Bratati Banerjee
  • This is one of the bestselling biostatistics books for medical students and research workers.
  • The book is written in a lucid manner and does not require complex mathematical prerequisites for understanding the topics.
  • The latest edition of the book includes new subtopics in chapters, including

✓ Methods of medical data collection and the tools used for the purpose, have been explained in detail for both quantitative and qualitative data.

✓ Determination of sample size and nonprobability sampling techniques have been explained.

✓ Commonly used terms in probability have been listed and defined.

✓ Choice of test of significance for different situations, according to the type of data involved has been explained simply in the form of tables.

✓ Hierarchy of epidemiological research studies has been discussed in detail.

✓ All tables have been revised and some tables are added based on the most recent data, i.e., Census 2011 and SRS 2017.

✓ Basics of Excel have been explained.

✓ Logistic regression analysis using SPSS has been discussed in detail

Review of Preventive & Social Medicine Vivek Jain
  • This is one of the best-selling books of PSM.
  • All the new Initiatives (Indian & Global), new topics in Public Health and Disease Control along with the updated guidelines are added in the latest edition of the book.
  • The Key features of the book include

✓ Key revision points are provided next to each topic for ‘Must-know’ MCQ facts.

✓ Chapterwise IBQs with explanations are included.

✓ Solved MCQ papers (2012-2022).

✓ The book has an updated compilation of Public Health Statistics of India 2022-2023.

✓ The book follows the examination pattern chapter wise focusing on Concept Building, one-liner approach, wider coverage, value and approach-based MCQs, IBQs, and updated golden points.

Community Medicine with Recent Advances AH Suryakantha
  • The latest edition of AH Suryakantha’s Community Medicine with Recent Advances book includes all the recent advances and new major topics in the field of PSM.
  • The key features of the book include:

✓ Highly illustrative flowcharts, diagrams, pictures, and tables.

✓ Fully adheres to the syllabus recommended by the NMC.

✓ Gives researchers ideas for how to work on disease prevention and health promotion, ultimately benefiting humanity.

✓ The updated edition focuses on the topics, including Verbal autopsy, infections connected to healthcare, first- and second-line ARV regimens, postexposure prophylaxis for HIV, prophylaxis for opportunistic infections, methods for cancer prevention, and cancer registry, national guidelines on infant and young child feeding, Bhore Committee report, revised MCP card maternal mortality audit, sentinel surveillance, and PCPNDT Act – 1994.

✓ The book is highly useful for medical students, medical officers, health professionals, and policymakers.

Park’s Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine K Park
  • Park’s Textbook of Preventive And Social Medicine is one of the best-selling textbooks on Community Medicine.
  • The author draws on all of his expertise to explain how the relationship between poor health in individuals and the populations has changed and about strategies for promoting health.
  • The key features of the book:

✓ Simple and easy to understand.

✓ Updated content and includes the recent advances in the field.

✓ The subjects have been updated and new topics have been included, such as COVID-19-related concerns and new 2019 processes for treating leprosy, malaria, dengue, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, and other diseases.

✓ Updated information is provided on infant and maternal mortality, juvenile violence, mental health, fake medicines, and essential medicines.

✓ Includes cutting-edge information on non-communicable diseases as well as updated and enhanced content on accidents and illnesses like cancer.

✓ Topics related to immunization and the cold chain have been added.

✓ Contain details on the recently established Health and Wellness Centers and a few active health initiatives.

✓ The chapter on Demography in the Park textbook of community medicine is flawlessly edited and rewritten.

Mahajan and Gupta Textbook of Community Medicine BK Mahajan, Rabindra Nath Roy, Indranil Saha and MC Gupta
  • The key features of the book are:

✓ The latest edition includes revised chapters on epidemiology, communicable and non-communicable diseases, MCH and family planning, management, demography and vital statistics, disaster, biomedical waste management, food and nutrition, immunization, geriatrics, communication, etc.

✓ Additionally, the National Health Programs have undergone a thorough review and modification along with the most recent SRS and census statistics.

✓ With examples and reasoning, many domains that are significant for the MBBS examination’s theoretical, practical, and viva have been mentioned.

✓ A lot of postgraduate study resources also include referrals for additional reading.

✓ For ease of comprehension, many flow charts, diagrams, and illustrations have been included.

Best Books for
Forensic Medicine & Toxicology (FMT)


Subject: Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Authors Description
Review of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Gautam Biswas
  • The book incorporates all the competencies listed in the MCI document and follows the CBME curriculum.
  • The key features of the book:

✓ Competencies are stated at the start of each topic in full colour.

✓ Every chapter has been updated and edited, and some new chapters and subjects have been introduced in accordance with the requirements in the latest edition of the book.

✓ Learning Objectives are the first section of each chapter, followed by “Must know” information “and “Nice to know.”

✓ In this book, the “magic bullet” section is provided to quickly review the topic.

✓ Line diagrams, boxes, tables, distinctions, and flowcharts are used frequently to enhance the text.

✓ Important details marked as “Pearls” are helpful for viva and multiple-choice questions.

✓ For improved comprehension, creative “image-based questions” have been included in the text.

✓ Key takeaways from the chapter are summarised in “High-yield,” which also offers a summary of the chapter.

✓ To pique interest, a case report has been added at the end of the chapter.

Recent Advances in Forensic Medicine and Toxicology (Volume-1 and 2) Gautam Biswas
  • The book has two volumes, Volume I and Volume II.
  • Volume I of the book has 22 chapters and is divided into three sections.

✓ Section I is Medical Jurisprudence, which discusses fundamental ideas at the intersection of law and medicine as well as legal and ethical challenges.

✓ Section II is Clinical Forensic Medicine, which will operate as a helpful practical manual for daily medicolegal practice.

✓ Section III is Forensic Pathology. Topics covered include post-autopsy reconstruction, dyadic fatalities, fat embolism, tattoos, sudden newborn death syndrome, and judicial hanging.

  • Volume II of the book has 23 chapters and is divided into five sections.

✓ Section I titled Medical Jurisprudence, discusses legal, ethical, and fundamental themes at the intersection of medicine and law.

✓ Section II covers Clinical Forensic Medicine which will operate as a helpful practical manual for daily medicolegal practice.

✓ Section III is Forensic Pathology which explores the ideas, challenges, and potential developments in the field.

✓ Section IV covers Forensic Anthropology.

✓ Section V covers Forensic Science.

  • The key features of the book (Volume I and II):

✓ Book’s writing style is quite simple and succinct.

✓ Well-illustrated using colour photos, diagrams, text boxes, tables, and flowcharts to highlight important details and ensure that concepts are communicated clearly.

✓ The emphasis of the book is on the scientific and practical elements of the several specialties within the broad subject of forensic medicine and toxicology.

The Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology KS Narayan Reddy and OP Murty
  • It is one of the most reliable, well-known, and accurate textbooks on forensic medicine and toxicology.
  • KS Narayan Reddy’s Essentials of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology has no equivalent and is still in high demand among Asian students, postgraduates, instructors, attorneys, and researchers.
  • The book has been updated according to the National Medical Commission’s new curriculum (NMC).
  • The key features of the book include:

✓ The text highlights important ideas.

✓ Improvements in laboratory research are incorporated in the content.

✓ It covers the ICMR’s standardized guidelines.

✓ It encompasses all facets of medicolegal issues.

✓ A number of subjects have been covered in depth, including forensic ballistics, regional injuries, anaesthesia and surgical fatalities, DNA fingerprinting, and blood stains.

✓ It includes images, tables, and line diagrams to aid with comprehension.

Manual of Practical Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Gautam Biswas
  • The manual is strictly according to the Competency-Based Medical Education Curriculum (MCI).
  • This handbook contains documentation for all the competencies listed in the index for the instruction of Second MBBS and Final MBBS (Part 1) students.
  • Practically, all medical and legal instances and concerns that a student can run with throughout the course of their professional careers are covered.
  • The key features of the book:

✓ 15 postmortem examination proformas, colour injury plates, and hypothetical case studies.

✓ Included are histopathological slides and toxicological samples.

✓ A special feature of this book is a separate course on “writing a case report (Project)” that will expose the brightest ideas in clinical forensic medicine.

Forensic Medicine J Magendran
  • The key features of the book:

✓ Illustrative case studies to help you comprehend the relevance of your studies in real-world situations and to enhance your interest in the subject.

✓ Before moving on to the next chapter, make sure you have fully absorbed the principles by answering the general questions and image-based questions at the end of each chapter.

✓ The offered spotters will aid in improving your visual recall for questions that include images in both PGME exams and UG practical exams.

✓ You can review the information all at once with the aid of the flowcharts provided under Chapter at a Glance.

✓ The last-minute tidbits are provided to help you review for the tests by providing often repeated points.

The Synopsis of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology KS Narayan Reddy
  • The following is a shortened version of the book “The Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,” 35th edition, 2022.
  • The key features of the book:

✓ Thoroughly updated and rewritten in accordance with the National Medical Commissions’ new competency-based curriculum (NMC).

✓ It includes essential points, tables, and drawings.

✓ It is intended to give a succinct, mostly practical overview of current forensic medicine instruction with special emphasis on India.

Best Books for Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)


Subject: Otorhinolaryngology Authors Description
Self-Assessment & Review: ENT  Sakshi Arora Hans
  • It is one of the bestseller books on ENT for undergraduates, international medical graduates, interns, PG aspirants.
  • Each chapter has undergone extensive revision and editing.
  • The key features of the book:

✓ More than 500 explanations for the most recent pattern questions.

✓ Detailed explanations of key questions from the AIIMS (2017-2000), PGI (2017-2000), All India (2012-2000), and state-specific exams.

✓ Color plates of significant diagrams and tools.

✓ There are four helpful appendices.

✓ Incorporates DNB and FMGE explanation questions as well.

✓ Separate boxes indicate the key points, mnemonics, and additional edge points.

Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat: with Head & Neck Surgery Mohan Bansal


  • This is the first and only textbook based on the latest CBME curriculum.
  • The textbook presents its material in a balanced manner and has a strong emphasis on the practical applications of clinical diagnosis and patient care.
  • The key features of the book:

✓ Details of the topic competencies are presented at the start of each chapter.

✓ Numerous case studies are integrated throughout the chapters, and the appendix contains more problem-based scenarios.

✓ Numerous coloured pictures aid in learning and memorising.

✓ The work highlights and incorporates clinical applications.

✓ After reading a section or chapter, students are expected to respond to a set of objectives (competencies), which encourages focused and attentive reading.

Self-Assessment and review of short subject, Ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology (ENT) & Orthopaedics Arvind Arora
  • The book includes chapters on orthopaedics, otorhinolaryngology, and ophthalmology.
  • The key features of the book:

✓ For extensive review and final practice, the book also includes numerous diagrams, pictures, and solved problems from prior years.

✓ Short and concise content.

✓ The book is highly recommended for medical students preparing for numerous postgraduate medical admission exams.

Diseases of Ear, Nose & Throat

(& Head and Neck Surgery)

PL Dhingra & Shruti Dhingra
  • Dhingra’s Diseases of Ear, Nose & Throat textbook is one of the recommended books on ENT diseases and surgery.
  • The book is written in basic language and provides a succinct but thorough treatment of the subject.
  • The key features of the book:

✓ To clarify the topics, new clinical images, diagrams, tables, and flowcharts have been included.

✓ The whiteboard lectures and movies that illustrate the surgical processes through animations are a special feature of the revised edition of the book.

✓ Text is written with a clinical focus and a problem-solving methodology.

✓ Mnemonics to help students studying for exams remember and repeat the material.

✓ Numerous MCQs may be solved with the use of quick review nuggets.

Practical ENT Vikas Sinha
  • There are 18 chapters in this book, which cover taking a patient’s history in ENT, history and examination of the ear, history and examination of the nose and paranasal sinuses, examination of the oral cavity, examination of the salivary glands, examination of the tonsils and pharynx, examination of the larynx, examination of the neck (excluding the thyroid gland), examination of the thyroid gland, examination of the cranial nerves, x-rays in ENT, operations, audiology, calorimetry, applied anatomy of bones, instruments, frequently asked questions, and case presentation in ENT.
  • The key features of the book:

✓ Clinically oriented.

✓ Highly recommended for revision.

✓ This book provides an in-depth look into clinical history taking, examination, case studies, tools, and surgical techniques.

✓ This book is primarily intended for undergraduate students, particularly those who are beginning their careers in ENT.

✓ A chapter called “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQs) allows students to swiftly review material as they get ready for tests.

Colour Atlas of ENT Diagnosis Tony R. Bull & John S. Almeyda


  • A top-notch atlas that will probably be of great use to a junior otolaryngology resident, a medical student, a primary care doctor, or an emergency department doctor.
  • The key features of the book:

✓ The bullet style and pocket-size make it incredibly portable and user-friendly.

✓ This well-liked colour atlas serves as an easy-to-follow visual aid for diagnosing the whole spectrum of ENT problems.

✓ This edition’s review of examination procedures, which incorporates the most recent advancements in the area, followed by explanations of the tools, imaging, and diagnostic tests.

✓ High-quality images are accompanied by instructions for correctly diagnosing and treating each clinical issue.

✓ Expanded discussion of issues such as pediatric patient care, facial plastic surgery, and head and neck diseases.

✓ More than 660 images and graphics in high-quality full colour are used to illustrate important ideas.


Best Books for Ophthalmology in MBBS


Subject: Ophthalmology Authors Description
Clinical Cases in Glaucoma: An Evidence-Based Approach Parul Ichhpujani & Shibal Bhartiya
  • A thorough manual on treating glaucoma that both eye doctors and medical students may use to address each case logically and scientifically.
  • If you are a researcher, it will help you better grasp the science of glaucoma, and if you are just starting out in clinical practice, it will help you care for your patients more effectively.
  • The key features of the book:

✓ The chapters provide an overview of ocular hypertension, investigational methodologies, and glaucoma diagnosis before describing various treatment options.

✓ To assist doctors in selecting the best course of treatment, potential surgical consequences are thoroughly described.

✓ The last part discusses glaucoma clinical trials.

✓ Learning is enhanced by clinical images, flowcharts, and patient management algorithms.

✓ It will also help with getting ready for clinical case presentations in various tests and exams.

Comprehensive Ophthalmology AK Khurana
  • The latest edition of AK Khurana’s Comprehensive Ophthalmology strictly follows the CBME curriculum including AETCOM Modules, DOAP, OSPE, OSCE, Logbook cum practical manual and the recent advances in the field.
  • The key features of the book:

✓ There are six sections in the text. Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye, Optics and Refraction, Diseases of the Eye and Ocular Adnexa, Ocular Therapeutics, and Systemic and Community Ophthalmology make up the first five parts. Practical Ophthalmology is covered in Section 6.

✓ The applicable applied anatomy and physiology is presented after each chapter’s CHAPTER OUTLINE, which lists the subjects addressed and the SUBJECT COMPETENCIES according to CBME competencies.

✓ Text is ordered in such a way as to be simple to comprehend, remember, and reproduce.

✓ For easy revision, the text includes boldface, italics, headers at different levels, and headings altogether.

✓ Illustrations are made out of sterile photos and simple line drawings.

✓ Procedures for significant surgical methods are described in the respective chapters.

✓ Tables and flowcharts are used to emphasize key ideas.

✓ Review of Ophthalmology has been provided as a three-part ONLINE RESOURCE for self-evaluation and preparation of postgraduate admission tests.

✓ There are three parts, Part A: Multiple-Choice Questions and a Quick Text Review, Part B: Clinical Skill Videos and Part C: Surgical Videos.

Expert Techniques in Ophthalmic Surgery Parul Ichhpujani, George L. Spaeth & Myron Yanoff
  • This book comprises 10 sections, which are further divided into 115 chapters.
  • The key features of the book:

✓ This book serves as both a textbook and an atlas.

✓ It offers characteristics compatible with contemporary ophthalmology teaching and a very visual format, including graphics and photos.

✓ There are many lists and boxes with bullet points throughout the content, making it easier to find information quickly than in a typical textbook.

✓ For convenient cross-referencing and “navigation,” each part is colour-coded. To improve surgical knowledge and anatomy, operational procedures and surgical tactics are described in detail in each area.

✓ An additional strength of the book is its part on the moral and legal ramifications of surgical practice.

Gonioscopy: A Text and Atlas Talvir Sidhu & Tanuj Dada
  • The book includes the authors’ expertise and documentation of glaucoma patients over the past 20 years and is fully compiled in the present text and atlas on gonioscopy.
  • The trainees will gain a thorough understanding of gonioscopy through this book and atlas, which will aid in the accurate diagnosis and management of glaucoma.
  • The key features of the book:

✓ More than 600 images in the atlas provide readers with a comprehensive grasp of the illness process.

✓ A separate section is dedicated to RetCam gonioscopy, intraoperative gonioscopy, and gonioscopy following glaucoma surgery, including minimally invasive glaucoma surgery.

✓ Self-assessment questionnaire is also provided.

Self-Assessment and Review of Ophthalmology Sudha Seetharam
  • The book contains concepts based on the latest edition of the standard textbooks by eminent authors, Kanski, Yanoff-Duker, Peyman, Parson and Khurana.
  • It is one of the bestselling books of Ophthalmology providing concise text with recently solved questions.
  • The key features of the book:

✓ Solved Previous years’ questions with a precise explanation.

✓ Important points are highlighted with superscript Q.

✓ Includes Golden points for NEET-PG.

✓ Case-based IBQs.

✓ Includes highly illustrative diagrams.

✓ At the end of each chapter, IBQs are given with the key points for the identification of the images.

Clinical Methods in Ophthalmology: A Practical Manual for Undergraduates Dadapeer K
  • The book is a thorough review for undergrads and a condensed review for Ophthalmology postgraduates.
  • The key features of the book:

✓ Taking a case-specific history and completing a clinically crafted questionnaire.

✓ A thorough case discussion that includes an explanation of the clinical issues.

✓ Complete coverage with a focus on clinical relevance.

