Best Books for MBBS 4th Year
The subjects included in the fourth year of MBBS curriculum are General Medicine, Dermatology, Psychiatry, General Surgery, Anaesthesiology, Orthopaedics, Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics.
A medical student must always refer to the latest editions of the book to get the updated information revised according to the CBME curriculum.
Here’s a list of recommended books for MBBS 4th Year students:
Best Books for General Medicine
Book | Author | Desciption |
An Insider’s Guide to Clinical Medicine | Archith Boloor & Anudeep Padakanti |
✓ X-rays, Spotters, Common Medicines, and Instruments are included that assists in making an early diagnosis. ✓ Contains thorough material organised in little boxes and figures, making it a convenient resource for revision. ✓ Discusses model cases and conventional presentations. ✓ Only book including chapters on mental disorders, geriatric evaluation, and rheumatology. ✓ Case sheet and diagnostic formats are included for cases in each system. ✓ With clear conceptual explanations and lots of visual memory aids, it is simple to read. |
Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates: Medicine | Archith Boloor & Ramadas Nayak |
✓ Includes all the reading material a medical student at the undergraduate level would need. ✓ Simple to read, filled with visual memory and intellectual explanations. ✓ It is a ready reckoner since it contains complete information in little boxes and figures. ✓ High-yield points for the MRCP, NEET, and other competitive examinations have been included. |
Self-Assessment & Review Medicine (Part A & B) | Mudit Khanna |
✓ ‘Essential Revision Notes’ are provided before each chapter to revise all relevant and crucial topics in a more systematic manner. ✓ The book methodically approaches “medicine” by segmenting its information into clinical chapters and then into logical ideas and themes. ✓ Harrison’s and CMDT’s most recent editions have been completely updated and reviewed in the book. ✓ Presents the most crucial information in a way that is “simple to recall,” including flow diagrams and tabulation. ✓ Includes a big database of questions from prior entrance exams. ✓ Dedicated section for IBQs. |
Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine (Volume I & Volume II) | J. Larry Jameson, Anthony S. Fauci, Dennis L. Kasper, Stephen L. Hauser, Dan L. Longo, & Joseph Loscalzo |
✓ More than a thousand clinical, pathological, and radiographic images, and schematic diagrams are included. ✓ Clinically relevant decision trees and algorithms for diagnosis and treatment are included. ✓ The latest version has been completely updated with pertinent new chapters and significant revisions throughout the field of internal medicine. |
Best Books for General Surgery
Book | Author | Description |
SRB’s Manual of Surgery | Sriram Bhat M |
✓ Each chapter begins with surgical anatomy and physiology, important pertinent investigations, and a discussion of many issues in a systematic order to give readers a flow of ideas and materials with clear language. ✓ Every chapter is aligned in accordance with the CBME curriculum. ✓ Case scenarios are supplemented with brief clinical details and related images. ✓ Throughout all chapters, novel therapy modalities, concepts, and recent advancements are introduced. ✓ The book provides complimentary online learning resources:
Surgery Essence | Pritesh kumar Singh |
✓ The annexures contain triads, signals, investigations of options, and subjects based on the “most prevalent” types of questions to save time and aids in revision. ✓ IBQs are added for the PG entrance exam preparation. ✓ Synopsis is included before questions to help students understand the ideas and save time. ✓ New pattern based on NBE (wider coverage, concept development, one-liner approach) is included. ✓ Solved Multiple-Choice Questions (PGMEEs 2022-1985), including all recent ones (2022-2013) are added. ✓ Crucial information is highlighted in gold. ✓ Line diagrams and mnemonics are also provided. |
SRB’s Clinical Methods in Surgery | Sriram Bhat M |