✓ A clear and user-friendly manual to help ophthalmology course students rapidly comprehend important concepts and efficiently prepare for exams.

✓ For improved clinical learning, important details and responses are underlined in coloured boxes.

✓ There has been an addition of a new chapter on community ophthalmology.

To get conceptual clarity on MBBS courses online, click here

In the world of medicine, gynecology is one of the most demanding specialties. A gynecologist focuses on female reproductive health and deals with research pertaining to women’s health. It primarily addresses the condition of the breasts and the female reproductive organs (vagina, uterus, and ovaries). They are medical professionals who diagnose and treat gynecological problems and provide patients with guidance on contraception and reproductive issues. Gynecology (female health), obstetrics (pregnancy & delivery), and reproductive medicine are the specialties in which a gynecologist must be proficient. Gynecology refers to diagnosing, treating, and preventing infections and disorders of women’s reproductive organs, whereas obstetrics refers to a specialty in maternity care.

Steps for becoming a Gynecologist

  1. You must have completed your senior secondary school from an accredited board and earned a minimum of 50% in each of the four major subjects—Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology, and English in order to become eligible for the NEET-UG entrance examination.
  2. To pursue a career in the medical field, you must work hard and prepare for the NEET-UG entrance examination. National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test for Undergraduates (NEET-UG) is a single window entrance exam for admission to MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BUMS, BHMS, and other undergraduate medical programmes at approved/recognized Medical/Dental/AYUSH and other Colleges/Deemed Universities/Institutes (AIIMS & JIPMER) in India. After cracking the NEET-UG exam with the required score, attend the counselling process to get admitted to a medical college for an MBBS programme, which is a prime requirement for becoming a gynecologist.
  3. After getting admission into a medical college, complete your MBBS degree with one year rotational internship. You should pay special attention to the practical sessions, ward postings, seminars, conferences, etc. during your graduation since they establish a strong foundation for your medical career. During your MBBS, you will be able to identify the area of interest in which you desire to pursue a postgraduate degree. You can enroll in the obstetrics and gynecology online course to get conceptual clarity over the subject and prepare for the PG entrance examinations.
  4. To get admission in the medical PG courses, you are required to crack the NEET PG or INI-CET entrance examination. NEET-PG is a national-level entrance examination for admission to MS/MD/PG Diploma programmes at various government and private universities and INI-CET is a national-level entrance examination for admission to MS/MD/DM (6 years)/MCh (6 years) and MDS courses at the INI Institutes, which includes AIIMS, JIPMER, etc.
  5. After cracking the NEET-PG exam with the required score, choose MD/MS in Obstetrics and Gynecology specialization at the time of counselling. During your three-year master’s programme, you must complete your PG dissertation and junior residency. A PG curriculum also includes conferences, symposiums, seminars, audits, clinical postings, clinical meetings, etc.
  6. After finishing your residency programme, get your medical certification and obtain your license to practice as an OBGYN specialist.
  7. You can also pursue a DM, DrNB, MCh, or DNB course. The admission to a range of DM/MCh and DrNB Super Specialty programmes is done on the basis of the marks and rank secured in the NEET-SS entrance examination. Medical professionals can also enroll in the online advanced gynecology courses on ‘Ultrasound in OBGYN made easy’ and ‘Basics of Infertility and IUI made easy’ to upskill their knowledge and practical skills in the field of obstetrics and gynecology.

Courses to pursue a Career in Gynecology 


To pursue a career in OBGYN, firstly you will have to complete the MBBS degree. The OBGYN subject is included in the MBBS curriculum and the syllabus includes

  • Demographic and Vital Statistics
  • Anatomy of the female reproductive tract
  • Physiology of conception
  • Development of the fetus and the placenta
  • Preconception counselling
  • Diagnosis of pregnancy
  • Maternal Changes in pregnancy
  • Antenatal Care
  • Complications in early pregnancy
  • Antepartum haemorrhage
  • Multiple pregnancies
  • Medical Disorders in Pregnancy
  • Labour
  • Maternal Pelvis
  • Operative obstetrics
  • Complications of the third stage
  • Lactation
  • Care of the newborn
  • Normal and abnormal puerperium
  • Medical termination of pregnancy
  • Contraception
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Menopause
  • Uterine prolapse
  • Benign and malignant diseases of the uterus
  • Cervix and the ovaries, Normal and abnormal puberty
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Amenorrhea
  • Genital injuries and fistulae
  • Genital infections, Infertility
  • Uterine fibroids
  • PCOS and hirsutism
  • Obstetrics & Gynecological skills

The curriculum also involves clinical ward postings, seminars, conferences, etc.

PG Courses in OBGYN specialty

After completing graduation, you must pursue a three-year postgraduate (MD/MS) degree in OBGYN. The syllabus of the PG in OBGYN includes topics on Basic Sciences, Markers in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Medical Genetics, Antenatal Care, Intrapartum care, Post-Partum, Operative Obstetrics, Newborn, Clinical Gynecology and Fertility Regulation, Operative Gynecology, Family Welfare, and Demography, and Male and Female Infertility.

The PG curriculum also includes training and postings in OBGYN wards as well as in allied fields such as Neonatology, Anaesthesia, Radiology/Radiotherapy, Surgery, and Oncology.

Besides training and patient care in OPDs and wards, a PG resident also carry out minor operations under supervision and assists in major operations as a part of the second and third term. Then, in the fourth, fifth, and sixth term, you are required to perform independent duties in managing patients and major operations under the supervision of the teaching faculty.

A PG student can enroll in postgraduate courses in obstetrics and gynecology to cater to all their learning requirements. OBGYN MD is an online course crafted by the renowned practitioner and author, Dr. Aswath Kumar along with the 98 eminent faculties. Besides video lectures, notes, and self-assessment questions, there is a focus on getting the right clinical findings and taking the case history. The display of minimally invasive surgeries like hysteroscopy and diagnostic/operative laparoscopy has its own area in the course module. The in-video display of the numerous procedures being carried out will take the learnings of a medical professional to a completely new dimension.

DM Courses in OBGYN

You can pursue DM in Medical Genetics. The goal of the DM in Medical Genetics course is to create a qualified Medical Geneticist who can evaluate a patient with a potential genetic disorder, determine the likelihood of a genetic disorder, make a clinical diagnosis, be able to choose the best test to confirm the diagnosis and offer the most advanced form of treatment.

The Competency-based training for DM in Medical Genetics includes clinical evaluation, research, genetic workup requiring pre-and post-test counselling, updated knowledge and skills to apply innovative therapies, knowledge, and abilities to develop and execute population-based preventative programmes. Also, the Geneticist must be prepared to conduct customized medicine in clinical settings in the molecular medicine era of the twenty-first century.

Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology

You have an option to pursue a 2-year Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology course. There are three papers in this course:

Paper I: Basic sciences related to Obstetrics and Gynaecology and recent advances

Paper II: Obstetrics including social obstetrics and diseases of newborn

Paper III: Gynaecology including fertility regulation

A medical student pursuing a Diploma in OBGYN undergoes training sessions, which include Out-patient Departments and special clinics, Inpatients, Operation Theatre, Labor Room, Writing clinical notes regularly, and maintaining records. The curriculum includes patient care in OPD, wards, casualty, and labor room, carrying minor procedures under supervision and assisting in major operations in the first and second term, and independent duties in patient management in the third and fourth term.

MCh courses in OBGYN specialty

  1. MCh in Gynecological Oncology

A subspecialist in gynecological oncology is someone who has completed formal training in the field and has developed specialized knowledge in gynecological oncology as well as broad-based knowledge in related fields like medical oncology, radiation oncology, gynaecological pathology, and palliative care for patients with gynecological cancers. The MCh in Gynecological Oncology course is of 3-year duration.

The course content includes:

  • Diagnostic techniques and staging of gynecological cancers
  • Surgery for gynaecological cancers
  • Principles of radiation therapy for gynaecological malignancies
  • Chemotherapy targeted therapy and Immuno-therapy for gynaecological cancers
  • Palliative care for advanced and recurrent cancers
  • Pathology of common gynaecological cancers
  • Research methodology for clinical trials and statistics
  • Writing original papers in reputed national & International scientific journals
  • Knowledge related to epidemiology and preventive oncology as applied to Gynaecological Oncology
  1. MCh in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery

The course’s goal is to provide the medical professional with specialized knowledge in all facets of reproductive medicine and surgery as well as training in the clinical, technical, diagnostic, medical, surgical, and technological management of infertility, all of which can help people get pregnant when they’re ready. This training is designed to support gynecologists who want to provide daily care to the nation’s growing infertile population.

The course content includes:

  • Basic Sciences Relating to Reproductive Medicine and Surgery
  • Principles of Reproductive Medicine and Laboratory Techniques
  • Fertility associated Medical and Surgical Diseases, Genetics, Counselling, Ethical and Legal issues related to ART
  • Recent Advances in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery

DNB broad specialty

  1. To pursue a career in OBGYN, you can pursue a 3-year DNB broad specialty course in the Maternal and Child Health discipline. Admission to this 3-year Post Diploma DNB course is done through the NEET-PG entrance examination.
  2. You also have an option of pursuing a 2-year Post MBBS DNB course in OBGYN. Admission to a list of broad specialties in which NBEMS offers a 2-year Post Diploma DNB course is done through DNB-PDCET. The objective of a DNB programme in Obstetrics and gynecology is to make the students gain complete knowledge in Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, and Pathophysiology connected to the reproductive system. Graduates will be capable of managing all normal and pathological stages and performing productively members of a team involved in teaching, research, and healthcare. The course curriculum includes the theoretical part, practical training, case presentations, seminars, Journal club, clinical audits, poster and oral presentations, and more. A medical professional gains expertise in diagnostic techniques including anesthetic procedures, and preoperative and post-operative care, and emergency situations.

The complete course syllabus of the above-mentioned courses is available on the NMC official website.

Top Medical Colleges in India:

  1. AIIMS, Delhi, and other AIIMS
  2. PGIMER, Chandigarh
  3. Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi
  4. Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Pondicherry
  5. Christian Medical College, Vellore
  6. Institute of Medical Sciences, Varanasi
  7. Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST), Thiruvananthapuram
  8. Kasturba Medical College, Manipal
  9. Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai
  10. DY Patil Medical College Pune
  11. Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore
  12. SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Kancheepuram
  13. King George’s Medical University, Lucknow
  14. Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhi
  15. Vardhman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi

Skills required for becoming a Gynecologist

OB-GYNs require a blend of interpersonal and technical abilities. they must be subject-matter specialists as well as effective, sympathetic communicators. The gynecologist has a strong hand in Biopsy, Mammograms, STD Testing, Ultrasounds, Pap smears, Colposcopies, cancer screening, and more. Other essential knowledge and credentials for OB-GYNs include:

  • Active listener
  • capacity to design individualized treatment strategies
  • skilled in using all the required medical equipment
  • capacity to deliver precise and efficient treatment even under stress
  • strict hand-eye coordination
  • excellent vision and visuospatial awareness
  • outstanding diagnostic and decision-making skills
  • emotional fortitude, a placid demeanor, and the capacity to function successfully under pressure
  • physical endurance and manual dexterity to meet the requirements of surgery and emergency situations
  • Social Perceptiveness

Responsibilities of a Gynecologist

The prime task of gynecologists on a regular basis includes examining the patients, and prescribing medications and other specialized medical care to treat or prevent illness, disease, or injury. Further, explaining the treatment procedures to the patient and family members, monitoring patients’ condition and progress, and re-evaluating the treatment as necessary also comes under the responsibility of a skilled gynecologist.

The responsibilities of a highly skilled OBGYN specialist:

  • Provide the community with high-quality treatment for the diagnosis and treatment of the prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal phases of healthy and unhealthy pregnancies and labour.
  • Offer efficient and sufficient care to pregnant women and newborns.
  • Able to perform obstetrical ultrasonography and other diagnostic techniques, including Doppler.
  • Able to handle and quickly respond to all obstetrical and gynecological crises and make the proper recommendations.
  • Carry out a thorough assessment of the infertile pair and have a wide-ranging understanding of assisted reproductive technologies, such as ovulation induction, gamete donation, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, and the ethical and legal ramifications of these procedures.
  • Offer guidance and administration of reproductive control techniques, including reversible as well as irreversible contraception, permanent contraception, etc.
  • Offer women who are experiencing spontaneous abortions or who are requesting medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) and high-quality treatment and handle any difficulties that may arise.
  • Control and organize the work of medical professionals such as nurses, students, assistants, specialists, therapists, and others.
  • For preventing injuries and treating illnesses, hospitals, corporations, or communities plan, execute or oversee health programmes.

Career Prospects and Scope of Gynecology

The programme is undoubtedly well-regarded, career-focused, and rewarding. Obstetrics and gynecology is a profession that is always in demand in the medical sciences. This course is the best choice if you wish to work in the medical profession that deals with reproductive life. GYN/OBG provides you with a variety of employment options, rewarding compensation, additional benefits, and respectable professions both inside and outside of India. This opens up opportunities for a wide range of careers including,

  • General Practitioners
  • Gynecologist
  • Lecturer
  • Senior Medicine Consultant
  • Clinical Associate
  • Family Planning Consultant
  • Gynecologist-oncology specialist
  • Critical care specialist
  • Clinical trial expert
  • Reproductive Medicine Specialist
  • Reproductive endocrinologists
  • Senior Residents
  • Researchers

Gynecologists have the option to work as private practitioners, government doctors, and private clinicians. They can also work as a gynecologist/OBGYN specialist in Nursing Homes, Private Clinics, Defense Hospitals, IVF fertility centres, and Community Health Centres. The OBGYN might also pursue research and further education in universities and research institutes.

Salary of a Gynecologist

Gynecology is a highly lucrative and demanding career in the medical field. The salary of a gynecologist depends on a variety of factors, such as geographical area, government or private sector, experience, and specialty. A gynecologist/OBGYN specialist can earn about 10-12 lakhs per annum at the start of their career. However, the pay scale keeps on increasing with the increasing qualification and experience. However, doctors performing surgeries earn comparatively more than consultants and physicians. An academic profile also leads to a lucrative career.

Click here to read about the MRCOG membership examination.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1. How many years does it take to become a Gynaecologist?

Ans. It takes approximately 8-9 years to become a gynecologist. The MBBS is of 5.5 years, then PG(MD/MS in OBGYN) is of 3 years and further, it depends on the OBGYN specialty and course you want to pursue.

Q2. Where do gynecologists get paid the most?

Ans. The salary of a gynecologist depends on a variety of factors, such as geographical area, government or private sector, experience, and specialty. Although skilled and experienced gynecologists are paid the most in the private sector. However, doctors performing surgeries earn comparatively more than consultants and physicians.

Q3. What are the career prospects for a gynecologist?

Ans. Gynecologists have an option of working in Government and Private sectors, Nursing Homes, Private Clinics, Defense Hospitals, IVF fertility centres, and Community Health Centres. There are a variety of job profiles, such as General Practitioners, gynecologists, lecturers, Gynecologist-oncology specialists, Reproductive Medicine specialists, Senior Residents, and Researchers.

Q4. Is gynecology a good career?

Ans. Yes, Gynecology is a highly lucrative and demanding career in the medical field. A career in OBGYN provides a medical aspirant with a variety of employment options, rewarding compensation, additional benefits, and respectable professions both inside and outside of India.

Click here to get conceptual clarity in the MBBS subjects.




Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) is a public university located in Chandigarh, India. The college is recognized as an ‘Institute of National Importance’ and has been declared the ‘Best Hospital in Public Sector for Cadaveric Organ Donations for the year 2019-20’. The institution was inaugurated by Former PM Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru on 7th July 1963. PGI Chandigarh holds the 2nd position in the medical category, according to the 2022 NIRF Ranking and is among the best medical institutions in India.


Courses at PGI, Chandigarh

The college offers admission to various postgraduate, super specialty, and doctoral programmes in the medical stream. Apart from the medical stream, the college provides admission to various graduate and postgraduate courses in the paramedical and nursing stream. Additionally, PGI also provides diplomas, fellowships, and training programmes in the medical and para-medical fields. Several short courses are also offered by the college to trainees deputed from other institutions for specialized training and skill development. These courses are highly useful for doctors working in private practice or district-level hospitals.


List of MS and MD course specializations available at the PGIMER, Chandigarh

MD Specializations offered at PGI, Chandigarh

Course Specialization Duration
MD Anaesthesia 3 years
MD Biochemistry 3 years
MD Community Medicine 3 years
MD Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology 3 years
MD Medicine 3 years
MD Microbiology 3 years
MD Nuclear Medicine 3 years
MD Obstetrics and Gynaecology 3 years
MD Pediatrics 3 years
MD Psychiatry 3 years
MD Radio-diagnosis 3 years
MD Pathology 3 years
MD Pharmacology 3 years
MD Radiotherapy 3 years
MD Transfusion Medicine 3 years
MD Forensic Medicine 3 years
MD MD (Hospital Administration) 3 years


MS Specializations offered at PGI, Chandigarh

Course Specialization Duration
MS Surgery 3 years
MS Orthopedics 3 years
MS Otolaryngology 3 years
MS Ophthalmology 3 years


The college also offers a 2-year Master’s in public health (MPH) course. In addition to the MD/MS degree, PGI also offers admission to DM, MCh, and Post MD certificate courses in various medical specializations.


List of courses with their specialization:

Courses Specialization
DM courses Addiction Psychiatry, Cardiac Anaesthesia, Cardiology, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Clinical Hematology, Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology, Clinical Pharmacology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Haematopathology, Hepatology, Histopathology, Intensive Care, Interventional Radiology, Medical Genetics, Neonatology, Nephrology, Neuro-anaesthesia, Neuro-imaging and Interventional Neuroradiology, Neurology, Pediatric Anaesthesia & Intensive Care, Pediatric Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, Pediatric Endocrinology, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric Pulmonology, Pediatrics Critical Care, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, and Trauma Anaesthesia & Acute Care
M.Ch Courses Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, Cornea, Cataract and Refractive Surgery, Head & Neck Surgery, Neurosurgery, Pediatrics Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Renal Transplant Surgery, Surgical Gastroenterology, Urology, and Vitreo-retinal surgery
MDS Orthodontics, Pedodontics, and Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Ph.D. All Medical Discipline & All Non-Medical Discipline
Post M.D. Certificate Course Cytopathology, Biotechnology, and Immunopathology


Admission Process

The admission to MS/MD/MCh (6 years)/DM (6 years) is done based on the INI-CET entrance examination score, conducted by AIIMS, New Delhi. An aspirant must qualify for the exam with a high rank to get admission at PGI, Chandigarh. Admission to MS/MD courses is conducted twice a year and the new session starts in January and July every year.


Eligibility for admission at PGI, Chandigarh

  • A candidate must have completed their MBBS degree and one-year rotational internship on or before 31st December/30th June for the January and July sessions respectively.
  • Candidate must be registered with Central/State Medical Registration Council.
  • The sponsored candidates are required to submit the NOC or relieving certificate from the previous organization/hospital from the respective Sponsoring Authority in addition to fulfilling other eligibility requirements.
  • The Foreign National Candidates must have earned a comparable degree or the MBBS. To calculate the value of the grade in %, the candidate must receive a certificate of the grading system from his/her university/institution.
  • The candidates who have graduated/completed their MBBS from a foreign University and want to pursue medical studies in India must pass the MCI screening exam or FMGE exam, conducted by NBE.
  • The Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) candidates are required to apply against the Foreign National seats and upload their scan copy of NOC while filling out the application form.
  • Sponsorship/deputation of candidates is only accepted from the following departments:
    • Central/State Government Departments
    • Autonomous Bodies of Central/State Government
    • Public sector university affiliated colleges recognized by MCI.

Medical Examination

All the admitting candidates will have to compulsorily go through the medical fitness examination conducted by the Medical Board constituted by the Institute. Medically unfit candidates will not be allowed to get admission at PGIMER, Chandigarh.


Mode and Scheme of INI-CET Entrance Examination for MD/MS:

Details Features
Mode Computer-based test (CBT)
Duration 3 hours (180 minutes)
Type of questions Multiple choice questions
Number of questions 200
Marking Scheme +1 for every correct answer and -1/3 for every incorrect answer
Language of the exam English

Distribution and Reservation of Seats

  • There are a total of 610 seats for the MD/MS course.
  • 5% of the total seats are reserved for the SC/ST candidates.
  • 27% of the total seats are reserved for the OBC candidates.
  • For a minimum of two years, candidates who have worked or are currently working in rural locations with less than 5000 residents are eligible for 5% of the available seats for the MD/MS Course.
  • The 5% seats are reserved for Indian candidates with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) as the provision of the Rights of the Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.
  • For the Sponsored/Deputed/Foreign National Candidates: The sponsorship for admission to any course at PGI is acceptable from the following departments/Institutions:
    1. Central Government departments/Institutions
    2. State Government departments/Institutions
    3. Autonomous bodies of the Central or State Governments
    4. Public sector colleges affiliated with a university and recognized by the Medical Council of India (MCI).
  • For Foreign Nationals, there is a seat reservation for MD/MS courses but there is no reservation for the super specialty courses.

Fees for MD/MS at PGI, Chandigarh

Particulars Fees (in INR)
Registration Fee Rs. 500
Tuition Fee Rs. 250
Laboratory Fee Rs. 900
Amalgamated Fund Rs.720
Security Rs.1000 (Refundable)
Hostel Security Rs. 5000 (Refundable)
Final Examination Fee (payable before examination) Rs. 1000 for thesis evaluation

Rs. 1100 examination fee


Counselling Procedure

The candidates who have secured the minimum cut-off score in the INI-CET exam as per their category are eligible for counselling for admission at PGIMER, Chandigarh. The counselling for the PGIMER and all other INI institutes is conducted by the AIIMS, New Delhi whereas, the counselling for the sponsored candidates is done at the PGIMER Chandigarh campus physically. The counselling is strictly done according to the merit list of the INI-CET entrance examination.

All the candidates joining the spot counseling are required to bring their complete documents with them. No extra time is provided to the students getting seats in the spot counseling round to complete any formalities and hence are required to come prepared to join the course on the same day.

After getting a seat in the counselling, the following papers in their original forms must be submitted by applicants for admission to the MD/MS programme at PGIMER Chandigarh, along with photocopies that have been duly attested or self-attested (after proper verification of the originals):

  • Offer Letter
  • Allocation letter
  • Registration Slip
  • Admit Card issued by AIIMS
  • Mark Sheets of MBBS 1st, 2nd and 3rd Professional Examinations
  • MBBS Degree Certificate
  • Internship Completion Certificate
  • Permanent/Provisional Registration Certificate issued by MCI/State Medical Council
  • High School/Higher Secondary Certificate/Birth Certificate in proof of date of birth
  • The Candidate should also bring the SC/ST/OBC/Physical Disability Certificate, if applicable.

The Foreign Nationals must register themselves with the MCI/NMC before joining the course.

Click here to know the tentative seat distribution for INI-CET 2023 at PGIMER, Chandigarh.


Bond Agreement, Sureties, and Penalty Amount

All the PG residents must serve as Junior residents for three years and are required to submit an agreement and undertaking for the same. The candidates are required to submit two sureties at the time of admission on the non-judicial paper stamp of Rs.25.

If any candidate leaves the course midway, he/she will be penalized in the following manner:

  • If a candidate cancels their candidature within six months of joining the course, then the penalty will be one lakh rupees (Rs. 1,00,000 /-).
  • If a candidate cancels their candidature after six months of joining the course, then the penalty will be five lakh rupees (Rs. 5,00,000 /-).

Hostel Facility at PGI, Chandigarh

  • The college provides the facility of partially furnished hostel accommodation for 800 people within the campus.
  • There are separate accommodations available for the ladies, bachelors, and married residents.
  • The mess facility is run by the Association of Resident Doctors’ (ARD).
  • There is a refundable security amount of Rs. 5000/- required to be paid by all the hostel residents.
  • Sponsored Candidates are not provided with the hostel facility.
  • Other hostel facilities include guest rooms for residents’ guests, photostat, saloons, laundry, etc. Hostel Name Number of Seats
1 Married Doctors Hostel 184
2 Old Doctors Hostel 212
3 Kairon Block Hostels 122
4 New Doctors Hostels 160
5 Sanjeevani Hostels 122


Click here to know the details for MD/MS admission at the JIPMER, Puducherry

Residency Programme

All the PG candidates getting admitted to PGI must serve as Junior Residents under the Residency Service-cum-Training Scheme.


PG Stipend/ Emoluments

The MD/MS students will be provided with the basic pay of Rs. 56100 as an emolument during the three-year postgraduate course.


Book Allowance

For three years, each MD/MS student will receive a book allowance of Rs. 2000 per annum, except for those who are sponsored.


Submission of Thesis

Each candidate for the MD/MS programme must submit a thesis proposal within a year of enrolling in the programme. When completing the course for two and a half years, the student must submit the final thesis, and only after the thesis has been approved will the student be qualified to sit the final MD/MS examination. Any applicant who fails to submit their thesis plan within a year of admission will not be permitted to sit for the final exam, and their session will be moved forward by six months.

Except for Sponsored candidates, MD/MS Junior Residents are given a lump-sum payment of Rs. 5000 by the college to meet the expenditure of thesis writing.


Research Methodology Course

To be eligible to take the final MD/MS examination, an MD/MS candidate must take the Research Methodology Course within a year of enrolling in the course and pass the course’s exit exam.

To get conceptual clarity on MBBS courses online, click here.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1. Is the MBBS course available in PGI Chandigarh?

Ans. No, the college does not provide admission to the MBBS course. PGI Chandigarh mainly provides admission to medical PG courses, including MD, MS, DM, MCh, MDS, Ph.D., and Post MD certificate courses.

Q2. How can I be selected in PGI Chandigarh for the MD/MS course?

Ans. To get admission to MD/MS course at PGI Chandigarh, you need to crack the INI-CET entrance examination. It is a national-level entrance exam conducted by the AIIMS for admission to MD, MS, DM (6 years), MCh (6 years), and MDS courses.

Q3. Is PGI government or private?

Ans. PGI Chandigarh is an autonomous body under the Act of Parliament in 1967 functioning under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

Q4. How many questions are there in INI-CET 2023?

Ans. A total of 200 Multiple Choice Questions are asked in the INI-CET entrance examination.


MRCOG (Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) is a degree with international recognition and is considered a gold-standard qualification for those who want to obtain a higher level of competency in their chosen medical specialty. The membership is awarded after a three-part assessment/examination done by the college.

Our platform offers well-curated courses for all three parts of the MRCOG exam that enables you to pass the exam in one go. This course is the most trusted name for those who are aiming to pass the exam with ease and confidence. Components of the course rightfully meet the needs of students and provide an additional level of satisfaction amongst the attempting candidates. It encourages concept-based learning to cater to all the learning needs of the students.

The eminent faculty, Dr. Richa Saxena, an Obstetrician Gynecologist with 1.5 decades of academic experience, has crafted online courses for all three Parts of MRCOG to help and assist aspiring doctors to clear the exam in one go. Dr Richa Saxena is the esteemed author of the bestselling book for MRCOG – 1, MRCOG – 2, and OSCEs in Obstetrics and Gynecology for MRCOG – 3. Besides being a prolific author of more than a dozen medical books for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students, she is an excellent teacher, revolutionary thinker, exceptional doctor & an ardent promotor of women’s health – “Let’s talk woman’s health” is her initiative dedicated to Empowering and Enlightening women through Education, and E-consultation. She is the recipient of the Rotary Vocational Excellence award (2017-2018) for her exemplary service in the specialty of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She has also received the “Woman of Substance Award” (healthcare category) for the year 2022.

MRCOG Part 3 course, which covers 70+ OSCE stations of different clinical scenarios and presentations with extensive video hours (35+ hours), is a perfect combination of online teaching along with a printed course manual/book authored by Dr. Richa Saxena for establishing a solid foundation. The course is a compilation of 14 modules covering all 5 domains as per the RCOG curriculum and High yield OSCEs or case scenarios. All the topics in the course have been thoughtfully selected, keeping in mind the pain areas of appearing students as well as the most loved topics of examiners.

Non-Interactive OSCEs provide attendees with the opportunity to listen to live group discussions and gain valuable knowledge shared. It would also be beneficial for students to be updated with the new advances and management guidelines, important topics that require enough emphasis, and most importantly how to approach questions. Our mentor, Dr. Richa Saxena, understands that need very well, therefore she takes regular webinars and interacts with the students.


      The Course Includes:

    • OSCEs: 35+ hours of video lecture/OSCE supported with RCOG and UK guidelines.
    • High-Yield Questions: 90+ OSCE case scenarios for quick revision that will act as a ready reckoner for the students.
    • Course Manual: Latest edition of the printed course manual/Textbook authored by Dr. Richa Saxena that incorporates nearly 50 OSCE scenarios with variations that may be encountered in the exam, as well as clinical problems and their solutions. for building a concrete base.
    • Live Group Discussion: Be a listening participant in the live OSCEs sessions to gain valuable knowledge.
    • Facebook Group Membership: Membership to a private Facebook group dedicated exclusively to the MRCOG exam.

MRCOG (Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) is a degree with international recognition and is considered a gold-standard qualification for those who want to obtain a higher level of competency in their chosen medical specialty. The membership is awarded after a three-part assessment/examination done by the college.

Our platform offers well-curated courses for all three parts of the MRCOG exam that enables you to pass the exam in one go. This course is the most trusted name for those who are aiming to pass the exam with ease and confidence. Components of the course rightfully meet the need of students and provide an additional level of satisfaction amongst the attempting candidates. It encourages concept-based learning to cater to all the learning needs of the students.

The eminent faculty, Dr. Richa Saxena, an Obstetrician Gynecologist with 1.5 decades of academic experience, has crafted online courses for all 3 Parts of MRCOG to help and assist aspiring doctors to clear the exam in one go. Dr. Richa Saxena is the esteemed author of the best-selling book for MRCOG – 1, MRCOG – 2, and OSCEs in Obstetrics and Gynecology for MRCOG – 3. Besides being a prolific author of more than a dozen medical books for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students, she is an excellent teacher, revolutionary thinker, exceptional doctor & an ardent promotor of women’s health – “Let’s talk woman’s health” is her initiative dedicated to Empowering and Enlightening women through Education, and E-consultation. She is the recipient of the Rotary Vocational Excellence Award (2017-2018) for her exemplary service in the specialty of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She has also received the “Woman of Substance Award” (category healthcare) for the year 2022.

MRCOG Part 3 course, which covers 70+ OSCE stations of different clinical scenarios and presentations with extensive video hours (35+ hours), is a perfect combination of online teaching with a printed course manual/book authored by Dr. Richa Saxena for establishing a solid foundation. The course is a compilation of 14 modules covering all 5 domains as per the RCOG curriculum and High-yield OSCEs or case scenarios. All the topics in the course have been thoughtfully selected, keeping in mind the pain areas of appearing students as well as the most loved topics of examiners.

Live OSCEs engagement gives an opportunity to directly participate and interact with the mentor and role player in a minimum of 5 OSCE stations. It would also be beneficial for students to be updated with the new advances and management guidelines, important topics that require enough emphasis, and most importantly how to approach questions. Our mentor, Dr. Richa Saxena, understands that need very well, therefore, she takes regular webinars to interact with students.


      The Course Includes:

    • OSCEs: 35+ hours of video lecture/OSCE supported with RCOG and UK guidelines.
    • High-Yield Questions: 90+ OSCE case scenarios for quick revision that will act as a ready reckoner for the students.
    • Course Manual: Latest edition of the printed course manual/Textbook authored by Dr. Richa Saxena that incorporates nearly 50 OSCE scenarios with variations that may be encountered in the exam, as well as clinical problems and their solutions for building a concrete base.
    • Live Group Discussion: Direct interaction with a role player and examiner during Live OSCE sessions.
    • Facebook Group Membership: Membership to a private Facebook group dedicated exclusively to the MRCOG exam.

MRCOG (Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) is a degree with international recognition and is considered a Gold standard qualification for those who want to obtain a higher level of competency in their chosen medical specialty. The membership is awarded after a three-part assessment/examination done by the college.

Our platform offers well-curated courses for all three parts of the MRCOG exam that enables you to pass the exam in one go. This course is the most trusted name for those who are aiming to pass the exam with ease and confidence. Components of the course rightfully meet the need of students and provide an additional level of satisfaction amongst the attempting candidates. It encourages concept-based learning to cater to all the learning needs of the students.

The eminent faculty, Dr. Richa Saxena, an Obstetrician Gynecologist with 1.5 decades of academic experience, has crafted online courses for all three Parts of MRCOG to help and assist aspiring doctors to clear the exam in one go. Dr. Richa Saxena is the esteemed author of the best-selling book for MRCOG – 1, MRCOG – 2, and OSCEs in Obstetrics and Gynecology for MRCOG – 3. Besides being a prolific author of more than a dozen medical books for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students, she is an excellent teacher, revolutionary thinker, exceptional doctor & an ardent promotor of women’s health – “Let’s talk woman’s health” is her initiative dedicated to Empowering and Enlightening women through Education, and E-consultation. She is the recipient of the Rotary Vocational Excellence Award (2017-2018) for her exemplary service in the specialty of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She has also received the “Woman of Substance Award” (category healthcare) for the year 2022.

Our Mock exam series is dedicated to calming the horrendous “exam” anxiety as it simulates the actual MRCOG exam, helping you to get prepared for the big day. We offer 7 sets of Mock exams comprising 1,400 questions (SBAs + EMQs) to get versed with each type of question that has a chance to come in the question paper.

Students will be able to see their scorecard and overall performance. They can go through the explanation for all questions as well. Explanations of answers are richly illustrated with clinical/surgical and radiological images along with flowcharts, tables, and boxes, wherever necessary to aid students in developing a thorough overview of each topic, which will also fulfill their examination needs.


      The Course Includes:

    • Mock Exams: 7 sets of mock exams, comprising 14 papers including 1400 questions (SBAs + EMQs).
    • Detailed Explanation: Evidence-supported explanation of each answer after submission of mock exams.


MRCOG (Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) is a degree with international recognition and is considered a gold standard qualification for those who want to obtain a higher level of competency in their chosen medical specialty The membership is awarded after a three-part assessment/examination done by the college.

Our platform offers well-curated courses for all three parts of the MRCOG exam that enables you to pass the exam in one go. This course is the most trusted name for those who are aiming to pass the exam with ease and confidence. Components of the course rightfully meet the need of students and provide an additional level of satisfaction amongst the attempting candidates. It encourages concept-based and approach-based learning to cater to all the learning needs of the students.

The eminent faculty, Dr. Richa Saxena, an Obstetrician Gynecologist with 1.5 decades of academic experience, has crafted online courses for all three Parts of MRCOG to help and assist aspiring doctors to clear the exam in ONE GO. Dr. Richa Saxena is the esteemed author of the bestselling book for MRCOG – 1, MRCOG – 2, and OSCEs in Obstetrics and Gynecology for MRCOG – 3. Besides being a prolific author of more than a dozen medical books for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students, she is an excellent teacher, revolutionary thinker, exceptional doctor & an ardent promotor of woman’s health – “Let’s talk woman’s health” is her initiative dedicated to Empowering and Enlightening women through Education, and E-consultation. She is the recipient of the Rotary Vocational Excellence award (2017-2018) for her exemplary service in the specialty of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She has also received the “Woman of Substance Award” (category healthcare) for the year 2022.

Our Mock exam series is dedicated to calming the horrendous “exam” anxiety as it simulates the actual MRCOG exam, helping you to get prepared for the big day. We offer 7 sets of Mock exams comprising 14,00 questions to get versed with each type of question that has a chance to come in the question paper.