✓ Each chapter includes information on clinical assessment techniques, investigations, and a concise summary of all surgically relevant disorders. ✓ Basic general examinations are appropriately described using examples. ✓ Provides thorough instructions for clinical evaluation along with top-notch images and graphics. ✓ The book emphasises the need of thorough clinical examinations for determining the best diagnosis, course of therapy, and follow-up. ✓ Every topic includes discussion of differential diagnosis. ✓ Several chapters offer case discussions to show students how precisely clinical examination questions are phrased. ✓ Clinical pearls are included as surgical wisdom in a few chapters and are crucial while treating surgical patients. ✓ At the conclusion, there are chapters on instruments, X-rays, and specimens for a rapid glance during the practical exam in surgery. ✓ Students can scan the QR codes and access the case demonstration videos(typical surgical situations). |
Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery: International Student’s Edition (set volume 1 & 2) | Norman Williams, P Ronan O’Connell & Andrew McCaskie |
✓ Chapter contains summary boxes with important information throughout the text. ✓ Tables, pictures, and diagrams’ uniform design and format make it easier to grasp difficult ideas. ✓ Also contains algorithms to help the reader comprehend patient care pathways. ✓ The book highlights recent significant advancements in surgical practise and those that are predicted to have a significant impact over the next ten years. ✓ Also covers paediatric surgery and organ transplantation in more detail. ✓ Readers may access supplemental material on the dedicated Bailey & Love website, which also has extended content, videos, and other tools. ✓ The pillars of safe clinical practise continue to be a thorough history taking, observation, logical reasoning, technical expertise, and postoperative patient care and is explained in the book for the students. |
Best Book for Psychiatry
Book | Author | Description |
Review of Psychiatry | Praveen Tripathi |
✓ The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, has been completely revised (DSM-5). ✓ This book has been developed keeping in mind the demands of students preparing for different postgraduate entrance examinations and MCI screening test. ✓ Updated completely with ICD-11. ✓ INI-CET pattern questions have been updated. ✓ Issues like the Mental Health Care Act have been updated. ✓ Updated based on the 10th editions of the Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry by Kaplan and Sadock and the 7th edition of the Short Textbook of Psychiatry. ✓ Includes IBQs. |
Best Books for Pediatrics
Book | Author | Description |
Review of Pediatrics & Neonatology | Apurv Mehra, Meenakshi Bothra Gupta & Taruna Mehra |
✓ To help students become familiar with current trends and test patterns, the book is enhanced with more than 3200 MCQs that are organised chronologically with recent questions. ✓ Provides a brief, point-by-point summary of each chapter, including high-yield points, mnemonics, and flow diagrams. ✓ The chapters have been divided into three sections: General Paediatrics, Neonatology, and Systemic Paediatrics. ✓ Developmental stages, prominent characteristics of significant metabolic illnesses, significant genetic syndromes, a list of “Most Common” and many other crucial high-yielding topics for last-minute review are included in the annexures. ✓ Over 500 completely coloured photos are included. ✓ Under the guise of an “integrated approach,” questions with an emphasis on images have been offered. |
Ghai Essential Pediatrics | Vinod K. Paul & Arvind Bagga |
✓ Excellently drawn tables, graphs, and flowcharts are provided throughout the book and explanations are simple to grasp. ✓ Every chapter generally has “Suggested Reading” at the conclusion in case a student wishes to go more into the subject. ✓ The chapters on growth, adolescent health, vaccination, infection, the gastrointestinal system, malignancies, and inborn metabolic defects have all undergone considerable rewriting and revision in the latest edition. ✓ With a wide range of distinguished authors, this paediatrics textbook is the most favoured and trusted in India for both undergraduate and graduate students. |
Exam preparatory Manual for Undergraduates: Pediatrics | Snehal Patel, Halak Vasavada |