Students will be able to see their score card and overall performance. They can go through the explanation for all questions as well. Explanations of answers are richly illustrated with clinical/surgical and radiological images along with flowcharts, tables, and boxes, wherever necessary to aid students in developing a thorough overview of each topic, which will also fulfill their examination needs.


      The Course Includes:

    • Mock exams : 7 sets of mock exams, comprising 14 papers including 1400 questions.
    • Detailed explanation : Detailed explanation: Evidence-supported explanation of each answer after submission of mock exams.

MRCOG (Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) is a degree with international recognition and is considered a gold standard qualification for those who want to obtain a higher level of competency in their chosen medical specialty The membership is awarded after a three-part assessment/examination done by the college.

Our platform offers well-curated courses for all three parts of the MRCOG exam that enables you to pass the exam in one go. This course is the most trusted for those who are aiming to pass the exam with ease and confidence. Components of the course rightfully meet the need of students and provide an additional level of satisfaction amongst the attempting candidates. It encourages concept-based learning to cater to all the learning needs of the students.

The eminent faculty, Dr. Richa Saxena, an Obstetrician Gynecologist with 1.5 decades of academic experience, has crafted online courses for all three Parts of MRCOG to help and assist aspiring doctors to clear the exam in ONE GO. Dr. Richa Saxena is the esteemed author of the bestselling book for MRCOG – 1, MRCOG – 2, and OSCEs in Obstetrics and Gynecology for MRCOG – 3. Besides being a prolific author of more than a dozen medical books for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students, she is an excellent teacher, revolutionary thinker, exceptional doctor & an ardent promotor of women’s health – “Let’s talk woman’s health” is her initiative dedicated to Empowering and Enlightening women through Education, and E-consultation. She is the recipient of the Rotary Vocational Excellence award (2017-2018) for her exemplary service in the specialty of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She has also received the “Woman of Substance Award” (category healthcare) for the year 2022.

MRCOG Part 2 course covering 2600+ questions (SBAs and EMQs) as per RCOG curriculum and extensive video hours (60+ hrs) is a perfect combination of online teaching with a printed course manual/book authored by Dr. Richa Saxena for building a concrete base. The course is a compilation of 20 modules divided into multiple topics as per the RCOG syllabus. All the topics in the course have been thoughtfully selected keeping in mind the pain areas of appearing students as well as the most loved topics of examiners. Explanations of answers are richly illustrated with clinical/surgical and radiological images along with flowcharts, tables, and boxes, wherever necessary to aid students in developing a thorough overview of each topic, which will also fulfill their examination needs.

We have also incorporated 44 hours of video lectures discussing 1300+ important questions inspired by last years’ papers and 22+ hrs of summary of The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist (TOG) articles, delivering you a concise version of everything that you need to go through.

It would also be beneficial for students to be updated with the new advances and management guidelines, important topics that require enough emphasis, and most importantly how to approach questions. Our mentor, Dr. Richa Saxena understands that need very well, therefore she takes regular webinars and interacts with the students.


      The Course Includes:

    • Topic-wise Practice Assessment Questions : 2600+ SBAs and EMQs have been included for practice, segregated in multiple topics as per the RCOG curriculum.
    • Video Lectures : 126 hours of concept-based video lectures supported with RCOG and UK guidelines.
    • Discussion of Important Questions : 32 videos with 44 hours of discussion of 1300+ questions (SBAs and EMQs) as per the RCOG curriculum, covering questions from 2018 till present.
    • TOGs (The Obstetrician & Gynecologist) : Summary of important TOGs (The Obstetrician & Gynecologist) articles for quick revision as 22+ hours of videos from 2016 till present.
    • Lecture Notes : 36 well-illustrated lecture notes which will be the add-on for students.
    • High Yield Questions : 1600+ questions for quick revision that will act as a ready reckoner for the students.
    • Benchmark Trials : 283 evidence-based medicine/Landmark studies/Benchmark trials/ GTG/NICE guidelines have been included to acquaint students with recent advancements in the field.
    • Mock exams : 7 sets of mock exams, comprising 14 papers including 1400 SBAs + EMQs to get versed with each type of question that has a chance to come in the question paper.
    • Course manual : Latest edition of the Printed course manual/Textbook authored by Dr. Richa Saxena for building a concrete base.
    • Interactive Live Webinars : Regular webinars, along with special tips and tricks from the mentor to crack the exam.
    • Facebook group membership : Membership to a private Facebook group dedicated exclusively to the MRCOG exam.
    • Orientation Video : Includes information about the MRCOG exam.

MRCOG (Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) is a degree with international recognition and is considered a gold standard qualification for those who want to obtain a higher level of competency in their chosen medical specialty. The membership is awarded after a three-part assessment/examination done by the college.

Our platform offers well-curated courses for all three parts of the MRCOG exam that enables you to pass the exam in one go. This course is the most trusted name for those who are aiming to pass the exam with ease and confidence. Components of the course rightfully meet the need of students and provide an additional level of satisfaction amongst the attempting candidates. It encourages concept-based learning to cater to all the learning needs of the students.

The eminent faculty, Dr. Richa Saxena, an Obstetrician Gynecologist with 1.5 decades of academic experience, has crafted online courses for all three Parts of MRCOG to help and assist aspiring doctors to clear the exam in one go. Dr. Richa Saxena is the esteemed author of the best-selling book for MRCOG – 1, MRCOG – 2, and OSCEs in Obstetrics and Gynecology for MRCOG – 3. Besides being a prolific author of more than a dozen medical books for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students, she is an excellent teacher, revolutionary thinker, exceptional doctor & an ardent promotor of women’s health – “Let’s talk woman’s health” is her initiative dedicated to Empowering and Enlightening women through Education, and E-consultation. She is the recipient of the Rotary Vocational Excellence Award (2017-2018) for her exemplary service in the specialty of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She has also received the “Woman of Substance Award” (category healthcare) for the year 2022.

MRCOG Part 1 course covering 2600+ questions (SBAs) as per RCOG curriculum and extensive video hours (40+ hrs) is a perfect combination of online teaching with a printed course manual/book authored by Dr. Richa Saxena for building a concrete base. The course is a compilation of 9 modules divided into multiple topics as per the RCOG syllabus. All the topics in the course have been thoughtfully selected, keeping in mind the pain areas of appearing students as well as the most loved topics of examiners. Explanations of answers are richly illustrated with clinical/surgical and radiological images along with flowcharts, tables, and boxes, wherever necessary to aid students in developing a thorough overview of each topic, which will also fulfil their examination needs.

We have also incorporated 20+ hrs of discussion on 1300+ important questions inspired by last years’ papers in 55+ videos, delivering you a concise version of everything that you need to go through for the preparation of exam when you don’t have much time.

Our Mock exam series is dedicated to calming the horrendous “exam” anxiety as it simulates the actual MRCOG exam, helping you to get prepared for the big day. It would also be beneficial for students to be updated with the new advances and management guidelines, important topics that require enough emphasis, and most importantly how to approach questions. Our mentor, Dr. Richa Saxena, understands that need very well, therefore, she takes regular webinars to interact with students.


      The Course Includes:

    • Topic-wise Practice Assessment Questions: 2750+ SBAs have been included for practice, segregated into multiple topics as per the RCOG curriculum.
    • Video Lectures: 40+ hours of concept-based video lectures supported with RCOG and UK guidelines.
    • Discussion of Important Questions: 55+ videos of 40+ hours with 1300+ questions (SBAs) as per the RCOG curriculum, covering questions from 2018 till the present.
    • Lecture Notes: 13+ well-illustrated lecture notes which will be the add-on for students.
    • High-Yield Questions: 1600+ questions for quick revision that will act as a ready reckoner for the students.
    • Image-based Questions: A special section containing 180+ questions is incorporated for MRCOG 1 students to have a crystal-clear picture while attempting such questions in the exam.
    • Benchmark Trials: 70+ evidence-based medicine/Landmark studies/Benchmark trials/Important guidelines have been included for exam-going students to acquaint them with recent advancements in the field.
    • Mock Exams: 7 sets of mock exams, comprising 14 papers including 1400 questions to get versed with each type of question that has a chance to come in the question paper.
    • Course Manual: Latest edition of the Printed course manual/textbook authored by Dr. Richa Saxena for building a concrete base.
    • Interactive Live Webinars: Includes discussion of important questions from last exams along with interaction with the mentor, regular webinars on concept learning, along with special tips and tricks from the mentor to crack the exam.
    • Facebook Group Membership: Membership to a private Facebook group dedicated exclusively to the three parts of the MRCOG exam.
    • Orientation Video: Includes information about the MRCOG exam.
    • GTG Guidelines: The course concisely covers RCOG Green-top Guidelines (GTG), providing insights for informed patient care decisions. The latest guidelines are discussed in video format for easy recollection. Moreover, some guidelines also include RCOG’s Best Practice Papers and NICE guidelines on abortion care, induced labour, heavy menstrual bleeding, and much more.

INI-CET is a combined national-level entrance examination for admission to the medical postgraduate courses – MD, MS, DM (6 yrs), MCh (6 yrs), and MDS at INI institutes (Institute of National Importance). The INI-CET January session 2023 exam is around the corner. Getting admission to INI institutes is highly challenging and a dream for MBBS students. This is a highly competitive task to secure a seat in the renowned medical colleges in India.

Remember, Perseverance is the key.

The INI-CET exam is going to be held on 13th Nov 2022 for admission to the AIIMS INI-CET January session 2023.

Mode and Scheme of INI-CET January 2023 exam

Particulars Description
Mode of Examination Computer-based test (CBT)
Duration 3 hours (180 minutes)
Number of questions 200
Types of questions Objective type
Marking Scheme +1 mark for every correct response and -1/3 for every incorrect response


Important things to know:

  • If more than one candidate scores the same, then this tie-breaker situation is resolved by applying the following criteria sequentially:
    1. Less negative marks
    2. Older by age
  • Candidates equal to 8 (eight) times the number of postgraduate seats available in each category will be called for the first and second rounds of seat distribution based on the INI-CET merit list.
  • Spot Round Counseling will only be conducted if the seats will remain vacant even after the open round counseling.

List of Participating Institutes for INI-CET January 2023 Session

S. No. Name
1 AIIMS, New Delhi
2 AIIMS, Bhopal
3 AIIMS, Bhubaneswar
4 AIIMS, Jodhpur
5 AIIMS, Nagpur
6 AIIMS, Patna
7 AIIMS, Raipur
8 AIIMS, Rishikesh
9 AIIMS, Bibinagar
10 AIIMS, Bhatinda
11 AIIMS, Deoghar
12 AIIMS, Mangalagiri
13 AIIMS, Raebareli
14 JIPMER, Puducherry
15 NIMHANS, Bengaluru
16 PGIMER, Chandigarh
17 SCTIMST, Trivandrum


Here’s the tentative seat distribution (Category-wise) for admission to various MS/MD/DM (6 years)/MCh (6 years)/MDS courses at AIIMS, New Delhi and other 12 AIIMS through the INI-CET entrance examination for the January session of 2023.

Table 1: Tentative seat distribution for INI-CET January 2023 session at AIIMS, New Delhi:

Courses Subject/Specialty Total Number of Seats UR OBC SC ST EWS
MD Anaesthesiology 17 7 5 3 1 1
MD Anatomy 5 2 1 1 1 0
MD Biochemistry 8 4 2 1 1 0
MD Biophysics 8 3 2 1 1 1
MD Community Medicine 9 5 2 1 0 1
MD Dermatology & Venerology 5 1 2 1 0 1
MD Emergency Medicine 2 1 1 0 0 0
MD Forensic Medicine 4 1 1 1 0 1
MD Geriatric Medicine 3 1 1 1 0 0
MD Lab. Medicine 5 2 1 1 0 1
MD Medicine 11 5 3 2 0 1
MD Microbiology 5 2 1 1 0 1
MD Nuclear Medicine 4 3 0 0 0 1
MD Obstetrics & Gynecology 11 4 3 2 1 1
MD Ophthalmology 6 3 1 1 1 0
MS Orthopaedics 4 1 1 1 0 1
MS Otorhinolaryngology 5 1 1 1 1 1
MD Pediatrics 10 3 3 2 1 1
MD Palliative Medicine 4 3 1 0 0 0
MD Pathology 10 4 3 1 1 1
MD Pharmacology 6 1 2 1 1 1
MD Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2 2 0 0 0 0
MD Physiology 10 5 2 1 1 1
MD Psychiatry 4 1 1 1 0 1
MD Radiodiagnosis & Internventional Radiology 4 1 1 1 1 0
MD Radiation Oncology 4 3 1 0 0 0
MS Surgery 8 3 2 1 1 1
MD Transfusion Medicine 5 2 2 1 0 0
MDS Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics 1 0 1 0 0 0
MDS Pediatrics & Preventive Dentistry 2 0 1 0 0 1
MDS Prosthodontics 1 0 1 0 0 0
MCh Neuro Surgery M.Ch (Direct 6 year Course) 2 2 0 0 0 0
MCh Paediatric Surgery M.Ch (Direct 6 year Course) 2 2 0 0 0 0
DM Infectious Diseases DM(Direct 6 year Course) 4 4 0 0 0 0

Table 2: Tentative seat distribution for INI-CET January 2023 session at AIIMS, Bhopal:

Courses Subject/Specialty Total Number of Seats UR OBC SC ST EWS
MD Anaesthesiology 6 5 1 0 0 0
MD Anatomy 1 0 0 1 0 0
MD Biochemistry 2 1 1 0 0 0
MD Community Medicine 5 2 1 0 1 1
MS ENT 3 1 1 1 0 0
MD Forensic Medicine & Toxicology 2 1 1 0 0 0
MD General Medicine 3 1 0 1 0 1
MS General Surgery 2 1 1 0 0 0
MD Microbiology 2 1 1 0 0 0
MD Obstetrics & Gynecology 3 1 0 1 1 0
MD Ophthalmology 3 1 1 0 0 1
MS Orthopaedics 4 2 1 1 0 0
MD Pediatrics 4 2 1 0 1 0
MD Pathology 4 1 1 1 0 1
MD Pharmacology 2 1 1 0 0 0
MD Physiology 1 0 0 1 0 0
MD Psychiatry 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Radiodiagnosis 4 1 2 0 0 1
MD Radiotherapy 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Transfusion Medicine & Blood Bank 2 0 0 1 1 0

Table 3: Tentative seat distribution for INI-CET January 2023 session at AIIMS, Bhubaneswar:

Course Subject/Specialty Total Number of Seats UR OBC SC ST EWS
MD Anaesthesiology 9 3 2 2 1 1
MD Anatomy 7 3 2 2 0 0
MD Biochemistry 3 1 0 1 1 0
MD Community Medicine 5 2 1 1 0 1
MD Dermatology 3 1 1 0 1 0
MD Emergency Medicine 5 2 1 1 1 0
MS ENT 3 1 1 1 0 0
MD Forensic Medicine & Toxicology 5 2 1 1 1 0
MD General Medicine 3 2 0 0 0 1
MS General Surgery 6 2 2 1 0 1
MD Microbiology 2 1 0 1 0 0
MD Nuclear Medicine 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Obst. & Gynecology 6 3 1 1 0 1
MD Ophthalmology 2 0 1 1 0 0
MS Orthopaedics 6 4 1 0 0 1
MD Pediatrics 5 2 1 1 1 0
MD Pathology 5 2 1 1 0 1
MD Pharmacology 4 1 1 1 0 1
MD Physiology 6 2 1 1 1 1
MD PMR 2 1 0 0 0 1
MD Psychiatry 4 1 0 1 1 1
MD Radiodiagnosis 3 2 0 0 1 0
MD Radiotherapy 3 1 1 0 0 1
MD Transfusion Medicine 3 1 1 1 0 0


Table 4: Tentative seat distribution for INI-CET January 2023 session at AIIMS, Jodhpur:

Course Subject/Specialty Total Number of Seats UR OBC SC ST EWS
MD Anaesthesiology & Critical Care 17 6 5 3 1 2
MD Anatomy 2 1 1 0 0 0
MD Biochemistry 3 1 1 0 0 1
MD Community Medicine 6 2 2 1 1 0
MD Dermatology & Venerology 3 1 1 1 0 0
MD Emergency Medicine 4 2 1 1 0 0
MD Forensic Medicine & Toxicology 4 2 1 0 1 0
MD General Medicine 4 2 1 1 0 0
MS General Surgery 7 2 2 1 1 1
MD Microbiology 6 2 2 1 0 1
MD Nuclear Medicine 3 1 1 0 1 0
MD Obstetrics & Gynaecology 5 2 1 1 0 1
MD Ophthalmology 4 2 1 1 0 0
MS Orthopaedics 5 2 1 0 1 1
MS Otorhinolaryngology 6 2 1 1 1 1
MD Paediatrics 8 3 2 1 1 1
MD Pathology 7 2 2 1 1 1
MD Pharmacology 3 2 1 0 0 0
MD Physiology 4 2 1 1 0 0
MD PMR 4 2 1 1 0 0
MD Psychiatry 5 2 1 1 0 1
MD Radiology 5 2 1 1 0 1
MD Transfusion Medicine & Blood Bank 2 1 1 0 0 0
MCh Paediatric Surgery (M.CH. 6 Years) 2 2 0 0 0 0
DM Radiation Oncology (D.M. 6 Years) 2 2 0 0 0 0


Table 5: Tentative seat distribution for INI-CET January 2023 session at AIIMS, Patna:

Course Subject/Specialty Total Number of Seats UR OBC SC ST EWS
MD Anaesthesiology 18 8 5 3 1 1
MD Anatomy 5 3 1 0 1 0
MD Biochemistry 9 4 3 2 0 0
MD Community Medicine & Family Medicine 8 3 2 1 0 2
MD Dermatology 1 0 0 1 0 0
MS ENT 2 1 0 0 1 0
MD Emergency Medicine 7 2 2 2 0 1
MD FMT (Forensic Medicine & Toxicology) 4 2 1 0 0 1
MD Medicine 6 5 1 0 0 0
MD Microbiology 3 1 1 1 0 0
MD OBG (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) 5 1 1 0 2 1
MD Ophthalmology 4 1 1 1 0 1
MS Orthopaedics 5 2 2 1 0 0
MD Pediatrics 7 2 2 1 1 1
MD Pathology 5 0 2 1 1 1
MD Pharmacology 3 3 0 0 0 0
MD Physiology 7 4 2 1 0 0
MD PMR 2 0 1 1 0 0
MD Psychiatry 4 2 1 0 0 1
MD Radiodiagnosis 4 1 1 1 1 0
MD Radiotherapy 2 0 2 0 0 0
MS Surgery 5 2 1 1 0 1
MCh Pediatric Surgery (MCh 6 Years) 3 3 0 0 0 0

Table 6: Tentative seat distribution for INI-CET January 2023 session at AIIMS, Raipur:

Course Subject/Specialty Total Number of seats UR OBC SC ST EWS
MD Anaesthesiology 13 4 4 2 1 2
MD Anatomy 3 2 1 0 0 0
MD Biochemistry 4 1 1 1 0 1
MD Community Medicine 8 3 2 1 1 1
MD Dermatology 2 1 0 1 0 0
MD Emergency Medicine 8 3 2 1 1 1
MS ENT 5 2 2 1 0 0
MD Forensic Medicine & Toxicology 2 1 0 0 0 1
MD General Medicine 9 4 3 1 0 1
MS General Surgery 8 3 3 1 0 1
MD Microbiology 5 2 2 1 0 0
MD Nuclear Medicine 1 0 0 0 1 0
MD Obstetrics & Gynaecology 7 2 1 2 0 2
MD Ophthalmology 8 4 2 1 1 0
MS Orthopaedics 5 2 1 1 0 1
MD Pediatrics 7 3 1 1 1 1
MD Pathology 8 4 2 2 0 0
MD Pharmacology 3 2 1 0 0 0
MD Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2 0 1 1 0 0
MD Physiology 2 0 1 0 0 1
MD Psychiatry 4 1 1 1 1 0
MD Radiodiagnosis 4 1 2 1 0 0
MD Radiotherapy 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Transfusion Medicine 4 3 1 0 0 0
MDS Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (MDS) 1 1 0 0 0 0
MDS Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry (MDS) 1 0 1 0 0 0

Table 7: Tentative seat distribution for INI-CET January 2023 session at AIIMS, Rishikesh:

Course Subject/Specialty Total Number of Seats UR OBC SC ST EWS
MD Anaesthesiology 7 3 2 1 0 1
MD Anatomy 2 1 1 0 0 0
MD Biochemistry 4 2 0 0 1 1
MD Community & Family Medicine 3 2 1 0 0 0
MD Dermatology & Venerology 2 1 1 0 0 0
MD Emergency Medicine 3 2 0 1 0 0
MS ENT 3 2 1 0 0 0
MD Forensic Medicine & Toxicology 2 1 0 0 0 1
MD General Medicine 4 3 1 0 0 0
MD Geriatric Medicine 1 0 1 0 0 0
MS General Surgery 3 1 1 0 0 1
MD Microbiology 2 1 0 0 0 1
MD Nuclear Medicine 2 1 1 0 0 0
MD Obstetrics & Gynaecology 8 4 2 1 1 0
MD Ophthalmology 6 4 1 1 0 0
MS Orthopaedics 3 1 1 1 0 0
MD Pediatrics 3 1 1 1 0 0
MD Pathology 5 3 1 1 0 0
MD Pharmacology 2 1 0 0 0 1
MD Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2 1 0 1 0 0
MD Physiology 3 2 0 0 0 1
MD Psychiatry 2 1 1 0 0 0
MD Radiation Oncology 2 1 1 0 0 0
MD Radiodiagnosis 4 2 1 0 0 1
MD Respiratory Medicine 3 2 1 0 0 0
MD Transfusion Medicine 3 2 1 0 0 0
MDS Periodontics (MDS) 1 1 0 0 0 0
MDS Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (MDS) 1 1 0 0 0 0
MCH 6 Years Pediatric Surgery (MCH 6 Years) 2 2 0 0 0 0
MCh Plastic, Reconstructive & Burns Surgery (M.CH. 6 Years) 2 2 0 0 0 0
MCh Neurosurgery (MCH 6 yrs) 1 1 0 0 0 0


Table 8: Tentative seat distribution for INI-CET January 2023 session at AIIMS, Nagpur:

Course Subject/Specialty Total Number of Seats UR OBC SC ST EWS
MD Anaesthesiology 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Anatomy 1 0 0 0 0 1
MD Biochemistry 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Community Medicine 3 1 2 0 0 0
MD Dermatology 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Forensic Medicine & Toxicology 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD General Medicine 3 0 2 0 0 1
MS General Surgery 3 0 1 1 1 0
MD Microbiology 3 1 1 1 0 0
MD Obstetrics & Gynaecology 3 1 1 1 0 0
MD Ophthalmology 1 1 0 0 0 0
MS Orthopaedics 1 1 0 0 0 0
MS Otorhinolaryngology 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Pediatrics 3 0 1 0 1 1
MD Pathology 3 0 1 1 1 0
MD Pharmacology 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Physiology 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Psychiatry 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Radiodiagnosis 1 1 0 0 0 0
MDS Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics (MDS) 0


0 0 0 0 0


Table 9: Tentative seat distribution for INI-CET January 2023 session at AIIMS, Bibinagar:

Course Subject/Specialty Total Number of Seats UR OBC SC ST EWS
MD Anatomy 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Anaesthesiology 2 2 0 0 0 0
MD Biochemistry 2 1 1 0 0 0
MD Community Medicine & Family Medicine 2 1 0 1 0 0
MD FMT 1 0 1 0 0 0
MD General Medicine 2 1 0 0 0 1
MS General Surgery 2 1 1 0 0 0
MD Microbiology 2 1 0 0 1 0
MD Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2 0 1 1 0 0
MS Orthopaedics 2 2 0 0 0 0
MD Peediatrics 2 0 1 1 0 0
MD Pathology 2 1 0 0 0 1


Table 10: Tentative seat distribution for INI-CET January 2023 session at AIIMS, Bathinda:

Course Subject/Specialty Total Number of Seats UR OBC SC ST EWS
MD Anatomy 1 0 0 1 0 0
MS General Surgery 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Microbiology 2 1 0 0 1 0
MD Ophthalmology 1 0 0 0 1 0
MD Physiology 1 0 0 1 0 0
MD Psychiatry 1 0 1 0 0 0


Table 11: Tentative seat distribution for INI-CET January 2023 session at AIIMS, Deoghar:

Course Subject/Specialty Total Number of Seats UR OBC SC ST EWS
MD Biochemistry 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Community Medicine & Family Medicine 1 1 0 0 0 0
MS General Surgery 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Microbiology 1 0 1 0 0 0
MD Pharmacology 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Physiology 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Anaesthesiology 1 0 0 1 0 0
MD Anatomy 1 0 1 0 0 0
MD FMT 1 1 0 0 0 0
MS Orthopaedics 1 0 0 0 0 1
MD Pathology 1 1 0 0 0 0


Table 12: Tentative seat distribution for INI-CET January 2023 session at AIIMS, Mangalagiri:

Course Subject/Specialty Total Number of Seats UR OBC SC ST EWS
MD Anaesthesiology 2 1 1 0 0 0
MD Anatomy 2 0 0 1 0 1
MD Community & Family Medicine 2 1 0 0 1 0
MS ENT 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD General Medicine 1 1 0 0 0 0
MS General Surgery 2 1 0 1 0 0
MD OBG 2 0 1 0 0 1
MS Orthopaedics 2 1 1 0 0 0
MD Pediatrics 2 1 0 1 0 0
MD Pharmacology 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Physiology 1 0 1 0 0 0
MD Psychiatry 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Radiodiagnosis 2 1 1 0 0 0


Table 13: Tentative seat distribution for INI-CET January 2023 session at AIIMS, Raebareli:

Course Subject/Specialty Total Number of Seats UR OBC SC ST EWS
MD Anaesthesiology 2 1 1 0 0 0
MD Anatomy 2 0 0 1 0 1
MD Community & Family Medicine 2 1 0 0 1 0
MS ENT 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD General Medicine 1 1 0 0 0 0
MS General Surgery 2 1 0 1 0 0
MD OBG 2 0 1 0 0 1
MS Orthopaedics 2 1 1 0 0 0
MD Pediatrics 2 1 0 1 0 0
MD Pharmacology 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Physiology 1 0 1 0 0 0
MD Psychiatry 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Radiodiagnosis 2 1 1 0 0 0


Last-Minute Tips for INI-CET Exam:

  • Candidates must carry all the asked documents such as INI-CET admit card, passport size photograph, valid photo ID proof, and a copy of MCI registration certificate with them on the exam day.
  • Reverify all your documents before coming to the exam hall.
  • Candidates are advised to go through all the guidelines issued by AIIMS for the examination.
  • Candidates must reach the INI-CET exam center before time to avoid any chaos.
  • Avoid Stress and be confident.
  • Eat healthy and sleep well.
  • Time management is a must before and during the exam.

To get conceptual clarity on the MBBS courses online, click here

INI-CET is a combined national-level entrance examination for admission to the medical postgraduate courses – MD, MS, DM (6 yrs), MCh (6 yrs), and MDS at INI institutes (Institute of National Importance). The INI-CET January session 2023 exam is around the corner. Getting admission to INI institutes is highly challenging and a dream for MBBS students. This is a highly competitive task to secure a seat in the renowned medical colleges in India.

Remember, Perseverance is the key.

The INI-CET exam is going to be held on 13th Nov 2022 for admission to the AIIMS INI-CET January session 2023.

Mode and Scheme of INI-CET January 2023 exam

Particulars Description
Mode of Examination Computer-based test (CBT)
Duration 3 hours (180 minutes)
Number of questions 200
Types of questions Objective type
Marking Scheme +1 mark for every correct response and -1/3 for every incorrect response

Important things to know:

  • If more than one candidate scores the same, then this tie-breaker situation is resolved by applying the following criteria sequentially:
  1. Less negative marks
  2. Older by age
  • Candidates equal to 8 (eight) times the number of postgraduate seats available in each category will be called for the first and second rounds of seat distribution based on the INI-CET merit list.
  • Spot Round Counseling will only be conducted if the seats will remain vacant even after the open round counseling.

List of Participating Institutes for INI-CET January 2023 Session

S.No. Name
1 AIIMS, New Delhi
2 AIIMS, Bhopal
3 AIIMS, Bhubaneswar
4 AIIMS, Jodhpur
5 AIIMS, Nagpur
6 AIIMS, Patna
7 AIIMS, Raipur
8 AIIMS, Rishikesh
9 AIIMS, Bibinagar
10 AIIMS, Bhatinda
11 AIIMS, Deoghar
12 AIIMS, Mangalagiri
13 AIIMS, Raebareli
14 JIPMER, Puducherry
15 NIMHANS, Bengaluru
16 PGIMER, Chandigarh
17 SCTIMST, Trivandrum

Here’s the tentative seat distribution (Category-wise) for admission to various MS/MD/DM (6 years)/MCh (6 years)/MDS courses at PGIMER Chandigarh, NIMHANS Bengaluru & SCTIMST Trivandrum through the INI-CET entrance examination for the January session of 2023.

Table 1: Tentative seat distribution for INI-CET January 2023 session at PGIMER, Chandigarh:

Course Subject/Specialty Total Number of Seats UR OBC SC ST EWS
MD Anaesthesiology & Intensive Care 27 14 7 4 2 0
MD Biochemistry 2 1 1 0 0 0
MD Community Medicine 2 1 0 0 1 0
MD Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology 3 3 0 0 0 0
MS Otorhinolaryngology 4 3 1 0 0 0
MD Forensic Medicine 1 1 0 0 0 0
MD Medicine 18 9 5 3 1 0
MD Microbiology 5 2 2 1 0 0
MD Nuclear Medicine 3 1 1 1 0 0
MD Obstetrics & Gynecology 7 4 2 1 0 0
MD Ophthalmology 8 4 2 1 1 0
MS Orthopaedic Surgery 5 3 1 0 1 0
MD Pathology 10 5 3 1 1 0
MD Pediatrics 19 10 5 3 1 0
MD Pharmacology 4 1 2 1 0 0
MD Psychiatry 6 3 1 1 1 0
MD Radiodiagnosis and Imaging 5 1 2 1 1 0
MD Radiotherapy and Clinical Oncology 3 0 1 1 1 0
MS General Surgery 20 11 5 3 1 0
MD Transfusion Medicine 3 2 0 1 0 0

Table 2: Tentative seat distribution for INI-CET January 2023 session at NIMHANS, Bengaluru:

Course Subject/Specialty Total Number of Seats UR OBC SC ST EWS
MD Physical Medicine
MD Psychiatry 17 7 3 2 2 3
MD Psychiatry (Karnataka Domicile Category) 7 3 2 1
MD Psychiatry (North – Eastern Domicile) 6 4 2
DM Neurology (DM 6 years) 1
MCh Neuro Surgery (MCh 6 Years) 3

Table 3: Tentative seat distribution for INI-CET January 2023 session at SCTIMST, Trivandrum

Course Subject/Specialty Total Number of Seats UR OBC SC ST EWS
MD Transfusion Medicine 1 1 0 0 0 0

Last-Minute Tips for INI-CET Exam:

  • Candidates must carry all the asked documents such as INI-CET admit card, passport size photograph, valid photo ID proof, and a copy of MCI registration certificate with them on the exam day.
  • Reverify all your documents before coming to the exam hall.
  • Candidates are advised to go through all the guidelines issued by AIIMS for the examination.
  • Candidates must reach the INI-CET exam center before time to avoid any chaos.
  • Avoid Stress and be confident.
  • Eat healthy and sleep well.
  • Time management is a must before and during the exam.

To get conceptual clarity on the MBBS courses online, click here

INI-CET is a combined national-level entrance examination for admission to the medical postgraduate courses – MD, MS, DM (6 yrs), MCh (6 yrs), and MDS at INI institutes (Institute of National Importance). The INI-CET January session 2023 exam is around the corner. Getting admission to INI institutes is highly challenging and a dream for MBBS students. This is a highly competitive task to secure a seat in the renowned medical colleges in India.

Remember, Perseverance is the key.

The INI-CET exam is going to be held on 13th Nov 2022 for admission to the AIIMS INI-CET January session 2023.

Mode and Scheme of INI-CET January 2023 exam

Particulars Description
Mode of Examination Computer-based test (CBT)
Duration 3 hours (180 minutes)
Number of questions 200
Types of questions Objective type
Marking Scheme +1 mark for every correct response and -1/3 for every incorrect response

Important things to know:

  • If more than one candidate scores the same, then this tie-breaker situation is resolved by applying the following criteria sequentially:
  1. Less negative marks
  2. Older by age
  • Candidates equal to 8 (eight) times the number of postgraduate seats available in each category will be called for the first and second rounds of seat distribution based on the INI-CET merit list.
  • Spot Round Counseling will only be conducted if the seats will remain vacant even after the open round counseling.

List of Participating Institutes for INI-CET January 2023 Session

S.No. Name
1 AIIMS, New Delhi
2 AIIMS, Bhopal
3 AIIMS, Bhubaneswar
4 AIIMS, Jodhpur
5 AIIMS, Nagpur
6 AIIMS, Patna
7 AIIMS, Raipur
8 AIIMS, Rishikesh
9 AIIMS, Bibinagar
10 AIIMS, Bhatinda
11 AIIMS, Deoghar
12 AIIMS, Mangalagiri
13 AIIMS, Raebareli
14 JIPMER, Puducherry
15 NIMHANS, Bengaluru
16 PGIMER, Chandigarh
17 SCTIMST, Trivandrum

Here’s the tentative seat distribution (Category-wise) for admission to various MS/MD/DM (6 years)/MCh (6 years)/MDS courses at JIPMER, PUDUCHERRY through the INI-CET entrance examination for the January session of 2023.

Table: Tentative seat distribution for INI-CET January 2023 session at JIPMER, PUDUCHERRY

Course Subject/Specialty Total Number of Seats
MD Anaesthesiology 17
MD Anatomy 6
MD Biochemistry 6
MD Community Medicine 6
MD Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology 4
MD Emergency Medicine 5
MD Community Medicine 6
MD Forensic Medicine & Toxicology 3
MD General Medicine 15
MD Immuno Hematology & Blood Transfusion 2
MD Microbiology 6
MD Nuclear Medicine 1
MD Pathology 9
MD Pediatrics 11
MD Pharmacology 7
MD Physiology 5
MD Psychiatry 2
MD Pulmonary Medicine 5
MD Radiodiagnosis 6
MD Radiation Oncology 10
MD Obstetrics & Gynecology 14
MD Ophthalmology 7
MS General Surgery 17
MS Orthopaedics Surgery 5
MS Otorhinolaryngology 7
MDS Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics 1
MDS Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 1
MCH Neurosurgery 2
MCH Pediatric Surgery 2

Last-Minute Tips for INI-CET Exam:

  • Candidates must carry all the asked documents such as INI-CET admit card, passport size photograph, valid photo ID proof, and a copy of MCI registration certificate with them on the exam day.
  • Reverify all your documents before coming to the exam hall.
  • Candidates are advised to go through all the guidelines issued by AIIMS for the examination.
  • Candidates must reach the INI-CET exam center before time to avoid any chaos.
  • Avoid Stress and be confident.
  • Eat healthy and sleep well.
  • Time management is a must before and during the exam.

To get conceptual clarity on the MBBS courses online, click here

DigiNerve app has been revamped to boost your learning. We always try to improvise the app according to your requirements and provide you with a simplified approach to enhance your learning experience. This time for android users, the app has come up with an upgraded user interface and many new features.


  • The previous version of the app is no longer supported.
  • Update the app from the Google Play Store and access the benefits of the latest upgrades.
  • The update is available on the android version only.