✓ Sample case presentations with frequently asked questions in viva are part of a special practical paediatrics chapter. ✓ A brand-new chapter on Covid-19 and the Covid 19 vaccinations contains myths, tragedies, and brilliant ideas is included in the latest edition of the book. ✓ For typical ward operations and competences, there are brief video snippets. ✓ Include clinical case studies at the conclusion of each chapter. ✓ Rational investigative technique, bedside realistic interpretations of frequent investigations are included. ✓ Important clinical tips in each topic—a must remember. ✓ Using flowcharts, tables, and figures, create a reader-friendly question-and-answer presentation. |
UG Textbook of Pediatrics | Piyush Gupta |
✓ Diagrams, flowcharts, and clinical pictures are abundant throughout the book to aid with comprehension and recall. They really make up the majority of the book. ✓ The text is succinct, to the point, and yet comprehensive; it is interwoven with numerous Tables and Boxes, where necessary. ✓ Case Studies that demonstrate the typical outcomes of common diseases in children are sprinkled throughout the book as an addition. ✓ Each significant topic is followed by “In A Nutshell” overview of the main ideas. So, only reading these boxes can revise the entire text. ✓ The sentences are brief, the paragraphs are concise, and the jargon has been deconstructed to make the text easier to read. ✓ The design uses colour coding to identify treatment, case studies, revision points, tables, boxes, and recommended reading. |
Best Books for Orthopaedics
Book | Author | Description |
Essential Orthopedics: Principles & Practice (2 Volumes) | Manish Kumar Varshney |
✓ Updated and thoroughly edited to reflect the latest developments in the treatment of elective orthopaedic disorders. ✓ An orthopaedic trauma primer with a list of frequently occurring fractures has been included to the annexures. ✓ The foundational sciences of orthopaedics have been thoroughly covered. ✓ To establish linkage, sections are separated into bodily areas. ✓ The growth of Malunions, Musculoskeletal Imaging, Preoperative Planning, Nanotechnology, Orthopedics in the Digital Renaissance, and Neglected Trauma to Bones and Joints (Annexure 4) are a few of the new chapters that have been introduced. ✓ Addition of a large number of pertinent images and figures, as well as tabulation. ✓ Enhanced with more than 2200 insightful graphics. |
Fundamentals of Orthopedics | Mukul Mohindra & Jitesh Kumar Jain |
✓ Simplifies and thoroughly covers orthopaedic problems that are on the edge, including the spine, polytrauma, metabolic bone disorders, arthritis, skeletal dysplasia, brachial plexus palsy, thoracic outlet syndrome, and soft tissue sarcomas. ✓ New chapter on sports injuries and their recovery is introduced. ✓ Offers more than 1000 well labelled photos with similes that show all clinical and radiological symptoms in orthopaedics as well as commonly used tools and implants. ✓ Discusses High-Yield Points at the conclusion of each topic that are directed towards the prevalent style of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) ✓ Includes questions from previous year’s MCQs with textual references for the answers. |
Orthopedics Quick Review (OPQR) | Apurv Mehra |
✓ Succinct is exam-oriented material. ✓ Flowcharts that are self-explanatory. ✓ Images and diagrams that complement the text can help pupils comprehend fundamental ideas more clearly. ✓ Simple to remember mnemonics. ✓ After each chapter are possible Retro Analysis questions. ✓ “Summary of Ortho” is provided for quick review. ✓ Every student aiming for the Top Ranks in the PGMEE must read OPQR because Ortho is a subject that determines rank. ✓ In each topic, important topics are underlined. ✓ Genuine High Yield Questions with a fast revision designation are provided. |
Chapman’s Comprehensive Orthopaedic Surgery (5 Vols.) | Michael W Chapman & Michelle A James |
✓ Offers in-depth coverage of the diagnosis, medical, surgical, and rehabilitative aspects of musculoskeletal problems. ✓ The 285 chapters and 12 speciality divisions are included. ✓ Detailed coverage with more than 13,000 additional tables, flowcharts, and 3D images in full colour are provided. ✓ Surgery methods are bulleted. ✓ Boxes on Pitfalls, Complications, and Tips & Tricks are provided. ✓ ‘Information at a glance’ is crucial thanks to the authors’ point of view. ✓ The digital edition comes with improved functionality and a video library. Videos are included in Chapters 45, 48, 138, 156, 158, 193, 259, 263, and 281. |
Essential Orthopaedics | Maheshwari & Mhaskar |