Highlights of the updated version:

  • Quick access to videos, notes, and assessments: Access to content is eased out within 2 steps
  • Split View: Access the video lectures and notes simultaneously
  • Continue Journey Widget: Continue your learning from where you left
  • Video Indexing: Jump to the part of the video you want to watch
  • Doubt Clearance: ‘Ask a doubt’ feature to seek clarity on any doubt from the faculty

Let’s check out the key features of the app.

  1. Content Group: Select any group as per your requirement from the top left of the screen.
  2. Incorporated Search Option: Find content by keywords in the dedicated search tab.
  3. Announcements: Get instant updates on the latest courses, offers, webinars, etc.
  4. Find key learning material all in one place: Footer has been enhanced for easy access to content.

For the UnderGrad Courses, the changes in the footer section are elaborated below.

Now, the updated app has the following options in the footer:

  • Videos: Get direct access to the subscribed video lectures along with notes and assessments.
  • Qbank: Assess your knowledge of the respective course modules with Qbank directly.
  • Buy: Purchase any course of your choice from the app itself.
  • More: This option provides the user access to the following:
  • My Profile
  • My Activities
  • My Subscriptions
  • Report Issue
  • Update Content
  • Logout
  • About us

For the PostGrad Courses, the changes in the footer section are as follows:

  • Videos: Directly access the subscribed course video lectures with this option. Click on the course of your choice and get access to video lectures, notes, assessments, and benchmark trials.
  • Tests: Attempt active tests and get updated with upcoming, attempted, and missed tests.
  • Drug Chart: Access the drug formulary of your subscribed course. Search any drug by alphabet or name and get detailed information regarding its route of administration, dosage, indications, adverse effects, common brands, strength, etc.
  • Buy: Purchase any course of your choice from the app itself.
  • More (Same as above)
  1. Continue Journey Widget: Continue Learning option is to restart your course journey from where you left.
  2. Ask a Doubt: You can seek clarity over any doubt related to content or app.
  3. Recommended Videos: Get the recommended and latest videos in this section.
  4. Share: Share the app with your friends and learn together on your journey to becoming top doctors.
  5. Parallel view/Split view enabled: In both UnderGrads and PostGrads courses, there is a major change done for better learning and user convenience.
  • Now along with the ongoing video lecture, you can access the notes simultaneously.
  • Skip to the topic you want to watch with the help of video indexing.
  • The option of practice assessment of the respective video lecture is also available alongside.
  • You can access the notes in full view with the video lecture going on in the background.
  • You can now download video lectures, notes, and practice assessment tests to learn offline.

Update the app to upgrade to the new version for effective and effortless learning.

Happy Learning!!

Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research, JIPMER is one of the finest medical education and research institute in India. The college offers admission to various Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses in medical, paramedical sciences, and nursing stream. Along with this, the college provides admission in Super Specialty Medical courses, Diploma/Fellowship courses, and other certificate courses in Paramedical sciences. The courses offered by JIPMER are MBBS, BSc, MSc, MD, MS, MDS, DM, and MCh. Full-time Ph.D. courses are also available in a few disciplines.

JIPMER Location: JIPMER has two campuses, one in Puducherry and the other in Karaikal. JIPMER, Puducherry is spread over a massive 195-acre campus. The college has been recognized as an “Institute of National Importance” by an act of parliament, JIPMER, Puducherry, Act, 2008.

JIPMER, Karaikal campus was started in the 2016-2017 academic year. The college is associated with the Government General Hospital, Karaikal for the clinical training for the students. The JIPMER courses and fees along with other college information is provided in this blog.

Medical courses at JIPMER

Medical Courses Duration of the course Description Entrance Examination for admission
MBBS 5.5 years MBBS course in JIPMER has 61 seats at the Karaikal campus and 182 seats at the Puducherry campus. NEET UG Entrance Examination.
MD/MS 3 years MD/MS are available in 24 specialties with a total of 250 seats. Admission to these courses is held twice a year for 125 seats each. INI-CET Entrance Examination
DM/MCh 3 years DM/MCh course is available in 21 specialties with 54 seats and 11 additional sponsored seats.
* The sponsored candidate comes from the central and state govt. and State Autonomous bodies/PSUs
INI-Super-Speciality (INI-SS) Entrance Examination
Post-doctoral fellowship (PDF)/ Post-doctoral certificate courses (PDCC) PDF course is a 2-year advanced training programme after MD/MS degree whereas PDF is of one year after DM/MCh degree.
PDCC is a 1-year advanced training programme after MD/MS.
The college offers these advanced training programmes in 18 specialties with 18 seats and 3 sponsored seats. JIPMER Entrance Examination
MDS 3 years There are two seats available for this course. INI-CET Entrance Examination

MBBS course at JIPMER

JIPMER Admission Process

The admission to Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research for MBBS admission is solely based on the NEET scores for both campuses. The MBBS course duration is 4 and a half months followed by a one-year rotational internship.

Phases of MBBS curriculum

As per the 2022-2023 academic year of JIPMER, the MBBS curriculum is as follows:

Phase Duration (years) Subject
I 1 Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry
II 1.5 Pharmacology, Microbiology, Pathology, Forensic Medicine
III 1 Ophthalmology, ENT, PSM
IV 1 Medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery (including Orthopedics), Obstetrics & Gynecology

Eligibility Criteria

  • An applicant must be at least 17 years old at the time of admission, or he/she must meet the requirement by December 31 of the academic year.
  • Candidates must have received a minimum of 50% in each of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology, and English in the higher secondary/Pre-university/equivalent examination from a recognized university/board.
  • For candidates in the SC/ST categories, a minimum of 40% aggregate is required in a single attempt.
  • Aspirants belonging to the UT of J&K can also appear for the NEET(UG) exam for admission to JIPMER.
  • All aspirants must meet the NEET UG entrance examination criteria.

NEET-UG Exam Pattern for admission to MBBS at JIPMER

The NEET-UG exam is conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA) once a year. The following are some important points to keep in mind:

Particulars Description
Exam Mode Offline (pen & paper based)
Type of Examination Multiple choice questions
Total number of questions 200 questions (180 MCQs must be answered)
NEET total marks 720 marks
Marking scheme +4 for each correct answer and
-1 for every incorrect answer
Total duration 3hrs 20 mins
Languages The exam is conducted in 13 different languages, namely, English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Malayalam, Kannada, Marathi, Odia, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, and Punjabi

NEET Exam Section-wise Distribution

In all 4 Subjects, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology, there are two sections. Section A comprises of 35 questions whereas section B comprises 15 questions out of which 10 are to be answered. Each question carries 4 marks.

Distribution of seats at JIPMER

The distribution of seats for both campuses is mentioned in the below tables:

JIPMER Puducherry
Seat Category Total
Open 134
Puducherry UT domicile 48
Grand Total 182
JIPMER Karaikal
Seat Category Total
Open 45
Puducherry UT domicile 16
Grand Total 61


  • The open category includes the seats of the General (UR), OBC, SC, ST, and EWS candidates, based on the category option filled in their NEET entrance examination application.
  • Additionally, the selected students are required to submit the respective category forms and certificates during the counseling procedure.
  • The seat reservation matrix will be displayed on the MCC website as per their code of conduct.

Puducherry UT Domicile:

The candidates are admitted under this category if he/she satisfies at least one of the following criteria:

  • Candidates whose parents are living in this union territory for at least five years immediately preceding the closing date of the NEET examination.
  • The candidate who had continuously studied for 5 years in any recognized institution preceding the qualifying exam and having their residence during that period.
  • Children whose parents are completely or substantially Central Government Servants, Central Government Autonomous Institutions Employees, State Government Servants, Defence Personnel, or Central Paramilitary Forces Employees run either by the Puducherry Union Territory government or the Central Government. They had served for at least a minimum of three years continuously in the Puducherry Union Territory, immediately before the last date for exam application submission.
  • The children of the above said employees must have completed their higher secondary examination and higher secondary course for 2 years in U.T. of Puducherry.
  • Children of defence personnel died or disabled in combat who reported Puducherry as their hometown.

Under the Puducherry UT domicile, the candidate is provided admission under the following categories:

  • Puducherry-Unreserved category (P-UR)
  • Puducherry Other Backward Classes- non- creamy layer(P-OBC-NCL)
  • Puducherry Scheduled Caste (P-SC)
  • Puducherry Scheduled Tribe (P-ST)
  • Puducherry Economically Weaker Sections (P-EWSs)
  • Puducherry Person with Benchmark Disability (P-PwBD)

Counseling Procedure at JIPMER

The counseling procedure is conducted by the Medical Counseling Committee (MCC), Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), and Government of India (GoI) for both campuses.

  • For counseling, the campuses are treated as separate entities by MCC.
  • Admission to the MBBS course at JIPMER will be confirmed only after the submission and verification of all the required documents and certificates within the stipulated time.
  • A covid-19 vaccination certificate (at least one dose) is now a must to submit before admission.

Note: If a candidate withdraws his/her admission to the MBBS seat at JIPMER, they’ll have to pay a penalty of Rs.10,000 in addition to forfeiture of fees paid at the time of admission, unless he/she is found medically unfit.

MBBS Fee Structure at JIPMER

The fees for the MBBS course at JIPMER as per the 2022-2023 academic year: Description Fee (in Rs.)
1 Admission Fee (one time) 5,000
2 Caution Deposit (one time) [Refundable] 3,000
3 Tuition Fee (annual) 1,200
4 JIPMER Students Association Fee (annual) 2,000
5 Learning Resource Fee (annual) 2,000
6 Corpus Fund on Academic Fee (annual) 70
7 Student Information details (annual) 1,500
8 Identity card (one time) 150
Total amount to be paid at the time of admission 14,920
Total amount to be submitted at the time of admission in subsequent years 6,770

To get conceptual clarity on the MBBS courses online, click here.

Hostel Facilities at JIPMER

  • Separate hostels are available for boys and girls.
  • The hostel facility is mainly available for the outstation students and to other students, the hostel rooms are allotted as per the availability.

The hostel fee structure at JIPMER for UG students and interns: Description Fees (in INR)
1 Establishment fees (per annum) [Non-refundable) 6,000
2 Hostel Caution Deposit 5,000
3 Hostel Mess Deposit (Refundable) 3,000
4 Room Rent (including electricity):
a. Rs. 500 per month for shared accommodation
b. Rs. 750 per month for a single room


MD/MS course at JIPMER

The admission to MS/MD courses is solely based on the INI-CET examination score. The duration of the course is 3 years.

Distribution of Seats

According to the July 2022 session of JIPMER PG admission, the MS/MD courses are offered in the various disciplines and the distribution of the seats is as follows:

    • MD courses at JIPMER MD Specialization No. of seats for all Indian Nationals No. of seats for Indian candidates (Govt. sponsored) No. of seats for Foreign Nationals including OCI
1 Anaesthesiology 9 1 1
2 Anatomy 3 0 0
3 Biochemistry 3 0 0
4 Community Medicine 3 0 0
5 Dermatology,
Venereology & Leprology
4 0 0
6 Emergency Medicine 3 1 1
7 Forensic Medicine 2 0 0
8 General Medicine 12 0 0
9 Immuno-Hematology & Blood transfusion 1 0 1
10 Microbiology 3 0 0
11 Nuclear Medicine 1 0 0
12 Pathology 4 0 0
13 Pediatrics 10 1 0
14 Pharmacology 3 0 0
15 Physiology 3 0 0
16 Psychiatry 2 1 0
17 Pulmonary Medicine 3 0 0
18 Radio-diagnosis 6 0 0
19 Radiation Oncology 4 0 0
  • MS courses at JIPMER MS Specialization No. of seats for all Indian Nationals No. of seats for Indian candidates (Govt. sponsored) No. of seats for Foreign Nationals including OCI
1 General Surgery 12 0 1
2 Obstetrics & Gynecology 11 1 0
3 Ophthalmology 5 0 0
4 Orthopedic Surgery 4 0 1
5 Oto-rhinolaryngology (ENT) 4 0 0

The number and distribution of seats may change in the coming academic session depending upon the decision from Competent Authorities. Sponsorship of candidates will be applicable from the following:

  • Central or State Government Departments
  • Autonomous Bodies of the Central or State Governments
  • Public sector colleges affiliated with universities and recognized by the MCI.

Eligibility for admission at JIPMER for PG courses:

  • A candidate must be an Indian citizen or Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) or a Foreign National (FN).
  • A candidate must possess an MBBS degree from an NMC/MCI-recognized University.
  • A candidate must have completed the compulsory one-year rotational internship.
  • The minimum aggregate to be eligible for admission:
  • For Unreserved (UR), Institute (INST), Economic weaker section (EWS) and OBC category, 55% aggregate are the minimum qualifying criteria.
  • For SC/ST candidates, the minimum qualifying aggregate is 50%.
  • For the Indian Nationals who graduated from foreign universities, the scores received on the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE), administered by the National Board of Examination (NBE), shall be considered instead of the cumulative scores for Indian citizens. The minimum-marks requirements will continue to be as stated in points (1) and (2) as appropriate.
  • Candidates who have already started or finished an MD or MS programme in any subject at any institution are ineligible for admission to JIPMER’s MD or MS programme.
  • JIPMER has an internal PG quota for students who have passed their graduation from the JIPMER. This quota comes under the Institutional (INST) category.

Counseling at JIPMER:

  • The merit list of the qualifying candidates will be available on the website after the declaration of the results.
  • Counseling is done according to the category ranks, based on the dynamic Roster Point allocation method.

Fee Structure at JIPMER:The fee payable for MD/MS courses by Indian & Foreign Nationals/Sponsored/OCI is mentioned below:

MD/MS fee structure at JIPMER Description Fee (in Rs.)
1 Admission Fee (one time) 5,000
2 Tuition Fee (per annum) 2,200
3 Learning Resource Fee (per annum) 9,000
4 Corpus Fund on Academic Fee (per annum) 110
5 Student Information details (per annum) 1,500
6 Identity Card Charges (One time) 150
7 Caution deposit (refundable) 1,500
Total 20,960

 Junior Residency:

  • All the candidates will have to compulsorily complete the “Junior Residency” of 36 months from the date of admission.
  • First-year junior residents are permitted to take 30 days of leave and second & third-year junior residents can take 36 days of leave in a complete academic year.
  • All the candidates will have to fulfill the contract agreement under the Residency Scheme.

Pay Scale: The candidates admitted to the PG degree courses will get a stipend according to the 7th pay scale and level 10 i.e., Rs. 56,100 (as per the 2022 academic session) and will also get other allowances and benefits approved by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

Dissertation: All PG students (MS/MD) must compulsorily complete their dissertation as partial fulfillment of the degree.

Mid-Stream Departure:

  • For any candidate who discontinues the course at any time for any reason; the fees once paid will no longer be refunded.
  • If any candidate discontinues the Residency scheme contract, will have to pay the penalty amount and one month’s salary or serve one month’s notice period.

According to the January 2022 session, the mid-stream departure penalty is as follows:

Mid-Stream Departure Period Penalty to be paid (in INR)
Within six months from the joining date Rs. 3,00,000 (Three Lakhs Only)
One month salary/One month notice period
After six months from the joining date Rs. 5,00,000 (Five Lakhs Only)
One month salary/One month notice period

Hostel Facility at JIPMER

  • Hostel facility is mainly available for non-Puducherry candidates.
  • Hostel facility is available for the boys and girls separately.

Hostel fee for PG students at JIPMER: Description Fees (in INR)
1 Hostel Caution Deposit 5,000
2 Hostel Mess Deposit 3,000
3 Student Recreation/Amenities 1,000
4 Establishment Charges (per annum) 6,000
5 Room Rent (including electricity):
a.Single-room accommodation
b.Double room accommodation

How does DigiNerve helps a medico?DigiNerve is an EdTech initiative by Jaypee Brothers, a pioneer and market leader in health science publishing with a legacy spanning over 5 decades. It provides top-notch medical content to enhance conceptual clarity, clinical skills, and ace exams. In terms of the calibre of the courses, the variety of subjects, the Gold Standard faculty, and the user-friendly interface, DigiNerve is unmatched.

  • DigiNerve provides best online courses for MBBS subjects designed by eminent faculty as per CBME Curriculum and NEET Exam, such as
MBBS Online Courses Course Faculty
Community Medicine for UnderGrads Dr. Bratati Banerjee
Forensics Medicine and Toxicology for UnderGrads Dr. Gautam Biswas
Medicine for UnderGrads Dr. Archith Boloor
Microbiology for UnderGrads Dr. Apurba S Sastry, Dr. Sandhya Bhat, Dr. Deepashree R
OBGYN for UnderGrads Dr. K Srinivas
Ophthalmology for UnderGrads Dr. Parul Ichhpujani, Dr. Talvir Sidhu
Orthopaedics for UnderGrads Dr. Vivek Pandey
Pathology for UnderGrads Prof. Harsh Mohan, Prof. Ramadas Nayak, Dr. Debasis Gochhait
Pediatrics for UnderGrads Dr. Santoah T Soans, Dr. Soundarya Mahalingam
Pharmacology for UnderGrads Dr Sandeep Kaushal, Dr. Nirmal George
Surgery for UnderGrads Dr. Sriram Bhat M
  • Apart from the MBBS and MD courses, DigiNerve brings the professional courses ‘Ultrasound in OBGYN Made Easy’ and ‘Basics of Infertility and IUI Made Easy’ by the top faculty Dr. Chaitanya Nagori and Dr. Sonal Panchal. After completion of the course, the candidates will earn a course completion certificate from Ian Donald Inter-University School of Medical Ultrasound.
  • An Exam preparation course ‘Cracking MRCP Part 1’ by Dr. Gurpreet Singh Wander and Dr. Archith Boloor, helps a medico with their preparation to crack the MRCP exam. Cracking MRCP Part 1 course is based on the curriculum devised by The Royal College of Physicians (RCP). The course has 15 online modules covering major specialties such as Clinical SciencesCardiologyGastroenterology, etc. The course includes video lectures, e-chapters, 2500+ BOF questions, mock exams, and most of all high-quality notes.

Click here to know the important topics of Community Medicine for NEET-PG.

Click here to know the important topics of Microbiology for NEET-PG.

Click here to know the important topics of Pharmacology for NEET-PG.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the cost of doing MBBS in JIPMER?

The cost of doing MBBS is around Rs. 14,920 as per the 2022 academic year.

Fee Structure of MBBS at JIPMER: Description Fee (in Rs.)
1 Admission Fee (one time) 5,000
2 Caution Deposit (one time) [Refundable] 3,000
3 Tuition Fee (annual) 1,200
4 JIPMER Students Association Fee (annual) 2,000
5 Learning Resource Fee (annual) 2,000
6 Corpus Fund on Academic Fee (annual) 70
7 Student Information details (annual) 1,500
8 Identity card (one time) 150
Total amount to be paid at the time of admission 14,920

2. Is there PG reservation in JIPMER?

JIPMER has an internal PG quota for the students who have done their graduation from the JIPMER campus. This quota comes under the Institutional (INST) category.

3. What is the stipend for PG students at JIPMER?

The candidates admitted to the PG degree courses will get a stipend according to the 7th pay scale and level 10 i.e., Rs. 56,100 (as per the 2022 academic session) and will also get other allowances and benefits approved by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

4. Is JIPMER included in NEET 2022?

Yes, admission to JIPMER for MBBS is done through the NEET exam whereas, for MD/MS, admission is done through the INI-CET examination.

5. How many seats are there in JIPMER?

MBBS course in JIPMER has 61 seats at the Karaikal campus and 182 seats at the Puducherry campus, whereas MD/MS are available in 24 specialties with a total of 250 seats. Admission to MD/MS courses is held twice a year for 125 seats each.


The National Medical Commission (Undergraduate Medical Education Board) has issued new guidelines and the academic calendar for MBBS 2022-2023 batch on 12th Oct 2022.

As per the new NMC guidelines, the classes for the first-year MBBS batch will start on 15th Nov 2022.

Academic Calendar for the 2022-2023 MBBS Batch

According to the new NMC guidelines, there is a change in the academic calendar of MBBS 2022-2023. However, the duration of the MBBS course is the same i.e., 5.5 years including a one-year rotational internship.

Professional Year Time Frame Subjects Months(Teaching + Exam + Results)
1st 15th Nov’22 to 15th Dec’23 Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry 13 months
2nd 16th Dec’23 to 15th Jan’25 Pathology, Microbiology, and Pharmacology 13 months
3rd (III-part-1) 16th Jan’25 to 30th Nov’25 Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Community Medicine/PSM 10.5 months
4th (III-part-2) Dec’25 to May’27 General Surgery, General Medicine, Pediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynecology, ENT,
17.5 months
Internship 1st Jun’27 to 31st May’28 As per the CRMI 2021 Regulations 12 months
PG 1st Jul ‘28

For the academic year 2022-2023, the one-year compulsory rotational internship will start from the 1st June 2027 and end on 31st May 2028, as per the CRMI 2021 regulations.

The following guidelines have been issued by the NMC for the 2022-23 MBBS batch:

  • The MBBS batch will commence on 15th Nov 2022.
  • The college vacations and examination schedules may be notified as per the affiliated universities of the respective colleges.

Other board guidelines are as follows:

  1. Regarding Electives – 2 blocks of 15 days each are to be adjusted by the colleges for
    • Pre/para-clinical branches
    • Clinical branches
  2. In the 2022-2023 academic batch, the supplementary exams will be conducted with a gap of 1 month from the regular exams and the results will be declared within 15 days.
  3. There shall be no supplementary MBBS batches.
  4. The remaining rules and regulations shall remain the same as per the GMER (Graduate Medical Education Regulations) 1997. You can visit the site for GMER 1997 details:
  5. The Yoga and Family Adoption Program through village outreach shall continue for the 2021-2022 MBBS Batch.

Along with the changes in the curriculum and the guidelines mentioned above, a few more notifications have been issued by the NMC from the 2022 batch:

  • The NMC has created an Anti-Ragging Committee and Dr. Aruna V. Vanikar, President, UGMEB has been appointed as the chairperson of the committee.
  • In the NMC notification stated on 4 Oct 2022, the implementation of HMIS (Hospital Management Information System) is mandated in all medical colleges.
  • The NEET UG counselling link is active from 11th Oct 2022 on the MCC official website:


Click here to read about the NMC NExT Exam update 2023 including the guidelines, complete structure, exam dates and more.

AFMC Pune is one of the finest medical colleges in India. The college provides admission to various Graduate, Post-Graduate, Post- Doctoral medical & nursing courses. The aspirant getting admission to AFMC, Pune has an advantage of assured career prospects in defence services. The college is recognized by the National Medical Commission (NMC) and is affiliated with the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik. It is one of the best AFMS (Armed Forces Medical Services) institutions.

Here, at AFMC, candidates getting admission for the MBBS course are:

  • liable to serve in the Armed Forces Medical Service as medical officers
  • also commissioned as officers of the Indian Armed Forces, along with becoming a doctor.


MBBS is a 4-and-a-half-year course followed by a compulsory one-year rotational internship in the selected service hospitals recognized by the National Medical Commission (NMC). At AFMC, admission norms are prescribed by the Directorate General Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS), the Ministry of Defence, and the Government of India. The candidates aspiring for admission at this college must be both physically and mentally fit. They must have exceptional leadership qualities and excellent communication skills. An aspirant must fulfill the medical fitness standards and other criteria to become eligible for admission.

Eligibility Criteria For Admission to MBBS at AFMC Pune

A Candidate is required to fulfill the below-mentioned eligibility criteria for the MBBS admission at AFMC, Pune:

  1. An aspirant must be an Indian citizen, except the 05 Govt. sponsored candidates from Friendly Foreign Countries.
  2. A candidate must be unmarried and is not allowed for marriage during the course.
  3. The candidate must have attained the age of 17 years on 31st December of the admission year and the age at the time of admission must not exceed 24 years.
  4. A candidate must be medically fit according to the prescribed standards by the Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence.

Academic Qualifications:

    • A candidate must have passed the higher secondary/Pre-university/equivalent examination/B.Sc. examination in the first attempt with Physics, Chemistry, Biology (including practical examination of all three science subjects), and English from the recognized university/board.
    • A candidate should have a minimum of 50% marks in each subject (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English) and a minimum of 60% aggregate in all three science subjects.
    • Regarding the Mathematics subject requirement: If a candidate was not having a mathematics subject in the senior secondary, then, he/she must have passed the mathematics examination in the tenth standard. A certificate signed by the school authority (Principal) of the tenth standard is required to be submitted at the time of the interview. If in case, a candidate has not opted for mathematics in the tenth standard, he/she has the option of submitting the documents of the B.Sc. with Mathematics as an additional subject.

Admission Process at AFMC, Pune:

  • An aspirant has to mandatorily qualify NEET-UG examination with a minimum score of 50th percentile conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) for MBBS admission at AFMC, Pune.
  • Eligible candidates interested in admission to AFMC Pune for MBBS are asked to fill out the registration form for counseling & admission prior.
  • The list of the shortlisted candidates based on the NEET-UG merit list and who have registered for counseling is displayed on the AFMC official website for the screening process.
  • The shortlisted candidates must appear for the screening test at AFMC, Pune. As per the data for 2022, a total of 1700 shortlisted candidates (1380 boys and 360 girls) were called for the screening procedure.
  • The final merit list for the boys and girls is drawn separately, based on the NEET-UG score and the screening test score.

NEET-UG Exam Pattern for MBBS admission:

The NEET-UG exam is conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA) once a year. The following are some important points to keep in mind:

Particulars Description
Exam Mode Offline (pen & paper based)
Type of Examination Multiple choice questions
Total number of questions 200 questions (180 MCQs must be answered)
NEET total marks 720 marks
Marking scheme +4 for each correct answer

and -1 for every incorrect answer

Total duration 3hrs 20 mins
Languages The exam is conducted in 13 different languages, namely, English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Malayalam, Kannada, Marathi, Odia, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, and Punjabi

NEET Exam Section-wise Distribution:

In all 4 Subjects, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Zoology, there are two sections. Section A comprises 35 questions while section B comprises 15 questions, out of which 10 are to be answered. Each question carries 4 marks.

Screening Test at AFMC Pune:

  • Screening Test includes the Test of English Language, Comprehension, Logic, and Reasoning (ToELR), Psychological Assessment Test (PAT), Interview, and Medical Examination.
  • ToELR is a Computer-based Test (CBT) of 30 minutes duration, which consists of 40 MCQs, each of 2.0 marks. There will be a negative marking of 0.5 for every incorrect answer.
  • The ToELR test is followed by an interview of 50 marks by a panel of judges. The interview questions can be from general awareness and knowledge, interests, and personality along with the core subjects.
  • The candidate with the NCC/Sports participation at various levels and the wards of officers/JCOs/ ORs are given due weightage.
  • Psychological Assessment Test (PAT) is just a qualifying examination, and the score is not considered in the final merit list.
  • The screening merit list will be based on the final score obtained.
  • The candidates are required to bring all the original documents along with the NEET-UG admit card and score card at the time of screening.

How to calculate your Final Written Exam Score?:

    • Add your NEET (UG) 2022 score (720 points) to your ToELR score (80 points) and divide by 4 to get 200 points.
    • The final merit list is based on the total score received in the Written exam (200 points) and Interview score (50 points).

Medical Examination at AFMC, Pune:

All the candidates called for screening are subjected to the medical board constituted by the Director & Commandant AFMC. All the medical fitness standards and criteria are set up by the medical board prescribed for grant of commission in the Army Medical Corps and the decision of the Commandant, AFMC.

If a candidate is found unfit by the medical board, he/she has an option of Appeal Medical Board constituted by the Commandant AFMC. A candidate can apply for an appeal to the Commandant, AFMC, and the decision of the board is considered final.

Few Guidelines regarding the Medical Examination for MBBS admission at AFMC Pune:

  1. A candidate must not have any serious deformities or organ dysfunction.
  2. There should be no evidence of an active or previous history of STDs or HIV infection.
  3. A candidate must be mentally and psychologically fit with no disorders.
  4. The minimum height of the male cadets is 157 cm (for North-Eastern males, 152 cm), and for the female cadets, is 152 cm (for North-Eastern Females, 147 cm).
  5. The Body Mass Index must be below 27.
  6. There are specified criteria for visual and hearing standards and the Lasik procedure.
  7. For detailed information regarding the medical criteria, a candidate must visit the official site of AFMC, Pune.

Number of seats:

There are a total of 150 seats of which 5 seats are for government-sponsored NEET-UG qualified candidates from friendly foreign countries, under the aid/collaboration programs.

Among the 145 seats,

  • 115 seats are for boys,
  • 30 seats are for girls

A total of 10 seats are reserved for the SC/ST candidates (from the seats allocated to boys & girls).

Bond Agreement:

Guardians/parents are required to sign a bond agreement of Sixty-three lakh rupees (Rs. 63,00,000) at the time of admission as per the revising college guidelines and rules. Any candidate withdrawing admission after 7 days of confirmation will have to pay bond money.

In any case, if any medical cadet is removed/opted out from the service liability after passing the MBBS examination, the NOC for joining the internship will only be given after paying the bond money and clearing all the dues. All the candidates must pay Rs. 28,116 per week for the training.

AFMC MBBS Cut-off:

A candidate aspiring to get admission in MBBS at AFMC Pune must score a minimum of 50th percentile in the NEET-UG examination to get shortlisted.

The final merit list for the boys and girls is drawn separately, based on the NEET-UG score and the screening test score. It varies on the number of candidates category-wise.

The estimated NEET Cut-off score from a total of 720 marks is around:

  • 600 marks for boys
  • 620 marks for girls

The estimated cut-off score post-interview is around

    • 160/250 for girls
    • 150/250 for boys

Fee Charges at AFMC, Pune:

Fees and other costs payable by medical candidates are specified in the manual, which will be available online on the college’s official website: and at the time of admission and counseling.

Hostel Facility: All the candidates must compulsorily stay in the campus hostel. There are separate hostels for boys and girls along with the mess facility.

To get conceptual clarity in MBBS courses online, click here.

Postgraduate Admission (MD/MS) at AFMC, Pune

AFMC, Pune provides admission to post-graduate (MD/MS) courses in various specializations. AFMS conducts postgraduate training for the doctors of AFMS to fulfill specialists’ requirements. Additional vacant seats are allotted to civilian doctors and other sponsored candidates of friendly foreign countries, para-military & other govt. organizations and ex-servicemen.

Priority/category for admission:

Admission to the PG courses is controlled by the office of the DGAFMS. There is a priority list in AFMC, Pune, and other AFMS institutions for the admission of candidates to postgraduate courses. The priority list is mentioned below:

  • Priority-I: This category includes the AFMS Officers as per the NMC/NBE guidelines.
  • Priority- II: The govt. sponsored foreign students come under this category.
  • Priority-III: The medical officers sponsored by the Para-military organization/other govt. of India organizations are included in this category.
  • Priority-IV: This category includes Ex-SSC AMC officers who were released from duty after fulfilling their contractual obligations and within three years of that release.
  • Priority- V: Civilian candidates come at Priority-V. These candidates are required to submit a bond agreement by the Govt. of India at the time of PG seat allotment. If they are unwilling to join AFMS post PG course completion, they will have to pay the bond amount.

All the candidates are required to fulfill the eligibility criteria and the medical standards.

Admission procedure for MD/MS courses:

  1. All the candidates are required to qualify NEET-PG examination.
  2. Register and opt for AFMS on the Medical Counseling Committee website to be eligible for admission at AFMS institutes.
  3. Keep the counseling slip safe to be produced at the time of physical counseling.
  4. The merit list of the candidates who have successfully secured a minimum of 50th percentile in the NEET-PG examination and have registered on the DGHS/MCC website for AFMS counseling will be displayed.
  5. After the first counseling round, the candidates desiring to sit in the mop-up counseling round will have to register for the same to be eligible.
  6. The selected candidates are required to submit the original documents at the time of admission.
  7. Priority-III candidates must bring a signed subject-specific sponsorship certificate to sit for the counseling.
  8. Priority-IV candidates require the released orders and movement orders from the respective departments to be eligible to sit in the counseling session.

Service liability:

A doctor seeking admission to postgraduate courses in AFMC, Pune, or any other AFMS institution will have to serve for 5 years in AFMS (Armed Forces Medical Services).

Bond Agreement:

All civilian candidates getting admission to AFMC, Pune, and other AFMS institutions for Postgraduate Degree will have to sign a bond of 54 lakhs to a maximum of 60 lakh rupees. The amount of the bond is subject to be revised every academic year. Any candidate unwilling to serve as a medical officer post PG course or withdraws their admission in between will have to pay the bond amount to the college.

Eligibility Criteria for MD/MS admission:

    • Any candidate who has completed their MBBS from NMC-recognized colleges can register for admission to medical PG courses.
    • The candidate must be an Indian citizen.
    • Priority-II candidates must have completed the MBBS degree/equivalent examination. The candidate is also required to qualify for the NEET-PG Examination and apply for temporary registration in NMC under NMC Act.
    • A candidate pursuing a PG course cannot apply for any other PG course at the same time.
    • If any priority-III candidate wants to withdraw the admission after the seat allotment has to mandatorily submit an application signed by the designated authority of the sponsoring organization.

Specific Age Criteria for Priority-V (Civilian Candidates):

    • The age of the candidate at the time of admission must be less than 30 years.
    • If a candidate fails to complete the PG course before crossing 35 years of age, he/she will not be eligible to serve in AFMS. The candidate will also have to pay the training cost, which is Rs. 36,551/- per week to Govt. of India.
    • If in case the candidate denies serving the AFMS for 5 years, will have to pay Rs. 54,50,000/- as per the bond agreement.

Number of Seats:

The number of seats available for the PG courses is subject to the availability of the number of PG teachers, the student-teacher ratio, and other criteria laid down by the Board of Governors in suppression of NMC and affiliated universities from time to time.

The estimated number of seats for the MD/MS course at AFMC, Pune is listed below:

S.No. PG Degree Specialization Total Number of seats
1 MD Anaesthesiology 15
2 MD Anatomy 4
3 MD Biochemistry 2
4 MD Dermatology, Venereology, & Leprosy 4
5 MD Forensic Medicine 2
6 MD General Medicine 22
7 MD Geriatrics 2
8 MD Hospital Administration 8
9 MD Immuno Haematology & Blood Transfusion 10
10 MD Microbiology 7
11 MD Pediatrics 8
12 MD Pathology 10
13 MD Pharmacology 2
13 MD Pharmacology 2
14 MD Physiology 4
15 MD Psychiatry 5
16 MD Radio Diagnosis/ Radiology 7
17 MD Respiratory Medicine/ TB 3
18 MD Social & Preventive Medicine/ Community Medicine 12
19 MD Sports Medicine 2
20 MS ENT/ Otorhinolaryngology 6
21 MS General Surgery 21
22 MS Obstetrics & Gynecology 8
23 MS Ophthalmology 8
24 MS Orthopedics 6

Candidates are required to check the official AFMS website before the commencement of the counseling in a particular academic year for the exact number of seats in various disciplines at various AFMS institutions.

The actual fee structure and stipend are all informed at the time of admission itself.

General aspects to note:

  • Stipend: The candidates under Priority-IV and V shall only be provided the stipend as per the norms.
  • Accommodation: The accommodation is provided to all the PG candidates, except the Priority-IV and V.
  • Security Deposit: All the admitting candidates must deposit Rs.10,000/- as a security deposit.

How does DigiNerve help a medico?

DigiNerve is an EdTech initiative of Jaypee Brothers, pioneers, and leaders in health science publishing with over 50 years of tradition. Deliver premium medical content to enhance conceptual clarity, clinical skills, and trial excellence.

DigiNerve is second to none when it comes to course level, subject diversity, gold standard faculty, and user-friendly interface.