✓ It becomes “all-in-one” book for UG students and residents when an annexure on “Clinical Methods” is included. ✓ Free online resources include clinical cases, multiple-choice questions, and practise tests. ✓ There are Competency/Learning Goals listed at the start of each chapter. ✓ A section titled “Additional Information: From the Point of View of Entrance Exams” is provided at the end of each chapter. ✓ Reviewing the definitions of various orthopaedic terminologies is made easier by the annexed “Orthopaedic Terminology” section. ✓ Each chapter ends with a question titled “What have we learned?” for a fast recap. ✓ For improved readability and comprehension, some graphics and X-rays have been changed. |
Manipal Manual of Orthopaedics | Vivek Pandey |
✓ Content is readable, accurate, and pertinent. ✓ For ease of comprehension, the whole material has been split into two sections: trauma and cold orthopaedics. ✓ Includes pertinent graphs, flowcharts, schematics, and radiographs. ✓ For ease of comprehension and writing in exams, the majority of conditions provide the therapy as an algorithm with a written explanation. ✓ Has a tonne of revision boxes with Key Information, Notes, and Points-to-Remember highlighted. ✓ A brief description of the anatomy precedes each condition, which is then followed by pathology, clinical signs, a diagnosis, tests, and treatments. |
Best Books for Obstetrics & Gynecology
Book | Author | Description |
DC Dutta’s Textbook of Obstetrics (Including Perinatology & Contraception) | Hiralal Konar |
✓ Content is written in clear, plain language. ✓ Every chapter has the same, uniform information. ✓ 790 line drawings, pictures, photographs, boxes, tables, flowcharts, MR images, ultrasonograms, and skiagrams are included to enhance the text. ✓ Each chapter has undergone a comprehensive update and reorganisation to reflect modern obstetric treatment of the highest calibre. ✓ A lot of revisions and updates have been made to Ch. 13 Normal Labor, Ch. 39 Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring, Ch. 31, 32, and 33 on Perinatal Care, and Ch. 34 Analgesia and Anesthesia in Obstetrics. ✓ For ease of navigation, a list of the most used acronyms has been supplied. ✓ The supplemental reading material for advanced learning can be accessed with the QR codes. This strategy aims to support and get graduate students ready for their numerous exams. |
DC Dutta’s Textbook of Gynecology | Hiralal Konar |
✓ This book’s presentation, which includes high-quality graphics and design, voluminous illustrations (366), excellent pictures (330), and imaging studies, is what makes it stand out. ✓ There are several tables, boxes, flowcharts, and algorithms included for repeatability and simplicity of study. ✓ The essential points are at the end of each chapter to offer an outline overview of the whole chapter. This is helpful for quick and simple review. ✓ Viva questions along with explanations and answers are given for the clinical and viva voce portions of the exam. |
Self-Assessment & Review Gynecology | Sakshi Arora Hans |
✓ Completely edited and updated from Novak’s Gynecology, 15th edition, and William’s Gynecology, 3rd edition. ✓ Updates are based on the most recent revisions and recommendations. ✓ Contains a clear, full-color depiction of the text. ✓ Contains over 158 coloured pictures, USG, HSG photos, equipment, and specimens. ✓ Includes annexure tables for last minute revision. ✓ Includes all most recent tumours staging and treatment (Cervix, Vulva as per FIGO guidelines). ✓ Must-read material for taking a gynaecology test, including undergraduates, international medical graduates, interns, and post-interns. |
Self-Assessment & Review Obstetrics | Sakshi Arora Hans |
✓ Content is thoroughly revised according to Williams Obstetrics 25/e. ✓ With the most recent question trends in mind, new pattern questions have been introduced to each chapter. ✓ Additional questions with images. ✓ Added a manual for CTG. ✓ Includes annexures for last-minute changes. ✓ Includes details of significant Instruments, Dopplers, and Ultrasounds. ✓ Topic of HIV is included. |
Bedside Clinics in Gynecology | Arup Kumar Majhi |
✓ Chapters have been updated and edited as per the CBME curriculum. ✓ Topics covered in this book include history-taking and examinations, clinical cases, instruments, operations, specimens, and images. ✓ Includes all the topics that will be covered in the oral and practical exams. ✓ Enriched with 330 graphics and over 845 unique pictures. |
Ward Rounds in Obstetrics & Gynecology | K Srinivas & Sunanda R Kulkarni |
✓ Incorporates case-based discussions and a problem-based learning strategy. ✓ Each chapter begins with the case history, examination, and investigations before addressing the topic followed by pertinent questions and pertinent responses. ✓ The book offers skill-transfer exercise in the form of in-depth case analyses, which are extremely helpful for both undergraduate and graduate students. ✓ This book’s discussion of intensive care unit (ICU) rounds, postoperative ward rounds, the examination of a victim of sexual assault, cardiac disease in pregnancy discussed by both the obstetrician and the cardiologist, some frequently encountered problems like vulval hematoma and fever in pregnancy, the use of bedside ultrasound in obstetrics, the discussion of invasive foetal procedures, etc. are some other unique aspects of the book. |
Best Books of Anaesthesiology
Book | Author | Description |
Anaesthesia Essence | Pritesh Singh & Usica Chandan |
✓ The latest edition of the book is thoroughly revised and updated including exam pattern questions, important annexures and image-based questions. ✓ The content is updated from Miller 8th/e, Morgan 5th/e, Lee 13th/e, Wiley 7th/e, Barash 7th/e, Stoelting 6th/e, Dorsch 5th/e. ✓ The book also provides the free online exam support. |
Short Textbook of Anaesthesia | Ajay Yadav |
✓ Best for last-minute revision. ✓ Concentrates on the subjects that appear most frequently in pre-PG exams. ✓ A handy reference for anaesthetists in practice. ✓ Nine parts separate the text to make reading more comfortable. ✓ Key points are highlighted in italics. ✓ Each chapter’s conclusion includes a list of key points. ✓ Tabular overview of the themes has been provided, wherever necessary. ✓ Recent advancement and innovations in medications, tools, and methods are also included in the content. ✓ The American Heart Association’s (AHA) 2015 update serves as the foundation for CPR recommendations. |
Best Book for Radiology
Book | Author | Description |
Review of Radiology | Rajat Jain & Virendra Jain |
✓ Based on information and ideas from the CT and MRI (Haaga), CME Series, Som and Curtin 5th/e, Dahnert 8th/e, Grainger 6th/e, Sutton, Scott, and Rumack 4th/e textbooks. ✓ Updated image-based questions. ✓ New INI-CET pattern questions are included. ✓ Contains questions from the JIPMER, WBPGMEE (2018), All India (1991–2012), AIIMS (Nov 2021–1991–2012), DNB (2012–1991–2018), and Other State Examinations (2016-1991). ✓ The content included in General Radiology, Systemic Radiology, Radiotherapy and Nuclear Scans, Few Thumb Rules in Radiology, Image-based Questions is not only intended to prepare students for exams but also for their future clinical training and day-to-day hospital employment. |
Best Book for Dermatology & Venereology
Book | Author | Description |
Review of Dermatology | Saurabh Jindal |
✓ Full-color images that are incorporated with the chapter’s content. ✓ Mnemonics, high-yield charts, and memory aids are included. ✓ Conceptual diagrams have been hand-simplified in each chapter. ✓ For last-minute revision, there is a short review section at the end of each chapter. ✓ Based on Fitzpatrick 8/e, Rook’s 9/e, Bolognia 3/e, Habif 5/e, Andrews 11/e, McKee 4/e, King Holmes 4/e, Lever 10/e, and IAL 2/e of the newest standard textbooks. ✓ 807 additional full-color images and 200 additional full-color graphics are included. |
By the fourth year of MBBS, students are expected to integrate clinical knowledge with practical skills. While textbooks continue to play a key role, platforms like DigiNEET and DigiOne provide crucial digital learning tools. DigiNEET covers a wide range of clinical subjects relevant to the final MBBS year, including medicine, surgery, pediatrics, and gynecology, helping students consolidate their knowledge with high-yield MCQs, video lectures, and mock tests. Meanwhile, DigiOne provides foundational insights into subjects such as clinical anatomy and physiology, ensuring students have a strong base for their clinical practice and postgraduate preparation.
To get conceptual clarity on MBBS courses online, click here
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