  • DigiNerve provides the best online courses for the MBBS subjects developed by outstanding faculty according to the CBME syllabus and NEET exam.
MBBS Online Courses Course Faculty
Community Medicine for UnderGrads Dr. Bratati Banerjee
Forensics Medicine and Toxicology for UnderGrads Dr. Gautam Biswas
Medicine for UnderGrads Dr. Archith Boloor
Microbiology for UnderGrads Dr. Apurba S Sastry, Dr. Sandhya Bhat, Dr. Deepashree R
OBGYN for UnderGrads Dr. K Srinivas
Ophthalmology for UnderGrads Dr. Parul Ichhpujani, Dr. Talvir Sidhu
Orthopaedics for UnderGrads Dr. Vivek Pandey
Pathology for UnderGrads Prof. Harsh Mohan, Prof. Ramadas Nayak, Dr. Debasis Gochhait
Pediatrics for UnderGrads Dr. Santoah T Soans, Dr. Soundarya Mahalingam
Pharmacology for UnderGrads Dr Sandeep Kaushal, Dr. Nirmal George
Surgery for UnderGrads Dr. Sriram Bhat M
  •  The course provides highly illustrative video lectures as per the CBME Curriculum with lecture notes and self-assessment questions by India’s top faculty.
  • DigiNerve also provides MD online courses, designed by the eminent medical faculty. These course provide evidence-based video lectures and notes, self-assessment questions, clinical case discussions, and regular chat shows.
MD Online Courses Faculty
OBGYN MD/ Dr. Aswath Kumar
Ophthalmology MD Dr. N. Venkatesh Prajna
Pediatrics MD Prof. Piyush Gupta
  • Apart from the MBBS and MD courses, DigiNerve brings the professional courses ‘Ultrasound in OBGYN Made Easy’ and ‘Basics of Infertility and IUI Made Easy’ by the top faculty Dr. Chaitanya Nagori and Dr. Sonal Panchal. After completion of the course, the candidates will earn a course completion certificate from Ian Donald Inter-University School of Medical Ultrasound.
  • An Exam preparation course ‘Cracking MRCP Part 1’ by Dr. Gurpreet Singh Wander and Dr. Archith Boloor, helps a medico with their preparation to crack the MRCP exam. Cracking MRCP Part 1 course is based on the curriculum devised by The Royal College of Physicians (RCP). The course has 15 online modules covering major specialties such as Clinical SciencesCardiologyGastroenterology, etc. The course includes video lectures, e-chapters, 2500+ BOF questions, mock exams, and most of all high-quality notes.


1. Can the candidates from Jammu & Kashmir get admission to AFMC for MBBS?

Ans: Candidates from Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh are eligible for admission to AFMC, Pune for the MBBS course.

2. How many MBBS seats are there in AFMC?

Ans: There are a total of 150 seats for MBBS in AFMC, Pune. Among the 145 seats, 115 seats are allocated for boys, and 30 seats are for girls. A total of 10 seats are reserved for the SC/ST candidates (from the seats allocated to boys & girls). The rest of the 5 seats are for government-sponsored NEET-UG qualified candidates from friendly foreign countries, under the aid/collaboration programs.

3. How can I join AFMC for MBBS?

Ans: An aspirant has to mandatorily qualify NEET-UG examination with a minimum score of 50th percentile conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) for admission to AFMC Pune for MBBS.



COVID-19 has devastated families, institutions, and livelihoods while also scarring those at the front lines who witness it every single day. The strain put on our mental health during COVID-19 cannot be understated and the lockdown spent watching the news during such a time of extreme crisis has pressured our mental health further. It can be helpful to take moments out of your day to truly reflect on COVID-19’s impact on education and the mental health of students that might be fractured at the moment.

For those looking to pursue medicine, seeing crippling amounts of pressure being put on the healthcare system might be personally worrying. However, it is especially important to consider the mental health of students at such a critical juncture. To help take care of your mental health during covid-19, keep the following tips in mind to reduce stress.

  1. Free Headspace Subscription – Headspace is a US-based meditation app that announced a free subscription to all healthcare workers in India to tackle their mental health during COVID-19. Headspace has conducted numerous studies to reach the definitive conclusion that with just 30 days of guided meditation and practicing mindfulness, there has been a 30% stress reduction, greatly boosting mental health of students during COVID-19. If you are searching for a sense of peace in your days, consider signing up for Headspace.
  1. Take Care of Your Health – It can be difficult to separate your own life from those you care for but finding time to ensure that you are getting the exercise and nutrition you need is essential for myriad reasons. Firstly, an adequate diet that is supplemented with vitamins and nutritious food is essential to building up your immune system, an important factor when amid a pandemic. Secondly, as physical and mental health during covid-19 are interrelated, exercise regularly, try and sleep for full 8 hours, and eat healthy.
  1. Communicate Often – One of the best ways to destress and find a connection in an isolating time is to talk to other people. Be it friends, family, or a counselor, consider finding a connection and a way to unwind. Especially when considering COVID-19’s impact on the education and mental health of students during covid-19, these forms of socialization may provide a much-needed respite.
  1. Limit News – The endlessness of social media coupled with the stress of news can seriously harm the mental health of students during covid-19 and adults alike. While we all must remain alert about further developments in the pandemic, limit the amount of time that you ingest news.

If you find moments of solace through submerging yourself into challenging but rewarding tasks, perhaps signing up for an online course is a good way to spend your day. To get started, click here to view DigiNerve’s medical course options.

The Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians (MRCP) is a postgraduate medical degree by the United Kingdom that can be obtained through a three-part medical entrance exam. Being highly competitive, acing it requires mentoring and study guides. The MRCP exam has much allure, including prestige, international recognition, and boosting your CV but first students need to understand the basics of what the MRCP exam is, and what the three parts entail-

MRCP Part 1 – MRCP Part 1 is a written exam that involves two papers, each one is 3 hours long and contains 100 best of fives (BOF) questions. To crack the MRCP Part 1, detailed and consistent preparation is the key to the first attempt of success.

MRCP Part 2 (Written Exam) – The Part 2 course follows the same format as the MRCP part 1 exam structure and cracking it will take the same sincere preparation.

MRCP Part 2 (Clinical Paces Exam) – The clinical paces course is the last part of the MRCP exam and is the practical assessment of critical examination skills. It is conducted by two senior physicians as independent examiners who will observe and evaluate each student’s practical skills.

Now that you know the basic format of the MRCP exam, the question needs to be asked – why should you choose an MRCP degree?

  1. Recognition Abroad – While India recognises the MRCP degree as being equivalent to other postgraduate degrees, it has even more benefits if you plan to work outside of India. Due to its wide recognition and prestige, an MRCP degree holder has a significant advantage over other medical degrees, especially in other foreign countries like Australia, Ireland, Singapore, and various Gulf countries. With the status attached to an MRCP degree, you can get better job offers, more professional benefits, and higher pay. Lastly, successfully passing the MRCP exam boosts your CV for fellowships and other medical ventures. And these benefits alone make this postgraduate degree worth it!
  2. Gold Standard in Medical Qualification – The MRCP exam holds prestige because of its exclusivity, making it the gold standard in types of medical qualifications. It is also mentored by the acclaimed Dr. Gurpreet Singh Wander and Dr. ArchitBoloor, both of whom have published several books and are experts in the field. Further, the MRCP exam is run by the Federation of the Medical Royal Colleges in the UK, an exclusive set of colleges that are recognised as the best in medicine. All of these factors put MRCP degree holders at the top of their field that makes it the best choice for you.
  3. Worldwide Symbol of Excellence – Holders of the MRCP degree can subscribe to any or all three UK Royal Colleges of Physicians, boosting their professional status and putting the MRCP exam at the top of postgraduate courses. Further, the double benefit of being able to use an MRCP degree in India and various international countries gives you wider recognition and opens more career paths in the future.
  4. Improves Medical Knowledge and Boosts Skill – Because of the break up into part 1 and part 2 courses of the MRCP exam, the candidate receives better medical qualifications. The paces course encourages critical thinking that mimics the qualities needed as a working doctor and thus, puts the MRCP exam at advantage over other postgraduate medical entrances. Further, to prepare extensively for the part 1 exam, Diginerveprovides a thorough course, ‘Cracking MRCP Part-1’ that consists of live webinars, video lectures, detailed course modules, and 3000 practice questions, all of which ensures improved skill and knowledge.
  5. Shortest Way to a Successful Medical Career – The MRCP degree is now regarded as the quickest method of reaching a successful and international medical career. The MRCP exam structure and preparation with the ‘Cracking MRCP Part-1’ course has been designed to ensure that students have the basic skills and knowledge needed in their careers. Further, being highly prepared in the first attempt ultimately leads to a shorter training time for the entire exam in comparison to other postgraduate courses.

Now that you have a basic understanding of what an MRCP degree is and how the ‘Cracking MRCP Part-1’ course can help you ace it, you can start planning for the exam. Get your MRCP books ready, find the exam date that works for you, manage the fees, and prepare to ace the MRCP exam to start your successful career as a doctor. Lastly, when you take the course with DigiNerve, you get an exclusive bank of practice questions, personal mentor support, and detailed course manuals, all of which make your preparation a smooth journey. To get started, click here.

Every medical student knows that the MRCP exam is one of the most prestigious postgraduate medical courses and allows graduates to practice medicine in India and worldwide, including Asian, European, and Gulf countries. Originally from the UK and conducted by the Royal Colleges of Physicians, the MRCP exam has two parts – part 1 and part 2 course. Part 1 is a written exam consisting of two papers, 100 best of five questions (BOF), and a time limit of 3 hours, all of which make cracking the MRCP exam very difficult. However, there are several advantages to passing the MRCP exam. Apart from being able to practice medicine in countries like Australia, Ireland, and Singapore, it also boosts your CV because of its global prestige. If you do want the wider recognition that passing the MRCP exam ensures, to get started, here are a few things to know about eligibility for an MRCP degree:

  1. Existing Medical Degree – The MRCP exam is for postgraduates which means that you need to obtain a bachelor’s degree before you can consider attempting it. Further, you can only apply to take the MRCP exam a minimum of one year after you have completed your medical graduation and this precious time should be spent sincerely studying for this notoriously competitive exam.
  1. Years of Medical Training – To apply for the MRCP exam, you need to have completed a minimum of one year of medical employment. This includes internships and other fellowships during which you have successfully gained practical medical knowledge that you will later require for the paces exam of the MRCP. To make the process easier, ensure that you have already completed your required medical employment so that you can focus on MRCP preparation.
  1. The Number of Attempts Allowed – The MRCP exam has a limit to the number of attempts allowed – you can attempt the MRCP medical entrance exam a maximum of six times each. Thus, you can appear for part 1 and part 2 six times each. However, you must clear part 2 and the paces course within 7 years of completing part 1. To set yourself on the right track and prevent excessive attempts, good preparation for the first attempt is the key to MRCP success. You can achieve this by rigorously using the material provided in the ‘Cracking MRCP Part-1’, a detailed MRCP preparatory course offered on DigiNerve, and guided by India’s top faculty- Dr. Gurpreet Singh Wander and Dr. Archith Boloor.
  1. Exam Dates and Application Process –  Once you’ve studied enough and are ready to attempt the MRCP exam, you need to book an exam date. The MRCP part 1 exam dates are set three times a year, in January, May, and September, with applications opening three months before each exam date. Once you have completed your preparation with ‘Cracking MRCP Part-1’, you can apply for the exam by registering through the official Royal Colleges of the UK website.
  1. Fees and Age Limit – To be eligible for the MRCP exam, a fee of £594 for international applicants, and £419 for UK applicants are required. Luckily, there is no age bar imposed to appear for the MRCP exam as it is open to all students who have sufficiently prepared.

Despite being highly competitive, acing the MRCP exam is easy with expert guidance, like the acclaimed Dr. Gurpreet Singh Wander and Dr. Archith Boloor, and with a focused study plan, complete with extensive course material on an accessible platform like DigiNerve. Now that you are informed of the eligibility criteria for the MRCP exams, know that the ‘Cracking MRCP Part-1’ is the key to success. By providing students with video lectures, over 3000 BOF questions, mock tests, and mentor support, every student will have the tools needed to crack the MRCP exam. To begin your exam preparation journey, click here to get started with DigiNerve.

DigiNerve is an online medical education platform by Jaypee Brothers, and it is here to solve all the tutoring needs of medical undergraduate students, postgraduate students, and professionals. It aims to provide top-notch content to improve concept-building, acquire clinical skills, and crack exams by top-class faculty, accessible anytime, anywhere.

There are four categories of courses offered by DigiNerve: UnderGrad, PostGrad, Professional, and Exam Prep.

UnderGrad Category includes courses for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year MBBS subjects:

Additionally, two combos are also available in the UnderGrads section,

  • Basic Sciences Combo: This combo includes the second professional courses (Microbiology, Pathology, and Pharmacology) along with Clinics to provide them a clinical foundation in 2nd prof.
  • Clinical Combo: This combo includes Medicine, Surgery, OBGYN, Orthopaedics, Ophthalmology, Community Medicine, Pediatrics and Forensic Medicine & Toxicology course.

PostGrad Category includes PG specialisation courses:

Professional Category includes the following courses:

Exam Prep Category includes the following courses:

Why Choose DigiNerve?

The course content offered by DigiNerve is not only as per the respective curriculums but is also brought to students easily and interactively. The courses include highly illustrative video lectures, competitive self-assessment questions, progress analysis, and specially curated notes while always focusing on concept-based learning. Here are a few other aspects of DigiNerve that set it as the best guide a student can have during their Top Doc journey:

  1. Esteemed Faculty: Each course on DigiNerve is curated and taught by Gold Standard Faculty in the respective field. For example, ‘Cracking MRCP Part-1’ is taught by the highly acclaimed Dr. Gurpreet Singh Wander and Dr. Archith Boloor, each of whom has published research papers and taught at renowned medical universities. Similarly, ‘Ultrasound in OBGYN Made Easy’ is structured and mentored by the distinguished faculty, Dr. Sonal Panchal and Dr. Chaitanya Nagori, who have years of expertise and have published successful books on gynecology. Also, UG courses such as Microbiology for UnderGrads is taught by the maestro himself, Dr. Apurba S Sastry along with Dr. Sandhya Bhat & Dr. Deepashree R, Pathology for UnderGrads by Prof. Harsh Mohan, Prof. Ramadas Nayak & Dr. Debasis Gochhait. These faculties already have an irreplaceable place on the shelves of every medical student. Thus, all students can be assured that no matter which course they choose, DigiNerve has got their back.
  2. Credible Content: Since all course content is structured by renowned faculty, all students get the latest medical breakthroughs, practically relevant material, clinical case demonstrations & discussions, and the benefit of over 50-year trusted medical legacy that Jaypee provides. All of this results in courses that have credible and valuable information to help students not only ace their medical and entrance exams but also develop their professional abilities as doctors.
  3. Easy to Use: DigiNerve is designed to be as student-friendly as possible. With an efficient and detailed website and a virtual classroom experience that is based on interactivity, all students can access courses and navigate with ease. Further, students can learn from their respective courses and content anytime and anywhere via the DigiNerve App. The app also has other great features, such as the Continue Journey Widget, Split View option to access the video lectures and notes simultaneously, Video Indexing, and ‘Ask a doubt’ feature.
  4. Specialization Courses: Apart from providing students with courses to help them crack competitive exams, DigiNerve also has specialized courses for doctors looking to hone in on a particular skill or for postgraduate students looking to enhance their practical knowledge. One such course is ‘Ultrasound in OBGYN Made Easy’. The course provides students with detailed knowledge of ultrasounds that is essential for gynecology and radiology practice. It also specifically teaches cutting-edge fetal medicine knowledge to help doctors reach a diagnosis.
  5. International Certification: On completion of the specialized courses offered in Infertility and IUI and Ultrasound in OBGYN, DigiNerve facilitates internationally recognized certificates for its students. Thus, boosting their CV, opening doors for higher pay and international practice in the respective specialization. For some courses like the USG course, students on completion receive a certificate from the prestigious Ian Donald Inter-University School.

DigiNerve is unparalleled in the quality of courses offered, the range of material taught, the Gold Standard faculty that structure and teach the courses, and the easily navigable interface. Thus, giving students helpful courses at a competitive price that provide them with conceptual clarity, allowing them to excel in their exams, and also offering practical guidance.

Cracking MRCP Part 1 is an online course for medical professionals preparing for MRCP part 1 exam. The MRCP (Membership of The Royal College of Physicians) is the gold standard for international qualifications in the field of medicine. The MRCP examination is conducted by the Federation of the Medical Royal Colleges – The Royal College of Physicians of London, The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, and The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.

Cracking MRCP Part 1 course is based on the curriculum devised by The Royal College of Physicians (RCP). The course has 13+ online modules covering major specialties such as Clinical Sciences, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, etc. The modules include:

Practice assessment: Practice session covering approximately 2000+ Best of Fives (BOFs)

Notes: Concise notes which are covered under three sections, namely Wake-up Calls (red flag signs pointing towards a certain disease or condition), Golden Signs (characteristic diagnostic features of a disease or condition), Clinical Gems (recommended management or preferred drug of choice for a disease or condition)

High-yield questions (HYQs): Questions based on last 10 years’ papers for last minute revision as there are lots of questions which are repeated every year

E-chapters: Chapters from book “Mastering Medicine: MRCP Made Easy” by Dr Archith Boloor in each module based on the topics covered.

Mock papers: Each candidate will get a set of 6 mock papers with set of 2 papers each, intended to provide the real feel of MRCP part 1 exam. They have been devised to be taken over a period of 7 hours which simulates the exam pattern followed by MRCP. The duration of each paper is of 3 hours and candidates are advised to take 1-hour break in between two papers. This will help in alleviating the stress prior to the exam.

Performance Tracking: The MRCP Part 1 course also tracks the performance of each candidate, provides leader-board ranking so that each candidate can analyse and study accordingly. Along with all these, 24-hour online assistance from the mentors is provided and solutions to the queries will be provided within 48-72 business hours.